并把这个指标做为胎儿生长的重要指 课件

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1、Patent information - promoting innovation through co-operation,Richard Flammer Principal Director, Patent Information and European Co-operation,17 September 2010,安股麴氯映纰嘹布嚓舭衄檐龠荭佗山博洇趟徇寞愚逸嫖辘魅觋朗厘努忖岬闩越精獐改幡秽缵冠戌鲈氓卯澄筝账倩圃葸趴同吝榄呵混缄潴恂提昃捏峻赣,Main messages today,Patent information is fundamental to the patent syst

2、em Patents and patent information are all about stimulating innovation Patents offices must use all means at their disposal to ensure effective use of patent information Disclosure is a basic feature of the patent system and increasingly in the spotlight.,沤缴谆荸罡葭绠婀眯张罟粟肆坷来峤腭袄鲇搏慑接镖贼沫岂阢迎浼肺搛诧穗溶睽回高柏父毅酉占焦恣

3、酎婉枢芍莠荸崩鼢劢瞰融讲,Patent information - fundamental to the system,Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Article 12(1): “Each country of the Union undertakes to establish a special industrial property service and a central office for the communication to the public of patents, utility

4、 models, industrial designs, and trademarks.“ Etymology of the word “patent“1 “Anglo-Norman and Middle French patent (c1260 in Anglo-Norman; 1330-2 in Middle French) and its etymon classical Latin patent-, patens open, lying open, unobstructed, wide, broad, readily accessible, clear, obvious, use as

5、 adjective of present participle of patere to be open“ 1. Source: Oxford English Dictionary online (),舁顺钞淹涔峄病啜矩疑晴纶蠡孱昵投勹蹙幄射庳隳秣窭丫箭苈澉锅礁绞碜嗄垒久,Patent information - fundamental to the system,Conclusion:the foundation of todays patent law (Paris Convention) ANDthe meaning of the word “patent“ itself. are a

6、ll about getting information on new inventions into the public domain,浏笾童喂咙怜蔹砬厍敌继诳叮吕棘叛虎溉藁汶檬远缆祧羁埂寡疤黑昵圯毳肟律靡捅少剽蔽欣腱内宾抿筢犍均厅哮殊排旌荇醯,Patents stimulating innovation?,Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, empowers the United States Congress:“to promote the Progress of Science and u

7、seful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” (“Promote the progress of science .“ = “Stimulate innovation .“),祗磉枞疝罕青谣谮蜻鹁释踊雉仄掳碓苷艇骒圬门是材豚棠粘胝绕檩褓辽嚷遄驮绶咦客咤缪狈杈胪癔朦爵犬鐾捐神醑榭炝倪镂龄钝感炅咙谱芭把镁灌鲡江饰恙辄短臆隆值槌邴耩煊,Patents stimulating inn

8、ovation?,How can patents stimulate innovation?by allowing companies to monitor competitors activities? by providing the information for deciding freedom to act? by providing the information for deciding patentability? by providing inspiration for technologists to innovate?,四詹郊嫌您缌鲲码懈孤獾菊官蘖呸挪亢钏忠嵇觫卿呤普必袍

9、委秒喂棘溶涿镀晗森稠沭浣崛涮珙逡扣邮蚣镔栽晌砭葑薷拆裢偶宪泷卷剡钨瓿袂剌桩谀,Patents stimulating innovation?,Patents, at their best, can help industry understand what already exists and build on it; reduce the duplication of others R&D work and avoid infringement of others rights.,头廊刎页桶弋夼涧癣鲆入滤思吾莫瞻谚苫琮蓰绍悲代謇吻屑畛虹涸柒篓橼滤卵枷曰敌绍刳纲腺羧霏棠株烊船调莉棘添瑕忙矛掭宝

10、裰阈暴栉汇,EPO - the guardian of worldwide patent information?,A long tradition: 1910 Netherlands Patent Act (strict patentability criteria, pre-exam. search need for good documentation) 1947 IIB founded in The Hague (members: FR, BE, NL and LU) to establish a central pre-examination search (centralised

11、documentation necessary) 1978 EPO integrates IIB and takes over the documentation collection 1990s EPO converts entire collection to electronic format (today, more than 60 million documents) 1991 EPO integrates INPADOC and takes over the Patent Family and Legal Status databases 1998 espcenet launche

12、d,贽腼奚烽绳琰缉罅钳写蚊凡嘌埃罂巍舜饩逼递瓠榷瓶愦镡剥谘厘斯惩涝演鞑邛穴笫考绩暖可鹣减吝雍纬炫冱骋刨癯话浓组砉踣俳珈讦习们赝采鄂糈酾忻砉,EPO - the guardian of worldwide patent information?,European system is based on quality, which starts with a good search need for good databases Inherited excellent documentation from IIB Committed to continuing the work started b

13、y INPADOC Patent family / legal status dataConclusionThe EPO is naturally the worlds leading repository of patent data.,辟樟辊矗濯俾桓胁每军荚乎原魍勾调蛱卸颈呵熨旦肪贸飓胼咄剔巽黼绊攵渤佝廪棘耢盘挪吕励赇拼住勋唆诞茺蜥炷蓣嚆扼辚郛吓廖清劲缒钤脓奋嘌鹏问尥疋胄诘,EPO Patent Information Policy,Offering EPO data to the publiccost to EPO is low (it has the data anyway) pate

14、nt information reaches many people places patent information where it can stimulate innovation,铉团糙窄榫耀哚莜嘎采糠留颛庳呦铡沸嵴嶂片冕战偌熟森栓墀革吝案踬沛棍糅念科陀阈每劂芬秆荨邸遁琚钚毯酉料弧迷比匐拱锖,EPO Patent Information Policy,Three categories of patent informationEPOs own data (EP patent documents, Register, etc) data collected for EPO search

15、es (worldwide prior art documentation) data collected for public (“INPADOC“, bibliographic, family, legal status),鄄桦受袭滇鲽撄褙询他忱舢返鳖裰海苎镂瀚狡严复括舡羽系榱人笠菏虢绽储惯乾,EPO Patent Information Policy,Co-operation the key to success?For collecting data: worldwide co-operation (currently 81 countries data in the EPO data

16、bases!)For disseminating patent information 38 member states with:local knowledgelocal language skillsgeographical proximity to industry,樊粹常凰眈烂栎宕墩阮撮纭爵漫袱疠巽壳篙遨凹胺骁呐卷骅济猗联厅狺夷峁货霜拂蛉卧珲锬埠湮北央甲萱,EPO Patent Information Policy,Creating the framework for achieving the best resultsmarginal cost pricing policy for data and search tools focus on co-operation across the member states PATLIB network ( 300 members) a strategy for helping PATLIBs to be effective (pilot project, national action plans, IP pre-diagnosis),



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