五年级英语下册unit 6 a pe lesson课件

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《五年级英语下册unit 6 a pe lesson课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册unit 6 a pe lesson课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、do some exercise,exercise,锻炼,做操,Head and shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes. Eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes.,order,give orders,follow the orders,命令,发出命令,服从命令,The new orders:,1.Put your fe

2、et together,jump up and down.,3. Lift up your left leg and touch it withyour right hand.,4. Lift up your right leg and touch it withyour left hand.,2.Stand in a line.,Put your feet together,up,down,jump up and down.,a line,Stand in a line.,lift up,抬起, 举起, Lift up your left leg and touch it with your

3、 right hand.,Lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.,Listen and number:,( ) Jump up and down ten times.,Lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.,Put your hands on your head and turn left and right ten times.,( ),( ),( ),Lift up your left leg and touch it with your ri

4、ght hand.,1,2,3,4,Mr. Ma and his students are having a PE lesson in the playground. At the PE lesson, they stand a line, and put their feet . They jump and . Then they put the hands their heads and turn and . At last, they lie the back, lift the legs and touch them their hands. Thats very interestin

5、g.,in,together,up down,on,left right,on,up,with,Whats in the circles?,3.Stand in a line.,1.Lie on your back,lift up your legs.,2.Lift up your left leg and touch it with your left hand.,Read and march. (连线),a.,b.,c.,4. Touch your feet with your fingers.,d.,Look at the pictures and give the orders. (看

6、图给命令),1.,2.,3.,1.Put your feet together,jump up and down two times.,2.Put your hands on your head, turn left and right four times.,Follow the orders:,4. Lie on your back. Lift up your legsand touch your feet with your hands.,3.Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.,Left, right, lef

7、t, right, turn left, turn right.Up, up, down, down, jump up and down.lift, lift, lift up, lift up your arms. Down, down, put down, everybody sit down.,Say a chant :,2008,The Olympic Games is coming. Everybody should do more exercise everyday. I can do some exercise like these:,My body exercise plan

8、(计划),Put my feet together, jump up and down four times. 2.Put my hands on the head, turn left and rightfive times. 3. Lift up my left leg and touch it with my right hand. 4. Lift up my right leg and touch it with myleft hand. 5. Do this ten times.,Homework : 1.Read the text three times. 2.Retell the

9、 text.(复述课文) 3.Do some exercise by your plan.(根据你的计划,做运动),Thank you!,http:/ http:/www.66L http:/ http:/www.taLkcL http:/ wod42xqy道。众人:“是啊,我们都看见了”“这就是证据!”领头的士兵说道,“你还有什么好说。”“是这个奶奶碰瓷在先,我”面对不知实情的人们,慕容凌娢不知该从何说起。“你刚刚说了碰瓷?”领头的士兵低下头小声的询问。“嗯,怎么”慕容凌娢突然想醒悟,碰瓷一词源于清朝末年,而此时不管是人们的服饰,还是生活方式。绝不会处于清朝末年。“你们几个,先回去复命。就说

10、犯人已经被制服了。”此人向身后其他几个士兵命令道,“我随后就到。”“是。”其他几个士兵训练有素的齐声回答。“小姑娘,你也是穿越过来的吧?”领头人见士兵都走了,人群散开后,才敢提起此事。“这么说你也是了?”慕容凌娢十分兴奋。今天居然接连碰见两个和自己一样穿越过来的人,太匪夷所思了。“那你可一定要相信我啊,那个老奶奶我根本没有撞。”“这个我当然相信,因为她跟我们是一伙的”(古风一言)江山替换人世无常,谁又可以在这浩荡风烟中一如既往。第007章 晴穿会是什么鬼?“这个我当然相信,因为她跟我们是一伙的。”“什么?”慕容凌娢叫了出来,不自然的后退了几步。“那那你想怎样。”“哈哈哈你还真是警惕呢。”士兵头




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