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1、内部招聘公告 各部门员工: 为促进员工个人事业发展,激发员工潜力,体现公司的人才发展战略,现将采购部空 缺职位高级采购员向公司内部优秀员工发布招聘公告,期望大家踊跃竞聘。具体内容如下:1.招聘岗位: 高级采购员(1 名) 2.岗位职责及任职要求 岗位职责 (1)负责新供应商开发、收集与本公司有关的采购供应商信息,组织安排工程和 质量对新供应商的评审、考核 (2)负责新产品的供应商定点工作,严格按流程执行三方比价原则,控制降低采 购成本,完成采购目标;安排项目组和工厂及质量对相关供应商,工程方案, 产品价格和交期等相关定点要求进行评审,进行供应商定点。 (3)跟踪工厂品质和物流部门对于现有供应商

2、进行组织项目和工程开发对供应商 品质、交期、配合度进行评审和考核, 在采购部对采购资源进行合理分配 和选择和维护潜在供应资源,决定合适的采购方式及合约时提供参考。 (4)熟悉所负责采购产品的产品信息,了解相关物料的市场价格情况; (5)对已批量采购的直接生产材料进行方案改善研究,与供应商进行年度议价, 更新年度价格协议,有效减少采购成本 (6)对已批量采购的直接生产材料的采购量和价格进行月度跟踪,确保价格执行 情况有序进行。 (7)建立采购品管理档案,确保每份采购合同充分、适宜,满足公司的采购要求 (8)妥善处理本部门与相关部门的沟通协调工作,使其部门之间的工作有序进行。(9)定期向经理汇报工

3、作情况和建设性改善方案 (10) 服从领导的其他工作安排; 岗位任职资格 (1)在集团工作满六年 (2)英语流利 (3)善于表达沟通 (4)善于计划工作,精准,负责 (5)有志于在采购领域进行职业生涯发展的人员 3.应聘程序如下: (1)所有符合招聘条件者都可在 5 月 12 日前发送个人简历到 (2)人力资源部和该岗位空缺部门根据上述岗位要求对申请人进行初步筛选 (3)面试和测试 (4)竞聘结果公布人力资源部2017-5-2Internal recruitment noticeDear all: In order to promote the development of the perso

4、nal career, stimulate the potential of the staff, reflect the companys human resources development strategy, the purchasing department vacancies Senior Buyer within the company staff recruitment notice, expect everyone to competition. Specific contents are as follows: Recruitment post:Senior Buyer (

5、1 person) Job responsibilitiesLead new supplier development, sourcing potencial supplier, lead the audit and evaluate for the new supplier work with engineering and quality department.Lead new material nomination with at least 3 suppliers quote offer, control purchasing cost and achieve purchasing t

6、arget; arrange Project team, plant, quality for the nomination of supplier base on supplier qualification, engineering concept, offer cost and lead time, ect conditioning.Monitor monthly supplier quality and logistic performance report, for the reference of the new nomination distribution Familiar w

7、ith the responsible product family concept, acknowledge related product benchmarked Price.Maintain relationship with supplier.Price reduction projects study; annual price negotiations, update price agreementsAnnual Business planning, price index monitoring, purchase volume reporting; Implement agree

8、d supplier strategy according to business needs;Maintain each supply contract for the supplier, price information etc into internal IT systems (Intranet, SAP system etc) and archive fileEfficiency and good internal communication with related department for procedure the work smoothly.Work report and

9、 optimization concept proposalIn obedience to other orders assignment Job RequirementsWork in Grupo for six years Good command of English Good command of Communication Good timing/activity planning, precise, and responsible; Interested in career development in the procurement fieldCandidates are as

10、follows: First stage: all meet the recruitment conditions can send your resume to before May 12th Second stage: the human resources department and the vacant position of the Department shall make preliminary screening of the applicants according to the above requirements Third stage:interview and test Last stage: the competition results announcedHR



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