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1、Unit 8 My Friends,Part A,福建省龙岩市溪南小学 张红琼,Friends,Say a chant !,Sing,sing,singing. I am singing. Run,run,running. He is running. Dance,dance,dancing. She is dancing. Draw,draw,drawing. They are drawing. Play,play,playing. We are playing.,Friends,She is _.,drawing,He is _.,playing chess,He is _.,Whats

2、Peter doing,Listen,watch and choose.,Listen,watch and choose.,Whats Peter doing,an email,reading,an,I am reading an email.,I am reading an email.,Hi, Peter. What are you doing?,photos,A: What are they doing? B: They are _.,looking at the photos,(看照片),p: Whos the girl? M: Thats _.,P: Whats she doing?

3、 M: Shes _.,Wang Tao,playing with Fido,P: Whos the boy? M: Hes _.,P: Whats he doing? M: Hes _.,playing football,Sally,P: Peter M: Mother,Q1: Where is Sally from?She is from _.,Q2: Whats Wang Tao good at?He is good at _.,sports,the USA,the USA= the United States of America,M: Hi, Peter !What are you

4、doing ? P: I am reading an email.M: Whos the girl ? P: Thats Sally.She is from the USA. She is in my class.M: Whos the boy? P: Hes Wang Tao.Hes good at sports.,M: Hi, Peter !What are you doing ? P: I am reading an email.M: Whos the girl ? P: Thats Sally.She is from the USA. She is in my class.M: Who

5、s the boy? P: Hes Wang Tao.Hes good at sports.,M: Hi, Peter !What are you doing ? P: I am reading an email.M: Whos the girl ? P: Thats Sally.She is from the USA. She is in my class.M: Whos the boy? P: Hes Wang Tao.Hes good at sports.,M: Hi, Peter !What are you doing ? P: I am reading an email.M: Who

6、s the girl ? P: Thats Sally.She is from the USA. She is in my class.M: Whos the boy? P: Hes Wang Tao.Hes good at sports.,Hello! I am Peter. This is my friend, _. She is in my class. She is from _. She is good at _. Look, she is _.,Sally,the USA,playing with Fido,drawing,任务:假如你是Peter,你应该如何介绍你的朋友Sally

7、呢?,Hello! I am Peter. This is my friend, _. He is in my class. He is from _. He is good at _. Look! He is _.,Wang Tao,China,playing football,sports,任务:假如你是Peter,你应该如何介绍你的朋友Wang Tao呢?,Ask and Answer.,He is singing.,Whats he doing?,He is running.,Whats he doing?,What are they doing?,Whats she doing?,W

8、hats she doing?,She is dancing.,She is reading.,What are they doing?,They are playing chess.,They are playing football.,A: Whats he doing? B: He is _.,Guess!,running,A: Whats she doing? B: She is _.,Guess!,reading,A: What are they doing? B: They are _.,Guess!,dancing,Guess!,singing,dancing,swimming,

9、drawing,playing football,playing the violin,playing basketball,提示:一名学生做动作,一名学生猜动作,其余学生一起问。,Whats he/ she doing?,This is my friend, _. He/ She is in my class. He/ She is from _. He/ She is good at _. Look! He/ She is _.,My friend,Sun Hui,Xiamen,drawing,making paper flowers,This is my friend, _. He/ S

10、he is in my class. He/ She is from _. He/ She is good at _. Look! He/ She is _.,My friend,You and me. From one . We are family.,world,class,My friends,你和我,来自同一个,我们是一家人,世界,班级,Help each other and learn from each other! 互相帮助,互相学习!,Homework: 1.Listen to the tape 5 times.(听音,跟读录音五遍。) 2.Introuce your friends to your parents.(介绍你的好朋友给你的父母。) 3.Finish the Ex of the activity book.(完成活动手册),


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