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1、I.语法: 时态问题 (01 1.记住与各时态相关的“特征词” 2.表示“将来”的几种形式及基本区别: shall will be going to +动词原形 be to do sth. be +coming (leaving, starting, reaching, returning. be about to do sth. 3.用于表示过去未实现的希望和计划的表达: A. should like to / would like to / would love to + 不定式的完成时态 B. was / were going to do sth.(用过去将来时态表示原打算做什么) C.

2、 was / were going to have done sth. 表示未完成原来的计划和安排 D. expect , intend , hope , mean , plan , promise , suppose , think , want , wish常用过去完成时态在这些词后接宾语从句或者接不定式的一般形式;或者用一般过去时态后面接不定式的完成形式表示过去未曾实现的愿望,考前知识清理01,F.情态动词should ,would, could, might, ought to等后接不定式的完成时,表示过去本该做,打算做,想做而未做的事情 G. had better / would r

3、ather + 不定式的完成时,表示一种过去的愿望常译为“当初最好当初真该” II. 句型复习: 1. would (should) you like to do sth. should love to do sth. feel like doing sth. would like to do sth. would like sb. to do sth. such a diligent man that so diligent a man that such a diligent man as such interesting books that such rapid progress th

4、at so many (few) people that so much (little) money that so diligent (fast) that diligent (fast) enough to do sth. so lazy (slowly) that he cannot too lazy (slowly) to do sth.,E. wish that had done sth.表示过去未曾实现的愿望,III.词汇:A. 常用动词用法 (01) agree sb. agree with + sb. / sb.s opinion / what 同意某人意见 sth. agr

5、ee with sb. 适合 sth. agree with sth. 相一致,相符,和谐 agree on (upon) sth. 就取得一致的意见 agree with sb. on sth. 在方面同意或意见一致 agree to do sth. 愿意(同意)做 agree that.同意是事实或应当如何 注释:该词一般作为不及物动词用表示“同意”时有三种表达法,with 后接“人” 具体的观点和看法:opinion, plan, idea等; what引导的从句 作及物动词用时, agree to do sth. 愿意做 agree that 同意是事实或应当如何,B. 短语记忆: a

6、ccording to 根据 a lot of/lots of 许多 add up to 加起来 a few 一些 again and again 一再,多次 a great deal 许多 all kinds of 各种各样的 a little 一些 a kind of 一种 after all 毕竟 C. 记住下列动词并写出它们的汉语意思: absorb vt. accept vt. accompany vt. account v. act v. adapt v. add v. admit v. advance v. advise vt. afford vt. aim v. answer

7、v. achieve vt. adopt vt. allow v.,考前知识清理02,. 语法: 时态问题 (02) 4. 完成时态中瞬间动词的处理方法: A. 不合表示一段时间的时间状语连用 B. 将瞬间动词变成状态动词 C. 换用句型It is since did 5. 复合句中的时态问题: A.主句是现在时态,从句可是任意时态 B.主句是将来时态,条件状语从句中只能用现在时态 C.主句是过去时态,从句只能是过去的时态 6. 情景中的时态问题 这是近几年高考中时态考察的重点关键是要对所提供的情景进行仔细认真的分析 善于找到判断时态的依据,II. 句型复习: Whats wrong (the

8、 matter, the trouble) with ? Is there anything wrong (the matter ) with ? There is something (nothing ) wrong (the matter) with? Something (Nothing ) is wrong (the matter) with? in order thatmay (might, can, could,) so thatcan (could, may, might) ; so as to (in order to) do sth. do (try) ones best t

9、o do sth. do what (everything, all) you can do sth. what he said all that he said III. 词汇 A. 常用动词用法 (02) look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介词短语,)看起来, look about 四周打量 look about for 四处寻找 look ahead 预测未来 look like 看起来像 look as if 看起来好像 look well 看起来不错,look sb. up and down 上下打量某 look at 看,望,看待 look afte

10、r 照看,照管,照顾,负责处理 look back on 回顾, look down upon (on) 看不起,蔑视 look for 找寻,自找(麻烦), look forward to盼望,希望;预计会有; look in作短时间的访晤(参观), look in on拜望,顺便来看望 look into调查,了解,研究 look on旁观,在旁边看 look on as把看作 look out 查找,找出;当心,注意 look out for 当心,提防;找寻,注意; look over 翻阅,审读;复习 look round 审视,到处看看;回头望 look through 翻阅,查看

11、;读一遍 look to 照顾,注意,负责 look up查出,了解;看望,拜访 look up and down 上下打量,B. 短语记忆: and so on 等等 a number of 许多 a set of 一套 as a result 结果 as well as 也 at any time 任何时候 at first 首先 at least 至少 at once 立即 at the beginning of 开头,开初 C. 记住下列动词并写出它们的汉语意思: appear vi. apply v. appoint vt. appreciate vt. approach v. ap

12、prove v. arrange v. assign vt. attack v. attain vt. attemp t vt. attend v. avoid vt. belong vi. bend v. blow v.,考前知识情理03,I.语法: 定语从句 1.引导词的功能:. 引导定语从 . 代替现行词在定语从句中充当某一句子成分 2.引导定语从句的连词用法: 连 词 主 句 中 先 行 词 是 在 从 句 中 充 当 的 成 分 是 who 人 主语 whom 人 宾语 whose 人或物 定语(该词后要跟名词) that 人或物 主语,宾语,表语 which 物 主语,宾语 (还可

13、以引导非限制性定语从句) where 表示地点的名词 地点状语 (=介词 + which ) when 表示时间的名词 时间状语 (=介词 + which ) why reason 原因状语 (= for which ) as 在限制性定语从句中常和suchas,the sameas 等句型连用.在非限制性定语从句中,可以代替主句中的某一成分或整个句子的意义,3. way 后面的定语从句可由in which , that 引导,或者什么都不要 4. that 在使用中的特殊要求 5. 限制性和非限制性定语从句的区别 6. as 与which在引导非限制性定语从句的三点区别;as常和know,

14、see, understand, expect等词连用;可位于句首;常译为:正如 II. 句型复习: 1. would rather (not) do sth; would rather do sth. than do sth. would rather sb. did (had done) sth; prefer sth. to sth. else prefer doing sth. to doing sth. else; prefer to do sth. rather than do sth; insist on doing sth. rather than do sth. 2. No matter what (whatever) he does; No matter how (However) difficult it is 3. to ones surprise (delight,satisfaction,disappointment, joy) What surprises (delights, satisfies, disappoints, pleases) one is,



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