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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Its the ABC song.教学目的与要求:1、知识技能目标:能听说读写 26 个英文字母。能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小 写字母。2、情感、文化目标:对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。重点、难点:1、听说读写 26 个英文字母。2、掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。课前准备:头饰,录音机,字母卡片,单词缩写挂图,英、美、中国国 旗、奖品等。板书设计:Lesson oneTHE ALPHABET 字母表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv

2、 Ww Xx Yy Zz教学步骤:一、复习一(一、复习一(5 分钟)分钟)(一)问候Sing“Good morning”song and“How are you?”(二)自由会话(DDavid,让学生做小先生,以下为 David 与同学们的对话)Dialogue 1:T:Good moring, whats your name ?D: Hello,my name is DavidD-a-v-i-d(同时书空) Im 12Glad to meet youSs:Nice to meet youD:This is Miss Wang,my English teacherT:Glad to meet

3、youSs:Nice to meet youDialogue 2:D:Look,Whats this in English?S1:A catD:Spell it,pleaseS1:Yes,c-a-t,catD:What colour is it?S2:BlackDislogue 4:D:Lets count from 1 to 30,OK?Ss:OK(Boys 1,3,5Girls 2,4,6 Clap hands from 1 to 10Stamp feet from 11 to 20Clap hands and stamp feet together from 21to 30)(拍手跺脚数

4、数)Dialogue 5:D:Lets sing the song“I can say my ABC”Ss:OK!(Listen to the tape and sing the song)二、新授(二、新授(35 分钟)分钟)(一)按字母表顺序听说读写 26 个字母。1教师在黑板上写 Lesson 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个认 读字母。2让 1 号到 26 号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从 A 到 Z,然 后对学生说 Lets count from 1 to 26全班看着一个个字母用英 文数数。3高低声朗读(Read the alphabet in a low voice then recite

5、 in a loud voice)4书写空字母 Listen and show the cards of letters:Bb Dd Ff Gg Jj Qq Nn Rr Un Ww Mm Xx Yy Tt5找朋友游戏:带头饰的同学走到教室前说出字母之后将头 饰传给别的没有头饰的同学(Play a game of looking for friendsFor example,B:A-B-CThen say G:F-G-H,J:I- J-K,Q:P-Q-R,W:V-W-X)6听歌曲,默写字母接力赛,发给每组一张四线格纸,每组 学生按字母顺序一人写一个,看哪组写得又快又好,获胜者得红 旗。(二)帮字

6、母找邻居进行练习A:Hello,Im ATheyre my friendsHello,come here,pleaseH:Hello,Im BJ:Hello,Im CK:Hello,Im DA:Lets say the tongue twister ABCD togetherOne,two start!带头饰的学生向前一步说出自己的字母。练习 26 个英文字母。(三)学习单词缩写1有些单词可以用他们的缩写形式来写,醒目易懂;例如 MON M 代表 Monday;TUE 代表 Tuesday;MAR 代表 March 等, 或使学生开阔视野,扩大知识面。可以问学生:Do you know Hon

7、g Kong?接着介绍香港的缩写形式 HK。(用香港区旗和其他一些图片来学习 UK,USA,PRC,HK,AM,PM,CCTV 等缩写形式。)2教给学生记忆单词缩写形式的方法,例如:今天 AM CCTV 播放了 UK 和万达两队的球赛,PM 又播放了 PRC 和 USA 的足球赛。我们希望 PRC 能大获全胜,为 PRC 人民争光。3进行有关香港回归的爱国主义教育。4猜谜游戏。(四)巩固(Consolidation)1游戏:两个学生到黑板上写,其他同学在课堂上写,遇到 字母要出来。2根据字母拼单词做课堂练习。3加加减减C(G) O(Q) P(R B) N(W M) E(F) N(V)4根据投影

8、仪快速认识字母大小写uv WM BDP ygqp sx rn etc5总结(Summary)领读本课的字母。6教会学生养成良好习惯,边唱歌边传回 26 个字母卡片。(五)作业(Homework)1口头背诵 26 个字母,并练唱字母歌。2抄写 26 个字母,以唱 Goodbye 歌曲结束课。三、板书设计三、板书设计 Module1Alphabet Unit 1 Its the ABC Song.Whats your favourite song? Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Its Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx Y

9、y Zz教学反思:教学反思:Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow.一、教学内容:Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow.二、学习任务:My/His/Her favourite colour is yellow.三、语言功能:谈论自己最喜欢的颜色等。四、教学目标:1.情感目标:培养学生把英语运用到生活实际中的能力。2.知识目标:基本能听懂、会说、会读词汇:colour 、yellow, blue, black.3.能力目标(1)发音准确,能听懂录音。(2)能谈论自己最喜欢的颜色。(3)提高英语表达能力。四、教学程序:Step1

10、Warming up(一)Greeting.(师生相互问候)(二)Sing together:师生齐唱 ABC 歌曲。【设计意图:欢快的歌曲,营造轻松活跃的课堂气氛,使学 生放松心情,提高他们的学习兴趣。 】Step 2Presentation1.教师边用彩笔画彩虹边说:My favourite colour is red.Whats your favourite colour?Ss:T:Her/His favourite colour is .T:(老师带上 Sam 的头饰)Hello, my name is Sam.My favourite colour is blue.教授单词:whit

11、e, pink, purple.pink:强调发音,结合 in 帮助学生记忆。2.拿出 Amy 的头饰。T:Who is she? Ss: Amy.T:Whats Amys favourite toy? T: What colour? Its pink.3.拿出一个 doll.T:The doll is linglings favourite toy.Do you like a doll?教授“doll”强调 oll 的发音。领读:My favourite toy is a doll.4. 拿出 Daming 的头饰 T:My favourite toy is a ship.Do you li

12、ke a ship?教授“ship”领读:My favourite toy is a ship.My favourite toy is a kite.教授新单词的时候,通过开火车、听说、书空、快速闪现单词、 造句子来记忆这些单词。【设计意图:利用情景教学法和直观教学法进行新知识教学, 有利于学生对新知识的认知、理解和运用。】Step3 play a game.小组为单位,互相介绍自己最喜欢的玩具。Step4 Learning the text:T: Sam likes car. Amy likes computer game. Daming likes ship. Lingling likes

13、 doll.And what about Tom ?Ok, Please listen to the tape and answer my question.1.播放第一遍录音,学生跟读,初步感知课文内容。2.回答问题。Tom. My favourite toy is a kite.Amy. My favourite toy is a computer game.Sam. My favourite toy is a car.Daming. My favourite toy is a ship.Lingling. My favourite toy is a doll.3.播放第二遍录音,学生跟读

14、,模仿语音语调。【设计意图:听录音,根据录音校正地方口音,并借助电子教材 感知和理解课文内容,形象生动,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生 用英语对情景进行理解和描述。】4.小组内分角色自由朗读课文,教师巡视并指导学生发音。Step5 Practise then listen again and try to answer these questions:What does Sam do on Sundays?What does Sam do in the morning?What does Dalin do on Sundays? Let SS listen the third times and

15、point and say.At last work in groups to practise the diologue. 2.Learn the words and phrases:sleep,watch TV, in the morning,in the afternoon. 四布置作业 读读背背:P66 M6(words)P32-33。板书设计:ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1.1. WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo onon Sundays?Sundays?What do you do on Sundays?I go swimming./sle

16、ep/watch TV.A:What do you do on Sundays?Saturdays?in the morning?in the afternoon?B:I go swimming./sleep/watch TV.教学反思:ModuleModule 6 6UnitUnit 2.What2.What doesdoes LinglingLingling havehave atat school?school?教学目标:1.1.知识目标:知识目标:1)have class today music has Chinese maths art PE science 2) What does Lingling have at school


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