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1、Letters: 1. Letter of Request (请求信) 2. Application Letter (申请函) 3. Letter of introduction (介绍信) 4. Letter of Acknowledgement (感谢信) 5. Letter of Apology (道歉信) 6. Letter of Sympathy) (慰问信) 7. Letter of Complain (投 诉 信) 8. E-mail Electronic mail 9. Notice/ Memo (Poster) 10. Inquire letter (询价信) 11. A L

2、etter of Quotation (报价信) 12. Dunning Letter / Payment demands (催款信) 13. Contribution Wanted (招聘) 14. Book Room (订房) 15. Letter of Invitation (邀请信) 16. Resume 17. Note (便条) 18. Request for Leave(请假条) 19. Letter of Resignation (辞 职 信),English Letters Form 1. Heading or letterhead 2. Receivers name and

3、 address 3. Salutation(称呼语) 4. Body of the letter 5. Complimentary close: e.g. Yours sincerely / truly / faithfully Sincerely yours/Your sincere friendWith best regards 6. Signature: Hand-written signature is required.,Letter of Request请 求 信,格式与普通书信格式基本相同;请求信应包括两方面的内容:,1. 请求内容。常用的句型有:I wishWed like

4、toWe would ask you to take the trouble of,2. 无论结果如何,都应表示感谢。常用的句型有:We would fell much obligedwould be greatly appreciated.,有时也把两个方面组成一个句子中,如: We would ask you, with deepest thanks and appreciation, to take the trouble of writing for us about your full support of you shop as well as your confidence in

5、 our position.,1.,1903 Huashan RoadShanghai 200030July 8, 2008 Dear Sir,I wish to enroll in your intensive English program before I attend a university in the fall of 2002. Your sending me application materials at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours,Wang Xiaoping,Le

6、tter of Request请 求 信,1. 给出版社写一封信,请求索取该出版社最近出版的有关英语学习方面的书刊目录。,July 5, 2008 Dear Sir,I am interested in the books your company has published. I want very much to get the information about the various books on English learning that you are publishing.I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send m

7、e some catalogues of your latest books on this subject.Sincerely yours,Wang Xiaoling,July 7, 2008 Dear Professor King, Allow me to introduce to you Mr. Liu, the bearer(捎信人) of this letter. He is one of my former students and is going to enter your institution after graduation here. Will you please g

8、ive him some necessary guidance about the entrance examination ? I shall be much obliged if you will show him any favor.Yours,Alice,Letter of introduction 介绍信,3.,1. 介绍一同事,希望你朋友能提供方便。,July 7, 2008 Dear Mr. X,I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Y, a good friend of mine. He is going to spend

9、a few days in your town. Any assistance you may give him will be regarded as a personal favor for Zhang Hong.Yours, Zhang Hong,2. 介绍一学生,希望在你朋友单位查阅有关资料能获得帮助。,July 7, 2008 Dear Professor Wang , Allow me to introduce to you Mr. Li, the bearer of this letter. He is one of my students and is going to loo

10、k for materials in your library for his MA paper. I shall be much obliged if you will do him any favor.Yours, Zhang Hong,受到别人赠送的礼物,或得到别人的某种帮助后,都应写信表示感谢。感谢信的特点是:时间及时、简明扼要、着重事由、感谢真诚。以下句型仅供参考:,4.,Dear Mr. Hallinen,I must write and thank you for your kindness to me personally on my visit to your univers

11、ity earlier this month. I am very grateful for the time you spent answering my somewhat persistent questions, and the trouble you went to, to make my stay in your university as interesting as possible.In fact, I can assure you those two days were the highlight of my trip to your country.Yours very s

12、incerely,George R. Finlay,道歉信与普通书信的格式基本相同,但应注意态度要诚恳,原委要解释清楚,措辞要委婉。 常用表示道歉的句型有: Im very / terribly / awfully sorry for / that / to Please accept our apologies for I regret that / to say that ,Letter of Apology 道歉信,5.,Examples,May 5, 2009 Dear John,Im terribly sorry that I failed to come yesterday. I

13、hope that this did not mess you completely, although I know that you had already made some special agreements for our meeting Im very sorry about all that. Im sure youll be sympathetic, however, when I tell you that my father is dangerously ill in a hospital, and that I found it impossible for me to

14、 leave him when he is in this state. I hope you will accept my sincere apologies.Yours,Alan Hoad,Letter of Apology,亲友生病、受伤或由于某种不幸事件蒙受了损失,应该写信表示慰问。慰问信与普通书信的格式基本相同,但要注意措词。如果病情并不严重或损失不大,慰问信可写得轻松一些;若是病情严重或损失重大,就应该写得深沉一些。写慰问信时一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞,不要随信写上一些不相关的事情。总之,慰问信要规范、简短、感情真挚。常用的句型有:,I was shock

15、ed / saddened / distressed / grieved to hear that,I just cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of / that,We are hoping / hope for / to / that,(Letter of Sympathy) 慰问信,6.,July 10, 2008 Dear Chen Hong,I was shocked to learn that you broke your leg in a traffic accident and I am anxious to know how yo

16、u are now. If I can be of any help, please dont hesitate to let me know.Yours, Zhang Zhen,Example,Letter of Complain 投 诉 信,投诉信与普通信的格式基本相同。写信时要注意态度诚恳、直接了当。一般说来,一封投诉信包括三个最基本的方面:,1) 投诉内容。一般放在信的开头。常用的表达语有:I am writing to you about / with reference which we received / bought I am going to complain about ,


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