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1、精选牛津版七年级英语上册第一次月考专题精选牛津版七年级英语上册第一次月考专题-完形填完形填空带答案空带答案完形填空(1)Helloeveryone! My name is AnnI 1 from AmericaI am in ChinaI will tell you something about my 2 There are 3 people in my familyThey are my grandparents,my parents and IMy father is a workerMy mother is a doctorThey 4 hardI am in Grade 3 nowI

2、 enjoy 5 But I 6 good at ChineseI must read many booksMy 7 is near a river8 a photo of my familyYou can 9 lots of people in itI 10 my family very much( )1Acomes Bis Care Dcome( )2Ahome Bfamily Cclass Dschool( )3Aone Bthree Cfive Dseven( )4Asing Bwork Ctalk Ddo( )5Aread Bto read Creading Dto reading(

3、 )6Aisnt Bdont Cam Dam not( )7Amother Bfamily Cfather Dhome( )8AHere are BHeres CThese are DThere are( )9Aread Blook at Csee Dlook( )10A1ikes Bto like C1ike D1iking(2)A good memory(记忆力)is a great help for _1_ a language. Everybody learns _2_ own language _3_ keeping in mind what he hears _4_ he is a

4、 small child. Some children like those who _5_ abroad(国外)with their _6_, seem to learn two languages _7_ as they do one. In school, it is not so easy for pupils _8_ a second language because they have very _9_ time for it. Memory is like a diary that we keep _10_.( )1.A. learn B. learning C. learnt

5、D. learn about( )2.A. his B. him C. its D. ones( )3.A. with B. by C. on D. in( )4.A. when B. where C. after D. before( )5.A. live B. lives C. lived D. living( )6.A. parent B. parents C. people D. books( )7.A. easy B. easyly C. easily D. easier( )8.A. to learn B. learn C. study D. studies( )9.A. a fe

6、w B. few C. little D. a little( )10.A. every B. every day C. everyday D. everyone(3)Tom is a boy from America. He is 11 only American boy in our school. He is in Class 3, Grade 7. He is a friendly boy 12 all the students like to make friends with him. He says he enjoys living and 13 in China.Tom say

7、s he likes sports. He looks tall and strong. He is about 1.70 metres tall. He 14 us he is a good tennis 15. He often played tennis 16 coming to China. But now in our school, he cant find any good 17 to play tennis. There isnt a tennis court in our school. I tell him that he can be a good player in o

8、ur basketball 18. So he joins us and practices with us twice a week. We find he is a good player. He 19 shooting (投篮). He often 20 for our team. Now, Tom is very happy. He begins to like playing basketball.( )1. A. the B. a C. an D. one( )2. A. because B. and C. but D. if( )3. A. working B. studying

9、 C. writing D. reading( )4. A. talks B. speaks C. says D. tells( )5. A. people B. student C. player D. boy( )6. A. after B. before C. when D. without ( )7. A. time B. food C. rooms D. places( )8. A. class B. court C. team D. classroom( )9. A. is good at B. is weak at C. is easy at D. is interested a

10、t( )10. A. plays B. takes C. scores D. wins(4)On weekdays, Ann gets up at six thirty. She 1 breakfast at seven, and 2 she goes to school 3 foot. She gets to school at about seven thirty. She doesnt like _4 . Classes begin at eight oclock, and lunch 5 at twelve. 6 are over at three thirty, and she 7

11、home at five oclock.On Sundays, Ann doesnt get up 8 . She gets up at about eight oclock, and 9 breakfast for her family. Her father and her mother like to go 10 after supper very much.( ) 1. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 2. A. after B. before C. that D. then( ) 3. A. by B. with C. on D. for( ) 4. A

12、. late B. be late C. to be late D. to late( ) 5. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 6. A. Class B. Classes C. School D. Schools( ) 7. A. gets to B. get to C. get D. gets( ) 8. A. early B. late C. be early D. be late( ) 9. A. goes B. has C. makes D. eats( ) 10.A. walk B. walks C. walking D. for walking(5

13、)I have a friend. He is a boy. His name is Nick. He is from England. Nick is a sports fan .He likes 1_every kind of games. He likes basketball, football, tennis, badminton_2_ swimming. And Nick is good at 3 football.Yang . Chen is his favourite football player. Nick is a member 4 the Football Club.When he goes shopping , he always 5 newspapers about sports and he often watches sports news. His school is very big and beautiful. There is a 6 in his school.He usuall


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