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1、Unit 10,Where did you go on vacation ?,Nanyan Middle SchoolZhou Wenfang,SectionA (1a-2c),watch TV,on weekends,do my homework,watched TV,did my homework,last weekend,Talk about your vacation,.,.,Talk about your vacation,A: Did you watch TV last weekend?,B: Yes, I did.,/ No, I didnt.,Talk about my vac

2、ation,?,stay at home / go to the beach.,A: Did you last weekend? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. A: Did your friend last weekend? B: Yes, she/he did. / No, she/he didnt.,Pair work,Talk about my friends vacation,summer camp,New York City,Central Park,museum,Talk about their vacations,went to the beach,w

3、ent to New York City,went to the mountains,visited museums,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to summer camp,A:Where did he/she/they go on vacation? B:He/She/They,Listen,went to the beach,went to New York City,went to the mountains,visited museums,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to summer cam

4、p,1.Tina,2 Brad,3. Sally,4. Xiang Hua,5.Tom,c,a,b,2b Listen again. For each question check( )“Yes,I did.”or“No, I didnt.”as you hear them talk.,A: Nancy, where did you go on vacation? B: I went to A: Oh, really? Did you ? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.,Where did you go on vacation? What did you do? Ho

5、w was ? .,Make a survey,Report : I have some friends. They had different vacations.Tom went to New York City.He visited Central Park. He thinks it was great.,Talk about your friends vacations,Homework,Talk about what you did on your vacations.2. Give some suggestions(建议) about vacations.,Lets do ourhomework.,Thanks a lot !,


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