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1、Shipment,Introduction Letter Analysis Specimen Letters Useful Expressions Sentence Patterns and Examples Exercises,I. Introduction,(1) Shipment Shipment is a very imortant part in foreign trade because goods by seller have to be delivered to the buyer abroad, and the delivery of goods is to be made

2、possible by transport services (by road or rail, sea, and by air).As, basically, some 98% of world trade is conveyed by sea transport we lay an emphasis on sea transport in this chapter. But, with the development of the trade to the landlocked countries, air transport and land transport are now wide

3、ly used in our foreign trade.,I. Introduction,In international trade, it is gennerally accepted that the contract is broken if the consignor (or exporter) does not dispatch the goods in accordance with the time and mode of delivery as agreed upon betweeen the consignee (or the importer) and the cons

4、ignor. Therefore, in negotiating the clause dealing with the transportation of goods in a sales contract, the elements of time, types of shipping service, freight, etc. should be under careful consideration.,I. Introduction,The shipment should come into effect neither too long nor too short a time a

5、fter the contract is concluded. Generally speaking, the time limit governing a shipment is of three categories:The shipment with a fixed date, e.g. before the end of June, on June 25;The shipment with a date in the near futre, e.g. immediate shipment, prompt shipment;The shipment with an indefinite

6、date, e.g. shipment within 30 days after the date of receipt of the letter of credit, shipment subject to shipping space available, shipment by first opportunuty.,I. Introduction,The baisic marine transport are as follows: Conference line vessels(班轮公会定期船) ships operated by a line that is a member of

7、 a shipping conference; Non-conference line vessels ships operated by shipping companies that do not belong to conferences but provide scheduled services; Tramp ships(不定期货船) ships not following regular route but trading in all parts of the world in search of cargo, primarily bulk shipments(散装运输); Ch

8、artered ships(租轮) ships hired to transport products for a particular purpose or time.,Introduction,Three parties involved in the movement of the goods:,Unit Fourteen Shipment (装运),the consigner(发货人) who sends the goods; the carrier(承运人) who carries them; the consignee(收货人) who receives them atthe de

9、stination.,shipping documents. The bill of lading, the insurance policy and the commercial invoice are called shipping documents. With these shippig documents ready, the exporter will try to get payment for the goods shipped.,Bill of LadingIn international trade goods are sent by cargo ships from on

10、e country to another. When the exporter places the goods on board the ship he gets a receipt from the shipping company, which is called Bill of Lading (B/L). The bill of lading is important because it gives the right to the goods. In international trade, delivery of goods is actually made by handlin

11、g over the bill of lading. Without L/C, the importer cannot take delivery of the goods unless he can prove that the goods really belongs to him. Whoever possesses the B/L can claim the goods on presentation.,Kinds of B/L:On Board B/L or Shipped B/L (已装运提单)Received for Shipment B/L (备运提单)Through B/L

12、(联运提单,全程提单)Clean B/L (清洁提单)The bill of lading, the insurance policy and the commercial invoice are called shipping documents. With these shippig documents ready, the exporter will try to get payment for the goods shipped.,Kinds of B/L:,1)已装船提单(SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L): 承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 2) 备运提单或待运提单

13、(RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L): 承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 3)直达提单(DIRECT B/L): 货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 4)联运提单或称转船提单(THROUGH B/L): 承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 5)班轮提单(LINERB/L): 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。,Kinds of B/L:,6) 租船合同提单(CHARTER PARTY B/L): 用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,

14、或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 7) 记名提单(STRAIGHT B/L): 只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。 8)指示提单(ORDER B/L) 此种提单通过指示人背书后可以转让。 通常有未列名指示(仅写ORDER),列名指示(ORDER OF SHIPPER或ORDER OF CONSIGNEE/COMPANY;ORDER OF/BANK)。,Kinds of B/L:,9) 不记名提单(BLANK B/L)或(OPEN B/L): 提单内没有任何收货人或ORDER字样,即提单的任何持有人都有权提货。 10) 清洁提单(CLEAN B/

15、L): 货物交运时,表面情况良好,承运人签发提单时未加任何货损、包装不良或其他有碍结汇的批注。 11)不清洁提单(FOUL B/L): 货物交运时,其包装及表面状态出现不坚固完整等情况,船方可以批注,即为不清洁提单。,各种提单的特点:记名提单在收货人CONSIGNEE一栏内列明收货人名称,货物只能交与列明的收货人,这种提单失去了代表货物、可转让流通的便利,但同时也可以避免在转让过程中可能带来的风险;,各种提单的特点:不记名提单上不列明收货人名称,又称来人抬头提单,这种提单不需要任何背书手续即可转让,或提取货物,极为简便。承运人应将货物交给提单持有人,谁持有提单,谁就可以提货,承运人交付货物只凭

16、单,不凭人。这种提单丢失或被窃,风险极大,若转入恶意的第三着手中时,极易引起纠纷,故国际上较少使用这种提单。另外,根据有些班轮公会的规定,凡使用不记名提单。在给大副的提单副本中必须注明卸货港通知人的名称和地址。,各种提单的特点:指示提单上不列明收货人,凭背书进行转让,有利于资金的周转,所以在国际贸易中应用较普遍。指示提单按照表示指示人的方法不同而分为以下三种: )托运人指示提单:在收货人栏内只填“凭指示(TO ORDER)”字样,由托运人背书后转让,又称空白抬头提单。这种提单在托运人未指定收货人或受让人之前,货物所有权仍属于卖方,在跟单信用证支付方式下,托运人就是以议付银行或收货人为受让人,通过转让提单而取得议付货款的。与记名指示提单不同,这种提单没有经提单指定的人背书才能转让的限制,转让时只凭托运人的空白背书即可,所以其流通性更大;,各种提单的特点:指示提单上不列明收货人,凭背书进行转让,有利于资金的周转,所以在国际贸易中应用较普遍。指示提单按照表示指示人的方法不同而分为以下三种: )记名指示人提单:收货人栏内填“凭某某指示(TO ORDER OF.)”,根据指示方不同分为凭托运人SHIPPER的指示、凭收货人指示或凭进口方银行指示等,分别需托运人、收货人或进口方银行背书后方可转让或提货,又称指示抬头提单;,



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