外研版新版高三英语一轮复习精品课件第7讲 module 1our body and healthy habits(必修2)

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《外研版新版高三英语一轮复习精品课件第7讲 module 1our body and healthy habits(必修2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版新版高三英语一轮复习精品课件第7讲 module 1our body and healthy habits(必修2)(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,佳 作 晨 读,基 础 梳 理,考 点 探 析,跟 踪 训 练,返回目录,高中英语 必修2,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,5月20日是中国学生营养日。某中学生英文报为此开展征文比赛活动,请根据以下要点写一篇征文,谈谈你对中国肥胖儿童现象的看法和建议。内容要点:1描述现状:中国肥胖儿童1200多万;2说明理由:常吃快餐、缺少锻炼;3提出建议:注意:1可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;2词数120左右。,返回目录,佳 作 晨 读, 精 彩 美 文 No Mor

2、e Child Obesity Recent years have witnessed a growing number of up to 12 million children in China getting more and more overweight. When it comes to the obesity problem, the reasons are not far to seek. One of the primary factors that account for the problem is childrens addiction to junk food, whi

3、ch adds too much fat and sugar to whoever takes it. Another factor to mention is childrens lack of exercise in everyday life.,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,佳 作 晨 读,To make matters worse, the fact that many children stay up late into night also contributes to the problem.Personally I

4、do believe it is of great importance to keep a balanced diet, which guarantees proper nutrition in our diet. Whats more, a healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy life. After all, it is a healthy body and mind that really matters in promising us a bright future.,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Health

5、y Habits,佳 作 晨 读, 名 师 点 睛 1行文逻辑:提出问题分析问题解决问题。较好地使用了连接词,如:To make matters worse,Personally,also,Whats more,After all等。2词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇和短语。如:witness,a growing number of, up to, seek, account for, lack of, contribute to, of great importance等。,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,佳 作 晨 读,3句式句法:

6、运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:When it comes to the obesity problem(时间状语从句)。that account for the problem; which adds too much(定语从句)。whoever takes it(名词性从句)。to mention(动词不定式作定语)。that many children stay up(同位语从句)。do believe;it is a healthy body and mind that really matters(强调结构)等。,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Hea

7、lthy Habits,佳 作 晨 读,.单词荟萃 1_ adj. 罕见的;珍奇的 _adv. 很少地, 罕有地rareness n. 稀奇; 珍贵 2_ adj. 不健康的, 不卫生的_adj. 健康的, 卫生的 health n. 健康 3_adj. 富裕的wealth n. 财富 4_adj.忧虑的;焦虑的, 不安的;渴望的anxiety n. 焦虑, 忧虑 5_vt.损害, 伤害injury n. 损伤, 毁坏 _adj. 受伤的,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,rare,rarely,unhealthy,he

8、althy,wealthy,anxious,injure,injured,6pain n. 痛苦, 疼痛;(常用复数)辛苦, 努力v. 使痛苦;疼痛 _adj. 令人疼痛的; 令人痛苦的; 疼的painless adj.无痛的; 不引起痛苦的 7_adj. 正常的, 正规的n. 正常状态abnormal adj. 不正常的 8overweight adj. 超重的, 肥胖的 _v. 重, 称重, 权衡_n. 重量, 体重 9_v. 呼吸, 呼气breath n. 呼吸, 气息, 一口气 10_adj. 吓人的; 糟糕的, 难受的 _adv. 非常awfulness n. 糟糕, 恶劣, 难受,

9、返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,painful,normal,weigh,weight,breathe,awful,awfully,.短语检测 1至少 _ 2朝前进 _ 3生病了 _ 4一周四次 _ 5患感冒 _ 6宁愿 _ 7喜欢甜食 _ 8进行锻炼 _,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,at least,head towards/for,get sick/fall ill,four times a week,catch/have/get a

10、cold,would rather,have a sweet tooth,take exercise,9对着迷 _ 10发烧 _ 11不上班 _ 12支付的费用 _,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,be crazy about,have a fever,be off work,pay for,.佳句再现 1I _ a week. 我每周至少锻炼两个小时。 2When Zhou Kais mother saw him_ the front door_, she_him anxiously.当周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就

11、往前门走去时, 她担心地盯着周凯。 3_I was_play football in the rain. 那是因为我很傻, 竟然冒雨踢足球。,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,take at least two hours exercise,heading towards,without a jacket on,eyed,Thats because that,stupid enough to,4So_ from_ , Im a normal kind of person. 所以, 正如从我上面所说的话你们可以看出来, 我

12、是一个很正常的人。 5_you will be really tired tomorrow. 现在就上床睡觉, 否则明天你会很累的。,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理,Go to bed now or,as you can see,what Ive said,.单元语法Nouns used as verbs; Will/Be going to for future actions,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,基 础 梳 理, 单词点睛 1 fit adj.

13、(suitable for, good enough for) 合适的, 恰当的, 胜任的;(in good health)健康的v. (to be the right shape and size for)适合, 合身;(to make suitable for a particular role or task)使适合, 使胜任; (to supply sth and fix or put it into place) 安装, 装置(1)keep fit 保持健康(2)be fit for sth/to do sth 适合(做)某事(3)fit in (with) 适应;相处融洽,返回目录

14、,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,考 点 探 析,【易混辨析】 fit, suit和match (1)fit 多指大小、形状合适。 (2)suit 多指衣服、颜色、发式等适合某人的风格、性格等, 或某种安排等合乎需要, 对某人方便。(3)match 多指大小、颜色、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 温馨提示fit除了作动词时与match, suit的辨析很重要外, fit本身既作形容词又作动词这一点, 学生易混淆。,返回目录,第7讲 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,考 点 探 析,【活学活用】 (1)My wife has not been in very good shape, and she has taken up tennis to get fit. 我太太近来身体不大好,她就开始打网球来增进健康。 (2)The wallpaper and the paint_ pretty well. 壁纸和油漆的颜色十分协调。 (3)This hairstyle doesnt_you. 这种发型不适合你。,



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