五年级英语下册 unit 5 whats the weather like today课件 陕旅版

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《五年级英语下册 unit 5 whats the weather like today课件 陕旅版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 unit 5 whats the weather like today课件 陕旅版(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The End,Welcome to our class,Unit 5 Whats the weather like today?,Whats the weather like today?,天气怎么样?,Its sunny.,晴朗的,sunny,Whats the weather like today?,X,It s rainy.,下雨的,rainy,Whats the weather like today?,Its cloudy.,多云的,X,X,cloudy,Whats the weather like today?,X,Its snowy.,下雪的,snowy,Whats the we

2、ather like today ?,Its windy.,有风的,windy,How can know the weather?,weather report,wind 风 windy 刮风 cloud 云 cloudy多云的 rain 雨 rainy 下雨的 snow 雪 snowy下雪的 sun 太阳 sunny 晴朗的n adj Nouns adjectives,比比看,Look and find the rule of these new words,Whats the weather like today?,Its sunny.,Whats the weather like tod

3、ay?,Its windy.,Whats the weather like today?,Its cloudy.,Whats the weather like today?,It is rainy.,Whats the weather like today?,Its snowy.,Play a game,大转盘转转转 游戏规则: 当大转盘转动停止的时候,大声用英语说出指针所指天气。,start,show time,Is it sunny? Yes /No Is it rainy? Yes /No Whats the weather like today? Its,Can you draw?,听

4、单词,画天气,Talk about weather,A: Whats the weather like today? B: Its rainy/ sunny/cloudy/windy /snowy,pair work,su_ny,ra_ ny,cl_udy,sn_wy,w_ndy,补全单词,再将其与汉语意思连线。,晴朗的,下雨的,多云的,下雪的,刮风的,i,n,o,o,i,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its,sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,Summary,weather report,Homework:,Copy the new words 3 times each(将所学 单词每个抄写3遍) 2. Watch a weather report on TV and takedown some notes about the weather forecastfor tomorrow, fill follow form . (看天气预报,完成下表),


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