上海教育版20152016学年初中英语九年级下册同步课件 module 3 unit 5 sport(共25张ppt)

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1、Unit 5 Sport,Module 3 Sport and health,一、根据汉语写出英文单词1. 公告;通告(n.) _2. 护照(n.) _3. 加拿大(n.) _4. 加拿大的(adj.) _ 5. 在对面(prep.) _6. 平缓的(adj.) _7. 坦诚的(adj.) _8. 迅速的(adj.) _ 9. 结束(adv.) _10. 费用(n.) _ 11. 报名参加(v.) _12. 精神压力;紧张(n.) _,自主预习,announcement,passport,Canada,Canadian,opposite,gentle,honest,rapid,over,fee

2、,enter,stress,二、根据汉语写出下列词组1. 渴望(做某事) _2. (在旅馆、机场等)登记_3. 迫不及待想(做某事) _4. 说实在的_5. 被绊倒_6. 保持平衡_7. 建立_8. 花费时间做某事_,(be) dying to (do sth.),check in (at),cant wait to (do sth.),to be honest,fall over,keep ones balance,build up,spend.(in) doing sth.,三、翻译下列句子1. 我非常渴望出去玩雪!_2. 然后我们办理了酒店入住登记。_3. 我必须抓住一根绳索来保持平衡。

3、_4. 坦白说,第一堂课不算成功。_5. 我们带着护照,飞越太平洋,来到了加拿大的卡尔加里市。_,Im dying to get out and play with it (the snow)!,Then we checked in at the hotel.,I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance.,To be honest, that first lesson was not a great success.,We took our passports and flew over the Pacific to Calgary, Canad

4、a.,词汇精析,【1】announcement n. a statement made to the public or to the media that gives information about something that has happened or that will happen公告;a short piece of writing telling people about something or asking for something 通告;the act of telling people about something 宣布The announcement cam

5、e after weeks of discussion. 经过几周的讨论之后,公告终于出来了。,【同根词】 announce v. 宣布;宣告The government announced plans to the media to create a million new jobs. 政府向媒体宣告了要创造一百万个新的就业岗位的计划。 【拓展】 make an announcement 发布公告 【应用】 The _ (announce) made by the school was put up yesterday.,announcement,【2】Canada n. 加拿大He was

6、 born in North Canada. 他出生于加拿大北部。 【同根词】 Canadian adj. 加拿大(人)的;n. 加拿大人(复数:Canadians)Jack is a Canadian, but he didnt grow up in Canada. 杰克是加拿大人,但是他不在加拿大长大。 【应用】 Five _ (Canada) were injured in the accident.,Canadians,【3】opposite prep. one thing is on the other side of a space from another 与相对;在对面The

7、bank is just opposite the post office. 银行就在邮局的对面。 【拓展】常见的表示方位的介词(短语)有:in front of 在前面;behind 在后面;next to/near/beside 在旁边;across from 在对面。 The teaching building is in front of the playground. 教学楼在操场的前面。He is standing behind the door. 他站在门后。The supermarket is next to my house. 超市在我家旁边。 【应用】 ( )Jenny s

8、at _ me when eating breakfast.A. in front B. across C. opposite,C,【4】gentle adj. not steep or severe平缓的;kind, mild, and calm 温和的There is a gentle slope in the front. 前方有一个缓坡。 【同根词】 gently adv. 平缓地;柔和地The breeze blows gently. 微风徐徐地吹着。 【应用】 (1)Many streets in Hong Kong are on _ (gentle) slopes. (2)My

9、teacher patted my head _ (gentle) and gave me encouragement.,gentle,gently,【5】honest adj. tell the complete truth or give sincere opinion, even if this is not very pleasant 坦率的,坦诚的;always tell the truth, and do not try to deceive people or break the law 诚实的,正直的It is commonly believed that he is an h

10、onest man. 大家公认他是一个诚实的人。 【同根词】 (1)honesty n. 诚实 I respect you for your honesty. 我尊重你,因为你很坦诚。(2)dishonest adj. 不诚实的I will not make friends with a dishonest person. 我不会和不诚实的人做朋友。,【拓展】 to be honest 坦白说;说实在的To be honest, I dont like him at all. 坦白说,我一点都不喜欢他。 【应用】 This is an idiom in English, “_ (honest)

11、 is the best policy. ”,Honesty,【6】rapid adj. very fast or quickly 迅速的;快速的a rapid rise/decline 急剧上升/下降 【同根词】 rapidly adv. 迅速地 She changed her clothes rapidly. 她迅速地更换了衣 服。 【拓展】 rapid的近义词有:fast, quick。Crime figures are rising rapidly. 犯罪数字正在迅速上升。 【应用】 The patient made a _ (rapid) recovery.,rapid,【7】sha

12、me n. a thing that you regret about and you wish it had happened differently令人惋惜的事,让人遗憾的事;an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you 羞耻,羞愧Its a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks. 警察不得不容忍这些无谓

13、的攻击,真是件太令人遗憾的事。 【同根词】 shameful adj. 丢脸的;可耻的Stealing is a shameful behaviour. 偷窃是一种可耻的 行为。 【拓展】 What a shame!=What a pity! 真遗憾! 【应用】 Its a _ (shameful) that she wasnt here to see it.,shame,【8】stress n. feel worried and tense because of difficulties in your life 精神压力;紧张v. put extra emphasis on a point

14、 in a discussion because you think it is important 强调Katy could think clearly when not under stress. 凯蒂在没有精神压力时能够清晰地思考。Chinas leaders have stressed the need for increased co-operation between Third World countries. 中国领导人已经强调了增进第三世界国家之间合作的需要。,【同根词】 stressed=nervous adj. 紧张的 【拓展】 suffer from stress 承受精神压力deal with stress 应对压力under stress 处于压力下Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 人在压力之下,办事情就容易出错。 【应用】 He suffers from great mental _ (stressed).,



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