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1、,4,Seeing the doctor,Module,Unit 2,We have played football for a year now.,Objectives:,Knowledge objective To learn some useful words and expressions . 2. Ability objective To be able to understand passages about health routines .To be able to write about healthy living with the hints provided by pi

2、ctures. 3.Motional objective To develop healthy lifestyle .,Whats wrong with this girl? What should she do?,have a feverstay in bed, drink much water,She has a fever.,She should stay in bed and drink much water,have a headache feel awfulfl 极讨厌的,极坏的have a good rest,Whats wrong with the woman? She has

3、 a headache and feels awful. What should she do? She should have a good rest.,feel sleepy slip adj. 困的 ;想睡的have a good rest,Whats matter with the man? He feels sleepy. What should he do? He should have a good rest.,weak wik adj. 弱的;虚弱的 after a long illness lns 病;疾病 do some exerciseekssaiz运动;锻炼,Whats

4、 wrong with the woman? She is weak after a long illness. What should she do? She should do some exercise.,Do you know how to keep healthy?,health,exercise,be happy,food,Do some exercise,Eat more fruit,.,be happy,smile,Look at everything with a happy heart ht 心; 心脏,Smile at the world and the world wi

5、ll smile back. 你对世界微笑,它也会对你微笑。,be in excellent condition 健康状况良好kndin状况;身体状况,Words and expressions,heartcondition sleepyweak illness exercise awful feel awful,n. 心;心脏 n. 状况;身体状况 adj. 困的;想睡的 adj.弱的;虚弱的 n.病,疾病 v.运动,锻炼 adj. 极讨厌的;极坏的感到不舒服,1. Describe the activities in the pictures. Which ones are healthy

6、?,Pictures b, c, d, e are healthy.,eat junk food play computer games,run,play football,ride a bike,take her pet dog for a walk 宠物,Skimming to get general ideas,2. Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1. There is one extra picture.,Anna,Wang Wei,Thomas,Richard,Scanning

7、to get detailed information,Read the passage again and complete the notes in pairs.,Anna 1. She was not feeling very _. 2. She needed more _. 3. She got a pet _ from her parents and she takes him for a _ every day. Wang Wei 4. She was the _ member of the football team. 5. She has played football wit

8、h the team for a _ and all the members feel very _.,3. Complete the notes.,well,exercise,dog,walk,first,year,fit,Thomas 6. He went to work on the _ for several years. 7. He bought a _ in January. 8. He arrives at work with a _on his face. Richard9. He started running a _ ago. 10. He does not _ runni

9、ng. 11. He thinks he is perhaps too _to go for a run.,underground,bike,smile,week,enjoy,weak,Careful reading to solve difficult points,1. and she also takes part in the training with us.她和我们参加同样的训练。,take part in 指参加活动,如体育运动、比赛、游戏或讨论,含有积极参与并发挥作用之意,多用于正式场合。,I take part in all kinds of after-school act

10、ivity. Would you like to take part in the party?,Language points,注意与join和join in的区别: join多指加入某一个组织或某些人,成为其中一员。 join in 指参加活动,在口语中可与take part in通用。,We both joined the Labor Party. 我们俩都加入了工党。 They all join in singing the song. 他们一起唱这首歌。,用take part in, join in和join的适当形式填空。 1. I hope that youll all _ th

11、e discussion this afternoon. 2. It is three months since he _ the football club. 3. All the students _ the activity of planting trees last week.,join in,joined,took part in,2. I have had him for three months now.We have played football for a year now.Since then, it has become part of my life.,现在完成时可

12、以表示某一行为或某一状态从过去某一时间一直持续到现在。这类句子通常包含由for或since引导的时间状语,for后接段时间,since后接时间点。如: I have lived in Beijing for 10 years. 我在北京住了10年了。 I have been in this school since 2000. 从2000年起我就一直在这所学校。,2. I have taught English for_.,1. I have taught English since 2013.,How long have I taught English?,2013,teach Englis

13、h,teach taught taught,3. I have taught English since_.,a year,one year ago,2. I have lived in Hong Kong for_.,1. I have lived in Hong Kong since 1954.,1954,How long have I lived in Hong Kong?,live in Hong Kong,3. I have lived in Hong Kong since_.,60 years,60 years ago,2. I have played the piano for

14、twenty-nine years.,1. I have played the piano since 1985.,1985,How long have I played the piano?,play the piano,3. I have played the piano since twenty-nine years ago.,2. I have joined the Party for forty years.,1. I have joined the Party since 1974.,How long have I joined the Party?,3.I have joined

15、 the Party since forty years ago.,the Communist Party of China,1974,3. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise.也许我太虚弱不能做任何运动。tooto 表否定含义,表示“太而不能” My brother is too young to go to school. 我弟弟年龄太小,不能上学。 We walk too slowly to get there on time. 我们走得太慢,不能按时到达那儿。,take part inin excellent condition 3.We

16、have played football for a year now 4.Since then, it has become part of my life. 5.Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise.,本课时主要短语和句型,Do you know how to keep healthy?,health,exercise,be happy,food,Homework,Write a passage about your own lifestyle. Do you think it is healthy? How can you be healthier?,


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