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1、外贸函电与写作,_Chapter Four Product Inquiry and Reply,Aims & Requirements,To enable S.S. to get to know the definition of inquiry To enable S.S. to know the steps of writing a inquiry letter To enable S.S. to master the vocabulary and useful sentences of inquiry,1. Introduction: Inquiry, An inquiry is mad

2、e to seek a supply of products, service or information. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should state simply, clearly and concisely what he wants general information, a catalogue or price list, a sample, a quotation, etc. Inquiries should be specific and provide the necessary

3、details to enable the receiver to answer the questions completely.,2.Types of inquiry:, Types 1) General Inquiry: asking for common data, such as catalogue, price list, sample and pictures, etc 2) Specific Inquiry: specifically inquiry about name of commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price, d

4、ate of shipment, payment terms and packing, etc,3. Structure :, 1) If the seller is the buyers constant supplier, (1) State the goods and services you are interested in. (2) Request for catalogue, price list, sample and terms of transaction, etc. (3) Expectation for paying attention to your inquiry

5、and giving you an early reply.,3. Structure :, 2) If the seller is your new supplier, (1)Express that you would like to establish business relationship with him. (2) Request for catalogue, price list, sample and terms of transaction, etc. (3) Expectation for paying attention to your inquiry and givi

6、ng you an early reply. Inquiries should be written concisely and clearly to the point . The reply to an enquiry should be prompt and courteous and cover all the information asked for.,How to reply?,Express your thanks to the inquirer for his or her interest in your products. Answer the questions ask

7、ed and provided other relevant and necessary information. State briefly to first inquirers the strengths and advantages of your products. If you are unable to supply the products required, give a reason or explanation.,4. Words and Expressions,1. appreciate We appreciate your kind cooperation.(接名词)感

8、谢你方的真诚合作。 We shall appreciate it if you will send us a sample book soon(接代词)如能立即将样品簿寄来将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate your sending us a sample book soon(接动名词)如能立即将样品簿寄来将不胜感激。 为了表示客气,还可以使用虚拟式句子: We shall appreciate it if you would send us a sample book soon如能立即将样品簿寄来,我们将不胜感激。,4. Words and Expressions,2. i

9、nquiry: 1)to inquire for 询购 A client of mine inquires for 100 cases Black Tea. 我的一个客户询购 100 箱红茶。 We are in receipt of your letter of June 12, inquiring for our black tea. 你方 6 月 12日询购我红茶信函已收悉。 2)to make (send) inquiry for 询购 Upon receipt of your catalogue, well make inquiry for the items which are o

10、f interest to us. 一经收到你方目录,我方即询购感兴趣的商品。,4. Words and Expressions,3)to have an inquiry for 有的询盘 We have an inquiry for 50 tons of chemical fertilizer. 我们有要求供应 50 吨化肥的询盘。,4. Words and Expressions,3.quotation n. 询价 1)to quote sb.a price for sth. 向某人报价 We take pleasure in quoting you our lowest price fo

11、r black tea. 现报红茶最低价。 2)to quote for sth. at报某货物价 We quote for this article (at) US$10 per case FOB Shanghai. 我方报此货 FOB上海价,每箱 10美元。,4. Words and Expressions,3)to send (make, give)sb.ones (best, lowest)quotation for向某人报(最低价) Thank you for your enquiry of May 21 and we are pleased to send you our best

12、 quotation for Mens Shirts. 谢谢贵方 5月 21 日询盘,现高兴地向贵方报男式衬衫最低价。,4. Words and Expressions,4. discount 折扣 打折扣:Make/give/grant sth.% discount This waterproof garment was given 10% discount.这件可以防水的衣服可以打10%的折扣.,Samples: Inquiry,Dear Sirs:We have seen your advertisement in the New Asia Journal and are particu

13、larly interested in your portable typewriters, but we require a machine suitable for fairly heavy duty. Please send me your current illustrated catalogue and a price list. Your sincerely,Samples: Reply,Dear Sir:We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for

14、typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. We think the “Portable 95“ is a machine that would suit your purpose very well. It weighs 6.5 kg and is a bit heavier than the usual portable, but it is good for heavy duty and at the same time

15、conveniently portable when carried in its case.,We have one of these machines in stock and we shall be pleased to arrange for you to try it. Although costs have been rising since March, we have not yet raised our prices, but may have to do so when present stocks run out. We thereforeadvise you to pl

16、ace your order with us at once. Yours faithfully,5.Translate the useful sentences,Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated. 如能提供如价格, 质量,可供应的数量以及相关细节 的完整信息, 我们将不胜感激.,5.Translate the useful sentences,Would you please let us know the minimum export quantities per color and per design? 可以告诉我们每种颜色和每种设计的最小的出口数量 吗?,



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