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1、1按摩师常用对话按摩师常用对话第一部分第一部分 初次见面的寒暄初次见面的寒暄 1. Hello. 你好。 2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。 4. My name is我叫 5. Where are you from?你来自哪里? 6. What do you do?你作什么工作? 7. How long have you been in China? 你来中国多久了? 8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before? 您以前尝

2、试过中医按摩吗? 9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM? 您知道中医按摩的好处吗? 10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。 11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。 12. Relax please.请放松。 13. Sit down, please.请坐。 14. Lie down, please.请躺下。 15. Now lets start.现在我们开始。2第二部分第二部分 诊断用语诊断用语1. Whats trouble with you? 您哪不舒服? 2.

3、How long has all this gone on?这种症状持续多久了。 3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次? 4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。 5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗? 6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗? 7. Do your legs give way? 双腿不听使唤吗? 8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗? 9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗? 10.

4、Do you feel giddy in bed? 躺在床上感觉眩晕吗? 11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗? 12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗? 13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码? 14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗? 15. How about your stomach these days? 最近肠胃怎么样? 16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes? 时有耳鸣吗?tinaitstinaits3第三部分第三部分 治疗中的动作治疗中

5、的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。 2Sit backward.面朝后坐。 3. Bend your leg, please. 请屈腿。 4. Take a deep breath in and out. 深吸气,深呼气。 5. Left turn over, please.请向左翻身。 6. Right turn over, please. 请向右翻身。 7. Lower your head, please.请低一下头。 8. Stretch your waist, please. 请伸直腰。 9. Make a fist, please. 请握拳。 10. Get up slo

6、wly.慢慢起来。 11. Please rub your face gently. 请揉一下脸。 12. Please raise your right leg. 抬起右腿。 13. Now lie on your tummy. 请脸朝下趴好。第四部分第四部分 治疗中的交流治疗中的交流1. How do you think of this manual technique? 你觉得这种手法怎么样? 42. Is it comfortable for you? Too harder/softer? 这手法劲大/小吗? 3. Did you go to see doctor? 你看过医生吗? 4

7、. What did doctor tell you about that? 医生跟你怎么说? 5. What is it like? Pain? 怎么不好? 疼吗? 6. What kind ? Burning or stabbing? 怎么个疼法?烧灼疼还是刺痛? 7. When did you start that ? 这样多久了? 8. These things always happen. 这是常有的事。 9. Its not your fault 这不是你的错。 10. I understand your feeling. 我理解你的感受。 11. Still, it looks

8、too difficult. 看来部不太好治。 12. Thats life. 生活就是如此。 13. Im very good at this manual technique. 我很擅长这种手法。 14. Im afraid I cant do this. 恐怕这我做不了。 15. Im not very sure. 我没把握。 16. Excuse me for my harder technique. 对不起我的手法有点重。 17. You could relax for an hour and then, we will go on. 你可以休息一个小时,我们在继续。 18. I c

9、an come any day except Saturday.除了周六,我那天都能来。519. Hot here, isnt it? 这里很热,是不是? 20. You seem discomforting. 你好像不舒服。第五部分第五部分 治疗后征求意见治疗后征求意见1. Dont worry. 别着急。 2. I strongly advise you to do more exercises. 我真心劝你多锻炼。 3. You have a good point there. 这一点讲得很好。 4. I appreciate your visiting. 多谢你的光临。 5. Thanks for the compliment.谢谢夸奖。 6. Please call before you come, otherwise I might have no arrangement. 请你来之前打个电话以防我没空。第六部分第六部分 实用词汇实用词汇TCM:Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 massage 按摩 head ear eye nose neck mouth tooth tongue face arm hand finger leg foot waist wrist lung heart


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