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1、Exercise Prescription for COPD & Asthma,Dr. Roland Leung MBBS MD FRACP FCCP FHKCP FHKAM(Medicine) Specialist in Respiratory Medicine,何謂慢性阻塞性肺病,慢性阻塞性肺病簡稱慢阻肺病, 是常見的肺病一種肺功能受損的疾病病人肺部的氣流進出受阻,令患者呼吸困難慢阻肺病十分常見。早期病徵不明顯,往往在診斷時,病情己步入中至晚期,100,000人,2000-2003香港肺功能研究計劃,10萬人病情屬中度嚴重, 還沒有接受任何醫療診治,為什麼慢性支氣管炎及肺氣腫 會阻塞呼吸道

2、?,慢性支氣管炎 氣管長期受刺激及發炎,內膜腫脹及有痰液黏於管內,阻塞氣道。,肺氣腫 肺部受到長期刺激,支氣管及氣泡經常發炎,肺氣泡受到破壞,影響換氣功能。,慢阻肺病有什麼徵狀?,持續咳嗽 咳嗽時有痰或黏液 由於氣管的病變,例如支氣管壁腫脹及氣管平滑肌收縮,加上黏液腺肥大以致分泌增加,患者經常咳嗽及多痰。,呼吸困難 (如上樓梯、行樓梯及梳洗更衣時),氣促會隨肺功能的退化愈趨嚴重,影響患者的日常生活。在空氣質素轉差或有急性支氣管炎的時候,病徵會表現得更為嚴重。,慢阻肺病有什麼徵狀?,慢阻肺病影響個人、家庭及社會,全球每年有近三百萬人死於慢阻肺病根據世界衛生組織資料,慢阻肺病是全球第四大殺手病,排

3、名僅次於心臟病發、中風及急性肺炎死於慢阻肺病的人數較癌症為多,並與死於愛滋病的人數相同,本港第五大殺手病,據二零零一年的衞生署年報指出,慢阻肺病是本港第五大殺手急症入院主因之一,每十張醫管局病床之中,大概有一張是慢阻肺病病人佔有,四十歲以上吸煙或其他類型的煙草(包括二手煙)長期暴露於塵多的環境,或工作期間吸入某些化學物品長期暴露於煙霧(如用作煮食的生物燃料產生的煙霧 ),引致慢阻肺病之危險因素,正常人,45歲戒煙,吸煙的COPD病人,65歲戒煙,25,50,75,FEV1比率(相對25歲的男性),100,0,慢阻肺病危機及停止吸煙,75,50,25,年齡 (年),死亡,殘疾,Airflow L

4、imitation in COPD : Hyperinflation and Exercise,Review of Terminology,Total lung capacity,Residual volume,Tidal Volume at rest,VT,EELV,EILV,IRV,ERV,Mild COPD,Healthy,Breathing frequency at rest: 12 15 / min,Healthy subjects: breathing rest time,Inspiration,Expiration,Severe COPD,COPD patients: less

5、breathing rest time,Dynamic Hyperinflation,To the COPD patient, this is a breathtaking view.,Clinical Course of COPD,Air Trapping,Expiratory Flow Limitation,Breathlessness,Inactivity,Poor Health-Related Quality of Life,Hyperinflation,Deconditioning,COPD,Disability,Disease progression,Death,Reduced E

6、xercise Capacity,Effect of Exercise on Dyspnea,Exercise time,Dyspnea Intensity (Borg Scale) Very severeSevere Somewhat severe Moderate Slight Very slight None at all,Pre-exercise,End-exercise,Exercise Stops,Isotime,Relieves patients breathlessness during physically demanding exercise,SPIRIVA reduces

7、 activity-induced breathlessness by 19% (P0.001),SPIRIVA increases exercise endurance time,Exhibited 42% difference in mean exercise endurance time,Pulmonary Rehabilitation,This is the process of maximising the patients physical , mental and social wellbeing by an individualised program of exercises

8、 and education,Why PR?,All COPD patients benefit from exercise training programs.Improvement in both exercise tolerance and symptoms of dyspnoea and fatigue. Evidence to show reduce exacerbations and hospital admissions.,BTS & GOLD,Pulmonary Rehabilitation,Ideally Comprises of:Exercise Empowerment D

9、iet Psychological well-being,PR & Exercise,Supervised training 2 - 5 times per weekMinimum 20 - 30 minutes each time (may take a time to reach this level)Course duration of 4 - 12 weeksIt should involve both upper & lower limb exercises both for endurance and strength,Components of Exercise Prescrip

10、tion,Mode (Type of exercise) Intensity Duration Frequency Progression of Exercise Programme,PR & Exercise,STRETCHING of the major muscle groups of both upper and lower extremities. AEROBIC EXERCISES e.g. walking, cycling, rowing, swimming, etc. FREQUENCY - is 2 to 5 times per week with aim of daily

11、routine.INTENSITY- “maximum limit tolerated by symptoms” or to 60 to 75% of maximal heart rate DURATION - 20 to 30 min of continuous exercise OR if this is not possible, interval training = two to three min of high-intensity training alternating with equal periods of rest.,PR & Diet,COPD can be adve

12、rsely affected if the patient is malnourished or overweight. The former leads to muscle bulk loss (diaphragm & accessory muscles of respiration) and the latter an extra burden on the cardio-respiratory system,SPIRIVA demonstrates superior improvements in breathlessness post rehab,Combined rehab with

13、 SPIRIVA results in extended, superior outcomes in breathlessness compared with rehab alone,Casaburi, et al Chest 2005,物理治療方法,EIA in Children: Scope of the Problem,EIB may interfere with physical activity and personal morale.,Adapted from American Lung Association. Available at: http:/www.lungusa.or

14、g/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E27:5377.,Children with asthma About 20% have asthma symptoms only during exercise,More than 80% have EIB,Diagnostic Criteria for EIA,*After 5 minutes of exercise at 85%90% of maximum Adapted from Gotshall RW Drugs 2002;62:17251739.,Relief of airway obstruction with exercise

15、after use of inhaled beta2-agonist,Coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath with exercise,10% to 20% decrease in FEV1*,Possible Role of Cysteinyl Leukotrienes in EIA,Mast cell mediators Leukotrienes Histamine Prostaglandins,Adapted from Gotshall RW Drugs 2002;62:17251739; Randolph C Curr Probl Ped

16、iatr 1997:27:5377.,Bronchospasm,Inflammation,Airway obstruction,Exercise/activity and other triggers,Possible Therapeutic Options for EIA,SABAs = short-acting beta2-agonists; LABAs = long-acting beta2-agonists; ICS = inhaled corticosteroids; LTRAs = leukotriene receptor antagonists *May require combination therapy Adapted from Gotshall RW Drugs 2002;62:17251739; Hancox RJ et al Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;165:10681070.,



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