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1、高三英语18册复习思路,一、指导思想以考试说明为依据,以新课程标准为准绳,以教材为依托和基础,密切关注高考动态,制定全面的、科学的、系统的、针对性强的学习和复习计划,在夯实基础的同时,提高学生对英语语言综合运用能力。,二、坚持原则:抓住重点,以点带面。在复习中充分使用整合、分类、比较、归纳、总结等手段,以点带面,形散而神不散,才能在温故中知新,在巩固中扩展。,具体做法: 一、听力训练常抓不懈,适当挑选语速稍快的材料。 二、摆脱课界的限制,适当整合内容 1.利用导学案,整合某个模块内容,巩固和提升词汇、句型、语法、阅读、口语和写作能力。,Book 1 Module 1My first day a

2、t senior high导学案 基础自主回顾 .课标单词 1_(n.)信息 2_(n.)方法 3_(n.)态度 4_(vt.)包含 5_(adj.)热心的_(n.)热情 6_(adj.)令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的_(adj.)吃惊的;惊讶的_(vt.)使大为惊讶;使惊愕_(n.),.常用短语 1_与相似 2_对某物/某人的态度 3_在开始/结束的时候 4_被(划)分为 .重点句型 1Were using a new textbook and Ms. Shens method of teaching is nothing like _ of the teachers at my Junior Hi

3、gh school. 我们使用新的教科书而且沈老师的教学方法和我初中老师的教学方法一点也不一样。 that 2I _ I will be bored in Ms. Shens class! 我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的!,.模块语法 1.朗读课文,用谓语动词的适当时态,补全短文。 My new school _ very good. The teachers _ very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms _ amazing. Every room _ (have) a computer with a special screen

4、. The teachers _ (write) on the computer, and their words _ (appear) on the screen. They _ brilliant.There _ sixty-five students in my class. Forty-nine of them _ girls. That is to say, there _ three times as many girls as boys. In our class everyone _ hard-working.,阅读课文, 划出文中-ing -ed 的形容词,然后用所给单词的正

5、确形式填空。 Our classroom is _ (amaze). It has a computer with a special screen. Our English teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. Her English class is really _ (interest) and not _ (bore) at all. Her method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. So I do

6、nt think I will be _ (bore) in her class. Today we introduced ourselves to each other. Some students were _ (embarrass) at first because they were afraid of meeting some _(embarrass) questions but everyone was very friendly.,V.Presentation (参考 P9 culture corner) 向你的外国朋友Rob Marshall介绍中国的学制。 内容要点: 中国学

7、制分为:小学、中学、大学 中学阶段:6学年, 初、高中各3学年 学年:起于9月止于7月;每学年分两个学期:第一学期从9月到1月底;第二学期从2月到7月 假期:寒假和暑假;寒假一般3周,暑假约7周 Useful words and sentences (1) be divided into (2) cover vt cover six years (3) The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through January, and the second February to

8、 July. You can start like this: Hello.Rob,nice to meet you,Writing :My first day This Semester You can write from these aspects What is your first memory of school? What was your favorite activity last semester? What can you remember about your new teachers? Who was your best friend?Is he or she sti

9、ll your best friend?,2.不拘泥于某一模块的整合方式。比如在复习book1m1时,我们编制词汇拓展复习导学案,构建词、词组、句型知识网络,使学生对同一结构、同一类型的词有了清楚的框架认识:运用导学案,构建词、词组、句型知识网络,disappointn._(让那个某人失望的是)令人失望的_失望的_因为。失望_ ( 因为经理对这个消息很失望)_,he kept silent Because the manager was disappointed at the news/ Disappointed at the news,he kept silent.=,the manager

10、. The manager _(对这个消息失望的经理)kept silent. The manager who was disappointed at the news / disappointed at the news kept silent,归纳总结: disappoint 同义词语:Let .down/crush 具有同样功能的短语: be connected with, be associated with,be related to,be involved in,be embarrassed by,be bored with, be amazed at,be stuck in, b

11、e aimed at, be astonished at,be frightened by ,be terrified at,be dressed in Dressed in red, the girl stood out among her friends. The girl dressed in red stood out among her friends.,be exhausted with,be tired of,be absorbed in be addicted to,Be buried in,be burdened with be concerned with,be lost

12、in thought,be attached to be known for,be made up of,be satisfied with be shocked with,be combined with,be depressed by be blessed with,be laden with,be devoted to,be based on,M1b1中同义词归纳: the method of brushing teeth the approach to learning English The way to solve the problem /of solving the probl

13、em 拼写相似词归纳:Previous-precious 与介词to搭配的名词 The attitude to the disabled The solution to the problem The answer to the question The entrance to the hall,2运用导学案,通过课文句型、短文填空复习语法,Our classroom is amazing. It has a computer with a special screen. Our English teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Sh

14、en. Her English class is really interesting and not boring at all. Her method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. So I dont think I will be bored in her class. Today we introduced ourselves to each other. Some students were embarrassed at first because they wer

15、e afraid of meeting some embarrassing questions but everyone was very friendly.,Eliza and Higgins are two delightful creations of Bernard Shaw.Eliza used to be a girl selling flower in the street.And she is uneducated.She neither knows how to rebel against others nor knows how to expresses her true

16、feeling.Higgins meets her by chance and bets his friend that he will make a lady out of the uneducated girl.Under his guidence, Eliza not only pronounces correctly but also acts in a refined way.What is the most important is the She falls in love with Higgins.But the latter will never love her.At the beginning He treats her as if she was dirt.But Eliza insists he respect her. It is respect that she wants.Higgins changes the way in which he treats her.At last they become good friend and with their help Eliza opens a flower shop.,


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