患者的权利与义务 英文

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《患者的权利与义务 英文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《患者的权利与义务 英文(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、患者的权利与义务 Patients Rights & Responsibilities一、患者的枉利 Patients Rights1您有得到尊重及周全的医疗服务的权利,无论种族、性别、国籍、宗教或性 倾向如何。 Receive considerate and respectful care and treatment without discrimination as to race, sex, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation.2您有参与医疗护理过程的权利。在麻醉、手术、输血或使用血制品及进行其 他高风险的治疗前有知情同意的

2、权利:您有权参与疼痛评估及处理。 You have the right to participate in the medical care process. The right to informed consent before anesthesia, surgery, blood transfusion or use of blood products and other high-risk treatments: Appropriate assessment and management of pain. 3您有权接受或拒绝治疗及征询第二意见,并有对拒绝治疗所造成后果的知情 权。 Yo

3、u can accept or refuse medical care. You have the right to get second opinion. You have the right to know the consequences of refusing treatment4您有隐私权,我们对您的相关信息会采取保密措施。 You have the right to the privacy and confidentiality of your medical records.5. 您有得到个人价值观及宗教信仰被尊重的权利。 5 you have the right to be r

4、espected for your personal values and religious beliefs.6您有权了解器官移植及器官捐献方面的相关信息。 You have the right to know the information about the transplant and donation of organs.7您有权得到医疗费用的解释和说明。 You have the right to know the interpretation and explanation of the medical expenses.8您有投诉权。您如果对我院的服务有意见和建议,请拨打客服服

5、务电话 13708705508,或把书面材料放入一楼大厅投诉箱。 You have the right to give a compliment or make a complaint.If you are not happy with how your concern is resolved or you have kind comments, please contact our customer service by calling 13708705508 or put your paper it to Complaint Box at first floor.二、患者的义务 Patie

6、nts Responsibilities1尊重医院全体职工及其他患者。 The patient is responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital staff.2遵守医院的规章制度,爱护医疗设备和医疗财产。 The patients have to obey the rules of the hospital and treat the hospitals property and facilities with due care and responsibility.3提供准确个人

7、信息,包括身份证和医疗保险证件。 The patient has the responsibility to provide accurate and complete information concerning his/her personal information, ID number, and medicare card.4提供真实、准确、全面的健康信息,包括个人和家庭信息,现有疾病和既往 疾病史等,及时向您的医护负责人反映您的健康变化状况。提供家属可随时联 系的 24 小时开机的电话号码。 Provide us with complete and accurate informat

8、ion about your health, including present conditions, past illnesses, and any other matters that the hospital should be aware of. Report to your health care provider in time to reflect your health. Provide us the contact number of your family we can contact in any time.5及时缴纳医疗费用。 You are required to pay promptly any financial amounts resulting from the care and treatment provided.6若拒绝治疗或不遵守医嘱,应履行签字义务,自行承担其后果。 Take responsibility for any consequences if you refuse medical treatment or instructions upon your signature.医院质量与安全管理委员会 Medical Quality and Safety Management Committee


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