2014年春八年级英语下册 module 5 cartoon stories unit 3 language in use课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Module 5 Cartoons Unit 3 Language in use,Lead in,到目前为止,我们已经学过用多种时态来表达 行为或状态,本模块我们重点学习的是一般现在 时,一般过去时和现在完成时。如何区分这三 种时态呢?一起来学习本课时的内容吧。,Language practice,Snoopy lives in his own private world. Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s. He has been popular for over eighty years.,本模块的主要短语、句型: 1. Its time to d

2、o sth. 该做某事了 2. Why dont we + 动词原形? = Why not + 动词原形?为什么不呢? 3. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事 4. cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 5. win the hearts of 赢得的心 6. all over the world 遍及全世界 7. a group of 一群;一组,8. expect to do sth. 期望做某事 9. more than 多于 10. in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代 11. as well as 和;既又 12. ask for 请求,要求,Da

3、ming: Hi, Tony. What are you reading? Tony: Tintin. Its fantastic. (1) _you _(ever read) a Tintin book? Daming: No, I (2)_ (never read) a Tintin story. (3) _(be) they popular? Tony: Yes, they (4) _(be) popular for more than eighty years. The first Tintin story (5)_ (appear) in 1929. Daming: What doe

4、s Tintin do? Tony: He (6) _(work) for a newspaper and he (7)_(have) lots of exciting experiences. Daming: And (8)_ the stories _(have) happy endings? Tony: Oh, yes,they always do. Daming: Sounds great! Do you mind if I borrow your book?,Have ever read,have never read,Are,have been,appeared,works,has

5、,do have,Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets.,When I was young, I (1) _(not like) green vegetables. The only vegetable I (2)_(eat) was potatoes. I was quite small and not very strong, so I was not very good at sport. Then when I (3) _(watch) television one day I

6、saw the cartoon Popeye. When popeye stands next to Bluto, he (4) _(look) small and weak, and when they fight, he always (5) _(lose). Then he eats some green vegetables. His arms (6)_(grow) thicker. He becomes stronger and he wins his fights. The next day I (7) _(play) football at school. So I asked

7、my mother for some green vegetables. I (8) _(score) three times and we won the match! I (9) _(love) green vegetables ever since.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.,didnt like,ate,watched,looks,loses,grows,played,scored,have loved,invent laugh mess own private satisf

8、y ugly,Many people love cartoons because they are great fun. Parents and children (1) _ together as Monkey King makes a terrible (2) _ or Shrek, the (3)_ green animal, sings a song. Cartoon heroes often lives in a(n) (4)_ world of their (5)_. Artists (6)_ good cartoon heroes as well as bad people. T

9、he heroes always win, and their stories (7) _us and help us feel safe.,Complete the passage with the words in the box.,laugh,mess,ugly,private,own,invent,satisfy,Read the passage and complete the sentences.The first cartoons appeared in newspapers. They told stories using pictures. The first photogr

10、aphed cartoon film (1906) was about humorous faces. In the film, an artist drew pictures of two faces on a blackboard. The faces came to life. They smiled and a small dog jumped through a ring. There were a lot of animals in early cartoons. Artists created Felix the Cat to satisfy the growing number

11、 of cartoon fans.,Walt Disney started to make films in the 1920s. Some of his earliest films were about a famous story, Alice in Wonderland, but in Disneys films it was called Alice in Cartoon Land. Walt Disneys most famous cartoon character was Mickey Mouse. He appeared in 1928, first in a black-an

12、d-white film without sound, then very soon after that in a talking film and later in colour. A Mickey Mouse film was the first cartoon film with sound to become really popular.,Today, over a hundred years later, cartoon films are still popular with children and older people.They will probably be pop

13、ular for many more years in the future.,1906 1. The first cartoon film was about _. 2. The faces _. 3. A small dog _.,1920s 4. Walt Disney started to _ in the 1920s. 5. A Mickey Mouse film was the first cartoon film _ to become really popular.,humorous faces,came to life and smiled,jumped through a

14、ring,make films,with sound,children and older people,many more,Today and in the future 6. Cartoon films are still popular with_. 7. They will probably be popular for _years in the future.,mess,private,ead,nvented,augh,Practice,根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. The childrens room was in a terrible _(杂乱). 2. Plea

15、se follow the guider. She will l _ us to the Summer Palace. 3. Im not going to tell you about it because its a _ (私人的) conversation. 4. I think Bell i_ the telephone in the 1900s. I agree with you. 5. Its not polite to l_ at the people in trouble.,. 阅读理解。J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She

16、 loved reading, and wrote her first story Rabbit when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary(秘书)in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. “Harry just walked into my head,” she said later. She started writing the first book Harry Potter the next day.In 1992 she went to Portugal and lived there for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening.,


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