第一人称射击——《决战》 游戏策划---毕业论文

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《第一人称射击——《决战》 游戏策划---毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第一人称射击——《决战》 游戏策划---毕业论文(74页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文第一人称射击第一人称射击决战决战 游戏策划游戏策划First Personal ShootingLast BattleGame Design姓 名:学 号:学 院:软件学院系:软件工程专 业:软件工程年 级:校内指导教师: 助理教授年年 月月摘摘 要要游戏产业,在当前经济危机的市场下,其收益仍不消减。本篇论文主要将游戏与策划行业的现状以及未来的动向进行了剖析,结合自己在御风行公司的工作经验,围绕自身毕业设计项目决战策划案编写而成,为的是让自己更为了解策划的工作以及其职能,熟悉一个策划在项目中的工作流程。本文针对决战这一项目,将文案策划与功能策划的工作进行了罗列


3、划以及一个策划应该做什么,就是这篇论文所解决的问题。在第三章中会从一个项目为出发点来讲述开发进度的控制、文案、功能的具体分工制作案例,而第四章会将策划稿的内容呈现出来,便于对比设计与制作上的缺失与不足。决战策划案只是一份文档,但是其背后的价值,以及制作人员在过程中收获的点点滴滴,在平时结合公司的实际工作所获得的收获,引发的对游戏乃至人生的思考,相信会对日后的游戏制作起到引导作用。关键词:关键词:游戏市场;游戏分析;游戏理论。AbstractGame industry, the market in the current economic crisis, its revenue is still

4、 increasing. In this thesis, mainly analyses the game industrys current situation and planning as well as future directions, combined with my companys work experience in ONWIND and my graduation project - Last Battle, in order for my work of design.In this thesis, I think a lot about the game of the

5、 project Last Battle. Through market research, project management, players grasp of psychology, as well as certain socio-economic analysis, I tried to be a project manager, then made its design document. From the drama design working, I learned of making the original paintings, models, special effec

6、ts, scenes and other fine arts requirements, how to build a world, and so on; from function design, I was planning the game systems framework, and GUI requirements.Last Battle learned failure of the market was separated into two parts: one is design document, the other is data. What is designer and

7、why should I be a designer and what to do for the designer, there were the question I wanted to work out in my thesis. In the third chapter, I talk about a project from starting point to the development progress of the control, while the fourth chapter presents the content of the design document. So

8、 I could see the shortcoming of this project.Last Battle design document is just a document, but the underlying value and production staff in the process of harvesting the bits and pieces, in peacetime to integrate the companys actual jobs, and even the thinking of life from the game, will lead me t

9、o face the future as a game designer.Key words: Game Marketplace; Game Analyses; Game Theory目目 录录第一章第一章 何谓游戏何谓游戏.11.11.1 分类分类1 11.1.1 网络游戏11.1.2 单机游戏11.1.3 局域网游戏21.21.2 面向群体面向群体2 21.31.3 项目调控项目调控2 21.3.1 立项21.3.2 成本31.41.4 网游市场网游市场3 31.4.1 调研目的31.4.2 数据剖析1 4第二章第二章 策划策划.102.12.1 分类分类10102.1.1 主策划102.

10、1.2 文案策划102.1.3 功能策划112.1.4 数值策划112.22.2 原则原则11112.32.3 策划思考出发点策划思考出发点12122.3.1 原有游戏玩家122.3.2 新提出玩家玩家122.42.4 研究研究12122.4.1 目的122.4.2 实际案例12第三章第三章 决战决战项目项目.153.13.1 开发目标开发目标15153.23.2 功能相关功能相关17173.33.3 文案相关文案相关18183.3.1 美术需求183.3.2 美术沟通203.3.3 场景规划213.3.4 原画风格把控213.3.5 世界观构建223.3.6 宣传稿编写(蜀山项目)23第四章

11、第四章 策划案提炼策划案提炼.254.14.1 游戏概述游戏概述25254.1.1 基础信息254.1.2 游戏简介254.1.3 特色亮点简介264.24.2 画面风格画面风格27274.34.3 GUIGUI 需求需求 28284.3.1 主界面:284.3.2Loading 图:294.3.3 人物选择界面:294.3.4 武器选择界面:304.3.5 任务选择界面:314.3.6 难度选择界面:314.3.7 游戏操作界面:314.3.8 游戏暂停界面:324.3.9 操作简介324.44.4 RPGRPG 元素元素 33334.4.1 人物属性点的分配334.4.2 武器简介(其它游

12、戏)344.4.3 武器简介(决战)344.4.4 武器强化354.54.5 剧情关卡剧情关卡36364.5.1 初入梦境364.5.2 勇者历练364.5.3 浴火之劫374.64.6 伤害及死亡设定伤害及死亡设定37374.74.7 各个系统设计各个系统设计38384.7.1 角色的设计384.7.2 游戏场景设计394.84.8 雪原场景需求雪原场景需求46464.8.1 简介464.8.2 故事背景4624.8.3 具体需求464.94.9 任务系统任务系统53534.104.10 表现形式表现形式5353第五章第五章 结语结语.54参考文参考文献献.55致致 谢谢.56附附 录录.5

13、70ContentsChapter 1 What is Game 11.1 Category11.1.1 Online Game11.1.2 PC Game11.1.3 LAN Game 21.2 Forward Group21.3 Project Management21.3.1 Start21.3.2 Cost31.4 Online Games Market .31.4.1 Research Objective31.4.2 Data Analysis1 .4Chapter 2 Design.102.1 Classification 102.1.1 Main Design 102.1.2 D

14、rama Design102.1.3 Function Design.112.1.4 Data Design.112.2 Principles 112.3 Starting Point of Design.122.3.1 OriginalGamePlayer122.3.2 NewPlayerPlayer.122.4 Research122.4.1 Objective122.4.2 Actual Cases12Chapter 3 Project Last Battle.153.1 Management.153.2 Function173.3 Drama183.3.1 Art Requiremen

15、t183.3.2 Communication with Art.203.3.3 Scenario Plan.213.3.4 Original Painting Style213.3.5 Build The World223.3.6 Propaganda23Chapter 4 Design Document Refining.254.1 Overview.254.1.1 Basic Information254.1.2 Game Introduction.254.1.3 Creative264.2 Screen Style.274.3 GUI Requirement.284.3.1 Main I

16、nterface: .284.3.2 Loading Tips:294.3.3 Role Select Interface:294.3.4 Weapon Select Interface:304.3.5 Quest Select Interface:314.3.6 Difficulty Select interface:314.3.7 Control Interface:314.3.8 Game Suspension Interface:.324.3.9 Control.324.4 RPG Elements 334.4.1 Role Point334.4.2 Weapon(Other Game)344.4.3 Weapon(Last Battle) 344.4.4 Weapon Enhan



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