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1、本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文基于基于 Android 平台手机短信防火墙的平台手机短信防火墙的 设计与实现设计与实现The Design and Implementation of Message Firewall for Mobile Phone Based on Android OS姓 名:学 号:学 院:软件学院系:软件工程专 业:软件工程年 级: 指导教师: 年年 月月I摘摘 要要Android OS是Google公司开发的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统,由于Android完全开放、自由的特性,从2008年9月24日第一款Android手机上市,根据手机市场分析机构AdMo


3、传统的短信防火墙缺乏灵活的用户自定义短信拦截模式。总之,传统短信防火墙在满足不同用户的需求方面,仍然显得差强人意。论文设计并完成基于Android平台手机短信防火墙的实现。该系统的优势在于操作简单,提供各种日常使用的短信拦截模式,支持用户自定义短信拦截模式;系统提供即时的垃圾词汇过滤词典更新下载服务,用户创建适合自己的垃圾词汇过滤和号码过滤词典;另外,系统支持自动短信回复和隐私短信管理等常见功能。该系统配合来电防火墙,通过将软件在PC上进行仿真并最终在手机上进行综合测试,验证各个应用功能的正确性和稳定性。关键词:关键词:Android OS;短信防火墙;垃圾词汇过滤IIAbstractAndr

4、oid OS is a Linux-based open source mobile phone operating system developed by Android OS. Because of fully open and free features, from September 24, 2008 the first android phone marketed, In just one years time, Android mobile operating system has accounted for 7% market share, according to mobile

5、 phone market analysts AdMobs data. Market research firm Gartner predicts that by 2012, Android will become the worlds second-largest mobile phone operating system, accounting for 18% of the market. However android system lack of some of the common application software support, such as calls and SMS

6、 firewall. Especially in the flood of spam messages today, a effective SMS firewall is essential. As the necessary system application software, the traditional SMS firewall system can block malicious harassment SMS and protect privacy message. However, the traditional SMS firewalls filtering effect

7、is not satisfactory, mainly due to the different users of different filtering rules. So, the system must support user-defined filtering rules, but even if the system has the support of user-defined filtering rules, many users refuse to use due to the complex setting. On the other hands, the traditio

8、nal SMS firewall lacks of user-defined block patterns. In short, the traditional SMS firewall still seems far from satisfactory to meet the needs of different users.The paper designs and implements a new SMS firewall based on android operating system. The system provides simple operation, a variety

9、of daily used SMS interception pattern and user-defined SMS interception pattern. Moreover, the system provides real-time update service of downloading spam word dictionary. User can create effective spam numbers and words dictionary. In addition, the system supports automatic SMS reply and privacy

10、message functions and so on. Combined with call firewall, the software simulates on PC and test on mobile phone at last to verify the correctness and stability of the whole application.Key words: Android OS;SMS firewall;Spam word filter III目目 录录第一章第一章 绪论绪论.11.11.1 课题研究背景课题研究背景.11.21.2 研究意义研究意义.11.31

11、.3 本文的创新之处、主要工作本文的创新之处、主要工作.21.41.4 论文结构论文结构.3第二章第二章 背景知识介绍背景知识介绍.52.12.1 AndroidAndroid OSOS 介绍介绍.52.1.1 Anroid 的优点52.1.2 Android 系统架构.52.22.2 AnroidAnroid 应用程序开发应用程序开发.72.2.1 主要组件介绍.72.2.2 SQLite 数据库92.2.3 程序开发环境.92.2.4 手机模拟器配置92.32.3 本章小结本章小结10第三章第三章 系统总体设计系统总体设计.113.13.1 需求分析需求分析113.1.1 主体功能113.

12、1.2 限制与约束133.23.2 总体设计总体设计143.2.1 设计目标.143.2.2 模块划分143.2.3 系统流程.153.33.3 开发环境开发环境173.43.4 本章小结本章小结.17第四章第四章 系统详细设计系统详细设计.194.14.1 数据库设计与实现数据库设计与实现.194.1.1 数据库 E-R 图194.1.2 数据表的设计.214.24.2 系统各个模块的设计与实现系统各个模块的设计与实现.234.2.1 启动设置模块.23IV4.2.2 模式管理模块.274.2.3 分组管理模块.294.2.4 记录管理模块334.34.3 后台服务的设计与实现后台服务的设计

13、与实现.364.3.1 联系人同步服务的实现364.3.2 短信服务.384.34.3 本本章章小结小结.42第五章第五章 系统安装测试系统安装测试.455.15.1 系统安装系统安装.455.25.2 系统测试系统测试455.2.1 测试环境.455.2.2 测试方案.455.2.3 测试结果.465.35.3 本章小结本章小结53第六章第六章 总结与展望总结与展望.556.16.1 论文总结论文总结.556.26.2 展望展望55参考文献参考文献.56致致 谢谢.58VContentsChapter 1 Introduction.11.1 Research background11.2 R

14、esearch significance.11.3 Innovaction place and major work 21.4 The structure of this paper3Chapter 2 Technical Foundation .52.1 Android OS introduction 52.1.1 The advantage of Anroid52.1.2 System Architecture of Android.52.2 Anroid Application Development.72.2.1Main components introduction.72.2.2 S

15、QLite database92.2.3 Program development environment.92.2.4 Mobile simulator configuration92.3 Summary.10Chapter 3 System Design113.1 Requirement analysis.113.1.1 Main functions.113.1.2 Limitations and constraints133.2 Design143.2.1Design Target.143.2.2 Module partition.143.2.3 System process153.3 D

16、evelopment environment 173.4 Summary.17Chapter 4 Detailed design of the system .194.1 Database Design and Implementation .194.1.1 Datebase E-R chart194.1.2 Database tables design214.2 System Design and Implementation of each module234.2.1 Setting module23VI4.2.2 Pattern management module274.2.3 Group management module.294.2.4 Records management module.334.3 Design and implementation of background services 364.3.1 Realization of contact



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