中考英语 话题七 情绪与情感习题1

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1、1话题七话题七 情感与情绪情感与情绪(Feelings(Feelings andand emotions)emotions).完形填空A A One day when I was younger, a dog chased(追赶) me down the street and _1_ me. Ever since then, I have feared dogs. If a dog was close _2_ me, I would move away as fast as possible, or go to the other side of the _3_ because I was a

2、fraid. But recently, my sister bought a puppy(小狗) called Cathy, and I was _4_ to live with a dog in my house.My sister told me to _5_ the dog.It is small, and it looks lovely, so I wasnt that _6_.I did it.The puppy did not attack me.That was _7_ I realized I really liked this puppy! I started to _8_

3、 the puppy, feeding it, taking it out for walks, and _9_ it to the veterinarian(兽医) for checkups.Now, I love it so much, and I _10_ do anything for it. My friends are still surprised that I am no longer afraid of dogs.It was a long _11_, but I did it.I set my mind to _12_ being afraid.I face my fear

4、, accept the challenge and I overcome it.You can too! Is there _13_ you are afraid of? You have the power to conquer(克服) it! Think about it and see _14_ you can come up with a way to face your fear.Take a chance! It could _15_ your life. (C)1.A.smelt Bshouted Cbit Date (D)2.A.with Bin Con Dto (A)3.A

5、.street Briver Cforest Dbridge (B)4.A.caught Bforced Caccepted Drefused (C)5.A.look Bask Ctouch Dunderstand (D)6.A.happy Bwell Csad Dscared (D)7.A.where Bwhy Cwhat Dwhen (C)8.A.take after Btake careClook after Dlook up (A)9.A.taking Bbringing Cletting Dasking (A)10.A.would Bmust Cshould Dneed (A)11.

6、A.process Bhistory Cwalk Dway (C)12.A.begin Btry Cstop Dovercome (D)13.A.something Bsomeone Canyone Danything (C)14.A.what Bhow Cif Dwhy (D)15.A.challenge Brealize Cencourage Dchange 【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者因为小时候被狗咬过,很长一段时间都怕狗, 但后来因为被迫跟小狗生活一段时间后克服了自己的恐惧。作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉大 家:每个人都有自己惧怕的东西,但是勇敢面对,总是能找到方法来克服。 【答

7、案精析】 1C 考查动词辨析。smelt“闻” ;shout“大喊” ;bite“咬” ;eat“吃” 。由后句2“Ever since then,I have feared dogs.”推测作者被狗咬过,故选 C。 2D 考查固定搭配。be close 不能与 with,on 以及 in 搭配使用;be close to 意 为“靠近,接近” 。句意为“如果狗接近我,我会快速跑掉。 ”故选 D。 3A 考查名词辨析。 street“街上” ; river “河” ; forest“森林” ; bridge“ 桥” 。由本段第一句中的“the street”可知选 A。 4B 考查动词辨析。

8、catch“抓住” ;force“强迫” ;accept“接受” ;refuse“拒 绝 ” 。由上句“my sister bought a puppy(小狗) called Cathy” ,可推知作者强调被迫与 狗一起生活。故选 B。 5C 考查动词辨析。look“看” ;ask“询问” ;touch“触摸” ;understand“理解” 。 由后句狗没有攻击作者可推测姐姐让作者摸一下小狗。故选 C。 6D 考查形容词辨析。happy“开心的” ;well“健康的” ;sad“难过的” ; scared“害怕的” 。由后句“I did it.”可推知作者不害怕了,故选 D。 7D 考查疑问

9、副词辨析。where“哪里” ;why“为什么” ;what“什么” ;when“什么 时候” 。由“I realized I really liked this puppy”可推测作者强调那时候开始意识到 自己喜欢那个小狗。故选 D。 8C 考查动词短语辨析。take after“长得像” ;take care “当心,小心” ;look after “照顾,照料 ” ;look up “查阅” 。由后文“feeding it, taking it out on walks”可推测作者开始照顾小狗。故选 C。 9A 考查动词辨析。 take sb./sth. to some place“带某

10、人/某物去某地” ,为固定 搭配。 故选 A。 10A 考查情态动词辨析。would“会,将要” ;must“必须” ;should“应该” ; need“需要” 。由上句“I love it so much”可推测作者愿为它做任何事。 故选 A。 11A 考查名词辨析。 process“过程” ;history“历史” ;walk“散步” ;way“方法” 。作者表示不再怕狗是个长期的过程,但他做到了。故选 A。 12C 考查动词辨析。begin“开始” ;try“尝试” ;stop“停止” ;overcome“克服” 。 由后一句|“I face my fear, accept the c

11、hallenge and I overcome it.”可推断出“我” 让自己停止害怕。故选 C。 13D 考查不定代词辨析。something“某事;某物” ,用于肯定句; anything “任 何事” ,用于否定和疑问句中; anyone“任何人” ;someone “有些人” 。由后文的“it”可 知此句意为“你有什么害怕的事吗?”故选 D。 14C 考查宾语从句的连接词。what“什么” ;how“怎样” ;if“如果” ;why“为什么” 。句意为“想想看你是否能想出一个方法去面对你的恐惧。 ”故选 C。 15D 考查动词辨析。challenge “挑战” ;realize“ 意识

12、到” ;encourage“鼓励” ; change“改变” 。由“Take a chance!”和上下文语境可推断出你的选择会改变你的生活。 故选 D。B B 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用 一次。sorry how never hate sad time school noodle meet stand3Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child.And of course, he 1 1 never said “I love you” to me, either.But whene

13、ver I felt lonely, dad was always there. When I was in high school, dad set up a food stand on the street near my 2 2 school.Every day when I finished school, my classmates and I would pass his food stand.But I really 3 3 hated talking to dad in front of his food stand. One night, I couldnt 4 4 stan

14、d it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you stop selling your stupid 5 5 noodles? I dont need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, dad was shocked.His eyes were filled with tears and 6 6 sadness.My mom later told me that dad was selling noodles to save money for my college educa

15、tion.I was so foolish, and even today I still feel 7 7 sorry for that night. 8 8 Time really flies.I finished college and then left my home.For the past ten years, whenever I visited home, dad was always there 9 9 meeting me and seeing me off quietly at the railway station.Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me or touch me.Thats the way dad is, and that


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