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1、关于绿色制造的研究报告,刘文龙、赵晏林,一 绿色制造的定义及研究内容1.1 绿色制造的定义1.2 研究内容 二 如何实现绿色制造2.1 对于传统发展模式的反思2.2 如何实现绿色制造2.3 应用举例 三 绿色制造的发展趋势 四 结束语,一 绿色制造的概念及研究内容,1.1 绿色制造的定义绿色制造,又称环境意识制造(Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing)、面向环境的制造(Manufacturing For Environment)等 。是一个综合考虑环境影响和资源效率的现代制造模式, 其目标是使得产品从设计、制造、包装、运输、使用到报废处理的整个产品生命

2、周期中, 对环境的负面影响极小, 资源效率极高, 并使企业经济效益和社会效益协调优化。,1.2 研究内容,The available work on green manufacturing in its modern new context is considered to be few. The review can be divided into two groups, first, the work that dealt with the overall concept of green manufacturing and second, the work that provided v

3、arious analytical tools and models to realize green manufacturing at different levels.,1.2 研究内容,the first side Naderi (1996) showed that green manufacturing is highly tied to waste management through the elimination of causal factors. the work of Mohnty and Deshmukh (1998) highlighting the importanc

4、e of green productivity as a competitive edge. They defined green productivity as all activities attempting to decrease wastes. They showed various case studies with different waste elimination practices to highlight the potential green productivity can have on the overall manufacturing performance.

5、,1.2 研究内容,Jovane et al. (2003) presented sustainable and green manufacturing as future paradigm with business model based on designing for environment using new nano/bio/material technologies. They highlighted that the new paradigm will respond to the customer need of more eco-friendly products.,1.2

6、 研究内容,Wang and Lin (2007) proposed a broad triple bottom line framework to track and categorize sustainability information at the corporate level through a sustainability index system. The framework incorporated environmental and social costs and values into economic activities to support the decisi

7、ons of the management. Their methodology was suggested to help decision makers to make green manufacturing plans.,1.2 研究内容,Burk and Goughran (2007) also presented another framework for sustainability to realize green manufacturing . The framework was based on their studies of SME manufacturers who a

8、chieved ISO 14001 certification.,1.2 研究内容,the second side Fiksel (1996) gathered different analytical tools that have emerged from product/process design research for green manufacturing . Examples of these tools include Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Design for the Environment (DfE), screening methods

9、and risk analysis.,1.2 研究内容,the work of Melnyk et al. (2001) who proposed Green MRP tool. This tool is essentially a conventional Material Requirements Planning system that has been modified to include environmental considerations when converting the Master Production Schedule into the various compo

10、nent schedules. Through this inclusion, Green MRP solves the problem of minimizing environmental impact when managing industrial waste, by flagging potential component planning and environmentally related problems.,1.2 研究内容,Hui et al. (2002) proposed a model to assess environmental hazards in manufa

11、cturing . In their model, the network analytic method was employed to analyze the potential of each impact category created by different kinds of waste in manufacturing processes. Additionally, fuzzy set theory was used to determine a numeric fuzzy weighting factor of each impact category contributi

12、ng to the overall potential environmental impact on ecosystem. The model was limited to ecological health hazards.,1.2 研究内容,Krishnan et al. (2004) proposed environmental value systems analysis tool to evaluate the environmental performance of semiconductor processing. The tool develops environmental

13、 assessments through a “bottom-up” analysis approach, assembling equipment environmental models to describe a system.,1.2 研究内容,Cleanability and burr reduction which are another green manufacturing aspects also on the machine level were studied in various machine tool researches to act as another opt

14、imization objectives in their attempts to improve machine tool performance. Example of this type of work was presented by Avila et al. (2005) in the aerospace industry.,二 如何实现绿色制造,2.1 对于传统发展模式的反思回顾20世纪的发展历程,人类社会在以下三方面发生了深 远的变化。 第一: 科学技术突飞猛进第二:人口爆炸性增长 第三:资源过度消耗,环境污染严重,传统的工业发展模式暴露出了种种缺陷: 第一,GDP已经成为衡量一

15、个国家经济社会进步的最重要的指标。GDP不仅不扣除环境污染损失, 而且还把治理环境污染变成了GDP增长的一部分。 第二,传统的工业发展模式, 经济的快速增长依赖于资源、能源和原材料的大量消耗, 是一种高投入低产出的发展模式。,2.1 对于传统发展模式的反思,2.1 对于传统发展模式的反思,第三,传统的工业发展模式不考虑环境因素, 一味强调对环境的征服, 缺乏环境保护意识, 是一种“资源 产品 污染排放 ” 的单向线性和非循环的经济过程。而循环经济则强调最有效利用资源和保护环境, 表现为“资源 产品 再生资源” 的持续循环增长方式, 做到生产和消费,资源消耗减量化、污染排放最小化、废物再生资源化

16、和无害化, 以最小发展成本获得最大经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。,2.1 对于传统发展模式的反思,当前,国际上都注意到这样一个事实:一方面,人类正在耗费巨资来保护环境,控制污染,如美国每年用于环境保护的投资高达800900亿美元。另一方面,人类赖以生存的环境并没有因此得到改善,新的环境污染问题不断出现。,2.2 如何实现绿色制造,实现“绿色制造模式”包括三个层次 一是绿色资源,即更多采用绿色原材料和绿色能源;二是绿色生产过程;三是绿色产品。 一个产品的生命周期要做到“五绿”:绿色设计、绿色材料、绿色工艺、绿色包装和绿色回收处理。,绿色设计即在产品及其寿命的全过程的设计中,充分考虑对资源和环境的影响,在充分考虑产品的性能、质量、开发周期和成本的同时,优化各有关设计因素,使得产品及其制造过程对环境的总体负影响减到最小。 绿色材料 即生产过程中能耗低、噪声小、无毒性并对环境无害的材料和材料制品,以及对人类、环境有危害但采取适当的措施后就可以减少或消除的材料及制成品。,



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