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1、Unit 6 一一连线连线 kick the shuttlecock 踢毽子踢毽子 hopscotch 扔沙包扔沙包 draw the clowns nose 拍球拍球 bounce the ball 跳房子跳房子 catch the beanbag 画小丑的鼻子画小丑的鼻子 throw the beanbag 捉迷藏捉迷藏 hide and seek 捡起来放下捡起来放下 pick and put 接沙包接沙包 二圈出读音不同的一项。二圈出读音不同的一项。 1. name cake make cat 2. nut gun huge duck 3. five six hit sit 4. he

2、 bed pen egg 三根据主格人称代词填写相应的宾格三根据主格人称代词填写相应的宾格 I _ you _ he _ we _ she _ they _ 四选择题四选择题 ( ) 1. Let _ play games. A. I B. me C. my ( ) 2. Where is Sam? A . house. B. It is a house. C. In the house. ( ) 3. Which game do you want to play? A. Pear. B. Bounce the ball. C. Clown. ( ) 4. Where _ Tom and Sa

3、m? A. is B. are C. do ( ) 5. What can you bounce? A. The ball. B. The hand. C. The feet. ( ) 6. What can you kick? A. Clap. B. Shuttlecock. C. Hopscotch. ( ) 7. I can draw the _ nose. A. clown B. clowns C. clowns ( ) 8. Let _ catch the beanbag. A. us B. is C. has ( ) 9. Cake 划线部分的音标是划线部分的音标是 _ A. aI

4、 B. eI C. a: ( ) 10. 选出不同类的一项选出不同类的一项 _ A. pear. B. bounce C. kick 五找正确的答语。五找正确的答语。 1.Do you like red? Yes, I do. 3.Where are my shoes? I can hear a car. 4.Whats in my hat? I want some apples. 5.What can you hear? They are under the bed. 6.What would you like? Yes, please. 7.Would you like an apple? Its a ruler. 六翻译六翻译 1、Pick an apple and put it under the chair. _ 2、Do you understand? _ 3. He must be in the lemon house. _ 4. Which game do you want to play first?



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