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1、1,Job Descriptions are the backbone of any organizations effective HR program,2,Chapter 5 职务分析 Analyzing Jobs,3,本章主要内容,介绍职务分析的概念、原理和作用 职务分析的程序和方法 职务描述方法与职务规范的编写,4,职务分析的基本概念,职务分析(job analysis)是一个确定职务的任务、活动和责任的过程,在我国也被称为岗位分析、工作分析或职位调查。 职务分析主要说明职务的两个重要方面,第一是对工作本身作出规定;第二是明确对工作承担者的行为和资格要求。,5,Job Analysis

2、 Defined,Collecting and Recording Job Information Checking the Job Information for Accuracy Writing Job Descriptions Based on the Information Using the Information to Determine What Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge Are Required for the Job Updating the Information from Time to Time,Job Analysis Invo

3、lves:,6,Job Analysis Defined,Task Duty Position Job Occupation Career Job Description Job Specification,Other Important Job Analysis Terms:,7,Job Analysis Decisions,What type of information will be collected? How will the information be collected? How will the information be recorded or documented?,

4、8,Job Analysis Information,Job Content assemble boxes,Job Context plant assembly line,Worker Requirements knowledge, skills, abilities,9,Job Content Information,What the worker does The purpose of the action The tools, equipment, or machinery used in the process Task importance Expected performance

5、levels Training needed,10,Job Context,Reporting relationships Supervision received Judgment Authority Personal contacts Working conditions Physical demands Personal demands,11,Worker Requirements Information,Knowledge Skills Ability Personal characteristics Credentials,12,Uses of Job Analysis,Recrui

6、tment/ Selection,Training & Development,Performance Appraisal,Compensation,Performance Improvement Programs,Employee Discipline,Safety & Health,Job Analysis Foundations,13,职务分析的意义,组织设计和结构的基础 人力资源计划的依据 职务评价和报酬的公平和公正 招聘活动的依据 人员换岗工作更有效率 训练和开发的方向,7. 为业绩评价提供客观标准 8. 为职业生涯计划提出方向9. 帮助明确劳动关系 10.利于工程设计和方法改进 1

7、1.为职务设计提供思路 12.有利于重视作业的安全,14,思考问题,是否有必要进行职务分析 国有企业在职务分析中面临什么问题?,15,The Job Analysis Process,Fig. 4.1 Job Analysis Process,16,职务分析的一般过程,准备阶段调查阶段分析阶段和汇总完成阶段,17,职务分析的准备阶段,职务分析的目标。 明确采用职务分析的格式 编制指导书等。 选择和训练分析员 最后通知被调查的员工,18,调查和分析阶段,调查阶段是一个收集信息的过程,任务是全面的调查工作的过程、作业的环境、工作的性质、难易程度责任、人员的条件等内容。分析人员要观察现场,开班组座谈

8、会,采访工人和管理人员,利用问卷调查法和功能分析法等收集与工作有关的信息。这种调查的分析一般集中在工作和人员两方面。,19,Choosing the Jobs to be Studied,Representativeness of the job Criticality of the job Number of applicants for the job Stability / obsolescence of job content Evidence of adverse impact on selection Entry-level jobs in an organisation Jobs

9、 serving as links to higher level jobs Evidence of performance deficiencies Jobs that are physically demanding Only analyse some key jobs in a related group of jobs, not all jobs,20,How to Gather Job Information,Interviews Observation Questionnaires,21,Job Analysis Interview,22,面谈法,面谈法是由职务分析人员通过与有关人

10、员或小组进行面对面的交谈,获取与职务有关的信息。这种方法能提供标准与非标准的活动的信息,也能提供身体和精神的信息。,23,面谈法的适用,面谈法最广泛用于确定职务任务和责任,几乎可以用于所有对职务的分析活动。,24,职务分析面谈问题样本,(1)请问你的姓名、职务名称、职务编号是什么? (2)请问你在哪个部门工作?请问你的部门经理是谁?你的直接上级是谁? (3)请问你主要做哪些职务?可以举一些实例。 (4)请你尽可能详细地讲讲你昨天一天的工作内容。 (5)请问你对哪些事情有决策权?哪些事情没有决策权? (6)请讲讲你在工作中需要接触到哪些人?,25,Strengths of Job Analysi

11、s Interview,Most frequently used Can be used to collect all types of job analysis information The only way to collect some types of job analysis information,26,Weakness of Job Analysis Interview,Incumbents may inflate their jobs May reveal only a superficial view of the job Time consuming,27,Job Ana

12、lysis Observation,28,观察法,观察法是指由分析人员实地观察员工的工作过程,记录分析有关数据。通常借用人的感觉器官、观察仪器或计算机辅助系统描述实际工作活动,并用文字、图表和流程图等形式表现出来。目前常用的观察方法有流程图法、运动研究、工作样本分析法。,29,观察法适用,分析那些在一段时间内,工作内容、工作程序、对工作人员的要求不会发生明显变化的职务,是搜集非语言行为资料的初步方法。,30,观察法不足之处,难以控制影响职务活动的外部变量其次适用对象有局限难以观察智力活动为主的工作观察的结果难于用数量表示。,31,Sample Job Analysis Checklists,R

13、OUTINE CLERICAL RESPONSIBILITIES Activity FrequencyD W M O 1. Types labels, letters, envelopes, and invoices. o o o o 2. Determine layout and format,and type in finished format. o o o o 3. Proofread and correct errors. o o o o 4. Set up an type financial and statistical reports. o o o o,32,Job Analy

14、sis Observation Strengths,Can determine real rather than estimated time spent on tasks Not subject to self-report biases or misunderstandings Can check consistency of results by comparing notes Useful for complex jobs Useful for identifying subtasks,33,Job Analysis Observation Weaknesses,Irregularly

15、 performed tasks are difficult to capture. Not all tasks are observable. Some workers behave atypically when observed.,34,Job Analysis Questionnaires,35,问卷法,员工通过填写问卷来描述工作中所包括的任务和责任。问卷法有结构性问卷和非结构性问卷。,36,职务分析调查表构成,37,Types of Job Analysis Questionnaires,Job analysis inventory Task inventory Ability in

16、ventory,38,Job Analysis Questionnaires Strengths,Can get information from several people simultaneously Information can be collected quickly Can be used to group jobs Can be used to determine workers training needs,39,Job Analysis Questionnaires Weaknesses,Limited applicability Bias and self-inflated responses are possible,


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