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1、Chapter 14,Principles of Disease and Epidemiology,2011/02/10,2,Q&A,A patient entered the hospital to have torn cartilage removed from her right knee. The surgery was scheduled as a same-day procedure. Unfortunately, she subsequently developed pneumonia and wasnt released until 10 days later. How wou

2、ld you account for these events?,2011/02/10,3,Chapter 14:Principles of Disease and Epidemiology,14-1 Learning Objective:Define pathology, etiology, infection, and disease. A. Pathology、Infection、Disease: Pathology (病理學):The study of disease. Etiology (病因學):The study of the cause of a disease. Pathog

3、enesis (致病過程):The development of disease. Pathological Changes (病理學上的改變): Structural and functional changes. Infection:Colonization of the body by pathogens. Disease:An abnormal state in which the body is not functionally normally.,2011/02/10,4,Normal microbiota:(Normal flora;正常菌叢): Permanently colo

4、nize the host. Transient microbiota:(暫時性微生物群) May be present for days, weeks, or months.,B. Normal Microbiota,14-2 Define normal and transient microbiota. 14-3 Compare commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism, and give an example of each. 14-4 Contrast normal microbiota and transient microbiota with

5、opportunistic microorganisms.,2011/02/10,5,Symbiosis is the relationship between normal microbiota and the host:,2011/02/10,6,Representative Members of the Normal Micreobiota by body region,2011/02/10,7,Representative Members of the Normal Micreobiota by body region,2011/02/10,8,Microbial antagonism

6、 (微生物拮抗作用) is competition between microbes. Normal flora can benefit the host by preventing the overgrowth of harmful microorganisms. Normal microbiota protect the host by: occupying niches that pathogens might occupy. producing acids. producing bacteriocins (桿菌素, Colicin, Pyocin) Probiotics (益生菌) a

7、re live microbes applied to or ingested into the body, intended to exert a beneficial effect.,Relationships Between the Normal Microbiota and the Host,2011/02/10,9,In commensalism (片利共生), one organism is benefited and the other is unaffected. Corynebacteria (棒狀桿菌) Saprophytic mycobacteria (腐生性分枝桿菌)

8、In mutualism (互利共生), both organisms benefit. Escherichia coli (大腸桿菌) In parasitism (寄生), one organism is benefited at the expense of the other. Some normal microbiota are opportunistic pathogens (伺機性病原體).,Symbiosis (共生),2011/02/10,10,Figure 14.2,Normal Microbiota and the Host:,E. Coli Echoviruses,co

9、rynebacteria,Ears Saprophyticmycobacteria,Lactobacilliteria Candida albicans,Neisseria sp. Streptococcus sp.,Candida albicans,Staphylococcus,Locations of normal microbiota on and in the human body,2011/02/10,11,Kochs Postulates are used to prove the cause of an infectious disease.1.The same pathogen

10、 must be present in every case of the disease.2.The pathogen must be isolated from the diseases host and grown in pure culture.3.The pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when it is inoculated into a healthy, susceptible lab animal.4.The pathogen must be isolated from the inoculated

11、animal and must be shown to be the original animal,Figure 14.3.1,C. The Etiology of Infectious Diseases 感染性疾病的病因學,Learning Objective 14-5 List Kochs postulates.,2011/02/10,12,Kochs Postulates,Kochs postulates are used to prove the cause of an infectious disease Some pathogens can cause several disea

12、se conditions Some pathogens cause disease only in humans,2011/02/10,13,Treponema pallidum (梅毒密螺旋體) Syphilis Mycobacterium leprae (痲瘋分枝桿菌) leprosy Legionella sp. (退伍軍人協會桿菌屬) Legionellosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (肺結核分枝桿菌) Tuberculosis Streptococcus pyogenes (化膿鏈球菌) Erysipelas、scarlet fever Other

13、infectious diseases that sometimes have poorly defined etiologies are Pneumonia, Meningitis and Peritonitis.,Exceptions to Kochs postulates:,Figure 14.3.2,2011/02/10,14,D. Classifying Infectious Diseases,Symptom A change in body function that is felt(症狀) by a patient as a result of disease. Sign A c

14、hange in a body that can be(表象) measured or observed as a result of disease.,Learning Objectives 14-6 Differentiate a communicable from anoncommunicable disease. 14-7 Categorize diseases according to frequencyof occurrence. 14-8 Categorize diseases according to severity. 14-9 Define herd immunity.,2

15、011/02/10,15,D. Classifying Infectious Diseases,Syndrome A specific group of signs and(症候群) symptoms that accompany adisease. Communicable A disease that is spread disease from one host to another.(傳染性疾病) Contagious A disease that is easilydisease spread from one host to(接觸傳染性疾病) another. Noncommuni

16、cable A disease that is not disease transmitted from one(非傳染性疾病) host to another.,ANIMATION Epidemiology : Overview,2011/02/10,16,Incidence Fraction of a population(發生率) that contracts a diseaseduring a specific time. Prevalence Fraction of a population(流行率) having a specific diseaseat a given time. Sporadic disease Disease that occurs(偶發性疾病) occasionally in a population,


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