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1、第二学时 Learning about Language,Cultural relics,1Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文物是否总是要稀有而贵重呢?,寓词于境,观察下列划线词的词性和意思。 Her grandmother left her a valuable ring. 她的祖母留给她一枚很贵重的戒指(adj.贵重的)。 She keeps her jewelry and other valuables in a safe. 她把珠宝和其他贵重物品放在保险箱(n. 贵重物品)。,In fact, I v

2、alue a lot my friendship with you. 事实上, 我非常珍惜和你的友谊(v. 珍惜)。 This trip has been good value (for money). 这次旅行很划算/超值(n. 合算)。 Smoking has little value except in helping to calm the nerves. 抽烟除了镇静神经外没有什么价值(n. 价值)。 The values of todays young people differ from those of their parents. 现在的年轻人有着与父辈不同的价值观(valu

3、es 价值观)。,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1) Weve already taken up too much of_(你宝贵的时间). (2) In the 1960s,_(价值观) changed and they_(珍惜) love and friendship rather than money. (3) The old house is said to have _(很有价值) and many people want to buy it. (4)This silk dress only cost me 50 yuan. It is really_(划算).,(1)your val

4、uable time (2)the values, valued (3)great value (4)good value,词语链接,2. Is it enough to have survived for a long time?只是经历了很长时间够不够(成为文物)?,survival n. 继续生存;幸存 survivor n. 生还者;幸存者 survive on 靠生存 survival kit. 救生包(箱) 温馨提示:survive意为 “幸免,生还;继续存在;比活的时间长;从(困难中)挺过来”, 本身可作为及物动词,所以表示在火灾/事故中幸存用survive the fire/

5、the accident表达即可,无须加任何介词。,完成下列句子。 (1) Only 2 of the 14 passengers_(幸免于难). (2) Many customs _(保存了下来) the long history. (3) The little girl _(在地震中生还). She _(靠一瓶水生还). (4) _(生还者) of the earthquake got the help from the whole country.,即学即练,(1) survived (2) have survived (3) has survived the earthquake, s

6、urvived on a bottle of water (4)The survivors,3. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。,温馨提示:注意 “情态动词 have done”的意思。 could have done sth. (用于肯定句)本来可以

7、做(却没有做) can/ could have done(用于疑问句) 可能已经做了(表示对过去行为的疑问或推测) could not/ never have done sth. 过去不可能做了某事 must have done sth. 过去一定做过某事 should have done sth. 居然做了某事; 过去本该做某事但没有做 shouldnt have done sth. 过去本不该做某事但却做了,即学即练A,完成下列句子。 (1)You have failed the examination again. You_(本应该更努力学习的) (2)Its strange that

8、he_(竟然做出这种事情) (3)He_(不可能去了上海), for we were in the same meeting just now.,(1)should have studied harder (2)should have done such a thing (3)couldnt have gone to Shanghai,(4)He _(本可以向妻子道歉的), but he didnt want to give in first. (5)He didnt come home until dawn. Where_(会去了哪里呢) in the night? (6)Its alrea

9、dy time. He _(一定是忘了) the meeting.,(4)could have said sorry to his wife (5)could he have gone (6)must have forgotten,词语链接,amaze.v. 使惊讶;使惊愕 amazement.n. 惊愕的情绪 amazing.a. 令人吃惊的amazingly.adv. 惊人地to ones amazement. 令某人惊讶的是in amazement/ with amazement. 惊愕地,即学即练B,完成下列句子。 (1)His story is_. Weve never heard

10、anything so strange. (2)We watched the little boy running like a wild horse_. (3)His appetite(胃口) is_ good. (4)_(使我们吃惊的是), it was the little boy who worked out the difficult question.,(1)amazing (2)in amazement (3)amazingly (4)To our amazement,词语链接,4. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yel

11、lowbrown colour like honey.选出来的琥珀色彩艳丽,呈现蜂蜜一样的黄褐色。,select v. (仔细)挑选;选拔 adj. 精心挑选的,优等的(只能用于名词前) select sb. to do sth. 挑选某人做某事 select sb. for sth. 为了挑选 select sb. as 选某人充当 a select few 精选的几个,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)He hasnt been_(选入足球队). (2)She_(被推选为候选人) for the election. (3)We are going to (挑选两名学生) to represe

12、nt our school. (4)She_(挑选了一个苹果)selected an apple from the fruit bowl. (5)_(只有精心挑选的几个人) have been invited to the wedding.,(1)selected for the football team (2)was selected as the candidate (3)select two students (4)selected an apple (5)Only a select few people,5The design of the room was in the fancy

13、 style popular in those days. (琥珀屋的)设计采用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。,词语链接,fancy n. /v. /adj. 爱好,想象;喜欢,愿意;没想到;别致的,花哨的fancy sb./sth.喜欢某人/某物 fancy doing sth.真想不到做某事 fancy oneself自命不凡, 自以为是 have a fancy for(没有一定道理地)喜欢,想要take/ catch the fancy of . 引起喜爱 a fancy dress ball 化妆舞会 fancy skating花样滑冰,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)Was it f

14、act or_(想象)? (2) I_(想要) a piece of that cake. (3)The book_(引起公众的喜爱) at once.,(1) fancy (2) have a fancy for (3) took the fancy of the public,(4) Fancy a walk in the rain? (5) Fancy meeting you here! (6) fancied herself,(4) 想不想在雨中散步呢? _ (5) 没想到在这碰到你! _ (6) She_(自以为是) to be important in the company.,i

15、n . style ( in the style of.) 以的风格/文体 如:The letter was written in a formal style.这封信以正式的文体写成。 She paints in the style of Picasso. 她以毕加索的风格作画。 6. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it. 然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。,词语链接,belongings n. 所有物 belong v. 属于;适合 belong to属于(不用于被动语态和进行时态),即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)She_(不适合) in the beginners class. (2)A man of his ability _(适合从教). (3)The future _(属于青年人). (4)Those_(属于) the association are strongly against this policy(政策) (5)Pack up_(你的东西) and leave!,



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