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1、to my class,YING YU ZONG FU XI,语法专项训练,英语总复习,中考考点 复习要求 要点、考点聚焦 典型考题解析 课时训练,中考考什么,名词的数,名词的所有格,专有名词,可数名词,不可数名词,NOUN.,熟记已学过的名词以及专有名词; 掌握常用名词的数的变化; 掌握名词所有格的构成及其变化; 理解名词在句中的功能。 中考考查形式:选择题、单词拼写及选词填空题、完成句子 等。 ,复习策略,YING YU ZONG FU XI,英语总复习,NOUN.,NOUN.,中考考什么,名词的数,要点考点聚焦,可数名词单数,NOUN.,a flower a watch a factor

2、y a box a leaf,an umbrella,可数名词的单数形式在名词前加 或 ,以辅音开头的名词前加 ,以元音开头的名词前加 当名词前有形容词修饰时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词,如an interesting book 和a red apple.,注:以下字母虽然是辅音字母,但却是以元音音素开头的,f, h, L, m, n, r, s ,x.,a,an,a,an,可数名词单数,NOUN.,在下列词中的可数名词前加a/an,book job answer American Chinese meal player apple event,hour university um

3、brella old man honest boy useful thing “b” “u” “m”,aa an anaaaanan,anaanananaaa an,NOUN.,a flower,flowers,可数名词复数,watch,es,factory-factories,leaf - leaves,box,es,NOUN.,要点考点聚焦,要点考点聚焦,找规律,tomatoes,potatoes,heroes,NOUN.,radio,photo,找规律,zoos,pianos,NOUN.,要点考点聚焦,s,s,(1)-s (2) es: 以x, s, sh, ch 结尾,例外:stoma

4、ch-stomachs,注意:mouth- , house-,(3) 辅音字母+y结尾,去y变-ies: story-stories,(4) 以-f, -fe 结尾,去-f, -fe变-ves: leaf-leaves , life-lives, wife-wives, knife-knives, thief-thieves, shelf-shelves, wolf-wolves, half-halves,例外:roof-roofs, scarf scarfs / scarves,(5) 以-o结尾+s/es:photo-photos, radio-radios, piano-pianos,

5、zoo-zoos potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes,注意:元音字母y 结尾,直接+s: boy-boys, holiday-holidays,名词的复数,NOUN.,规则变化(小结),mouths,houses,不规则变化,child-children,woman-women,deer,sheep,man-,goose-geese,NOUN.,-men,(1)变内部字母:foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, man-men, woman-women,mouse-mice,(2) 形式不变(单复相同):

6、,(3) 词尾加en/ren:,名词的复数,NOUN.,不规则变化(小结),sheep-sheep , deer-deer,Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese,child- children,注意:German-,Germans,human-,humans,与众不同,NOUN.,scissors,chopsticks,shoes,trousers,glasses,socks,people,gloves,juice,orange,milk,不可数名词,NOUN.,a glass of,a bottle of,two boxes of,不可数名词 数量的表达法:在

7、不可数名词前加of短语,利用量词和容器 的数量来表示不可数名词的 “量”.,a bottle of milk-two bottles of milka piece of meat-three pieces of meat,表示不可数名词量的相关词语还有:some, a lot of , much, a little , little, lots of,巩固练习:(1)一茶杯茶 (2)一片面包 (3)两袋大米 (4)五瓶桔汁 (5)一些鸡肉 (6)许多牛奶,NOUN.,重点再现,a bottle of juice a glass of milk a bag of rice,a pound of

8、bread a piece of meat a kilo of chicken,2 bottles of juice 3 glasses of milk 4 bags of rice,5 pounds of bread 6 pieces of meat 7 kilos of chicken,1.不可数名词以容器来计量 如:,2.不可数名词以表示数量的单位来计算 如:,复数形式,复数形式,只把容器变复数,只把计量单位变复数,NOUN.,注意问题,不可数名词用来表示类别时,可用复数。 例如:drinks各种饮料 vegetables各种蔬菜foods各种食物 fruits各种水果There are

9、nt any _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs,A,NOUN.,( )1. I want three _ white paper. A. pieces B. piece of C. pieces of ( )2. Do you want to drink much _ ?A. a milk B. milk C. milks ( )3. In autumn, you can see a lot of _ on the gro

10、und.A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves ( )4. My sister has two _. One is old, the other is new. A. a watch B. watchs C. watches ( )5. He has three _ under the bed.A. pair of shoe B. pairs of shoe C. pairs of shoes,C,B,C,C,典型例题解析,NOUN.,C,( )6. They come from Japan. Theyre _.A. Japanese B. Japaneses C. a Japa

11、nese ( )7. Some _ are coming to help us.A. peoples B. people C. the people ( )8. We have a lot of _ to do. A. work B. works C. worker ( ) 9.The boy hurt one of his _, so he couldnt walk any longer.A. teeth B. hands C. feet D. ears ( )10. _ come from England. They speak English.A. Englishman B. Engli

12、shmans C. Englishmen,A,C,B,A,典型例题解析,NOUN.,C,1._hat looks like a cat. (Lucy)2.They are the _ desks. (twin)3.This shop sells _(child) toys.4.He is _father. (Kate and Jim)5._mothers are in the same factory. (Kate and Jim),#单数名词一般直接加 s,Lucys,twins,childrens,Kate and Jims,Kates and Jims,:名词所有格多数用于表示有生命的名

13、词的所属关系。,NOUN.,的(s或),看例识所有格,#以 s / es 结尾的复数名词加 ,#不以 s 结尾的复数名词加 s,#表示两个或两个以上的人共同所有的事物时,只在最后一个名词上加 s,#表示两个或两个以上的人各自所有的事物时,每个名词后都加 s,后面的名词用复数,1. 单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词一般加s, 2 . 以s结尾的名词,不管是单数还是复数形式,一律加 , 若表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名字后加s,若表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后加s,,名词所有格:表示有生命的名词所有格,一般用 “ 名词s ”形式,NOUN.,概括,一般用.of.结构来表示无生命的名词所

14、有格: 如:the door _the room 房间的门 a map _ China 一 张中国地图 the photos _ my sister 我妹妹的照片双重所有格例:a friend of my fathers 我父亲的一位朋友a classmate of _.(我的),NOUN.,名词所有格,of,of,of,mine,典型例题解析,NOUN.,( ) 1._room is big and big. They like it very much. (河北2007)A. Tom and Sam B. Toms and Sam C. Toms and Sams D. Tom and Sams 2.They are_. (莉莉和露西的房间) 3. This new bike is_.(汤姆的) 4.The old teacher is a friend of_. (是我的一个朋友),Lilys and Lucys rooms,Toms,mine/my friends,D,名词的作用,



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