【优品课件】I am watching TV1

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《【优品课件】I am watching TV1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优品课件】I am watching TV1(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Im watchingTV.,快乐热身,nurse,doctor,你有信心学好今天的课吗?,Section A (1a2c),The First Period,clean, read, happy, apartment, TV show,The Aims,New words and phrases,doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, reading, talking on the phone,1b,Listen and write numbers from the box.,1 doing homework_

2、2. watching TV_ 3.cleaning_ 4.eating dinner_ 5.reading_ 6.talking on the photo_,a. Jenny_,b. Dave and Mary_,c. John_,2,4,1,d,a,b,c,f,e,What is he /she doing? She/ He is painting.,What are they doing? They are dancing.,dancing,painting,swimming,Playing the guitar,Playing the trumpet,sleeping,singing,

3、Whats he doing?,He is getting up.,What is she doing?,She is sleeping.,What is he doing?,He is eating breakfast.,What is he doing?,He is running.,Whats he doing?,He is taking a shower.,What are they doing?,They are going to school.,2a,2b,Listening,Listen to the conversation and answer these questions

4、.,1.What is Steve doing?,2.Does Steve want to go to the movies?,Hes watching TV.,Yes, he does.,Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. Then listen again and correct it.,_Do you want to go to the movies? _Im watching TV. _What are you doing? _That sounds good. This TV show is

5、 boring,3,2,1,4,Make a similar conversation,Period Two,Is he Yes, he/she is. No, he /she isnt.,Are they. Yes, they are. No, they arent.,Is he playing a computer?,Yes , he is.,Is he singing?,No, he isnt. He is dancing.,Are they watching TV?,Yes, they are. They are watching TV.,Are you reading?,No, we

6、 arent. We are talking on the phone,Pairwork,Guess what the people are doing.,Make conversations,A: What are you doing, Jim?,B: Guess.,A: Are you watching TV?,B: No, Im not.,B: Yes, I am drawing a picture.,A: Are you painting?,情景对话天天练,想一想,这节课我们学习了 哪些知识?,完成练习册Section A 预习Section A 3a4的内容 熟练掌握本单元单词及句型,Homework,Thank you for attending !,Goodbye !,



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