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1、询盘,询价,是买方对所要购买的商品向卖方作出的探寻。其内容并不仅限于价格,还可兼问商品的规格、性能。包装和交货期等。 询问的目的主要是从卖方即出口商获得具有竞争性的价格,然后从几家报价中选择最佳者。,Chapter Three Inquiries and Replies,Points for attention,State clearly and concisely what you want general information, a catalogue, price list, sample, quotation, etc. 在书写一般询盘信时,一定要做到具体,把所需了解的信息阐述清楚,

2、如价格、装运期等等。在回信时,确保对方所询问题都给予回答。,General enquiry 一般询价 这种询价并不一定立即接触具体交易,一般属摸底性质。其内容包括:1)请寄某种商品的样品、目录及价格表;2)探寻某种商品的品质、价格、数量、交货期等。 Specific enquiry 具体询价 请求对方报盘,也就是说,买方已经准备购买某种商品,或已有现成买主,请卖方就这一商品报价。,Main & Difficult Points,Letter 1 Requesting for catalogues and price lists 请求寄目录和价格表,Language Points,stock n

3、. 库存;存货,a stock of 一批现货 from stock (ex stock) 现货;动用库存 in stock 库存中 come into (to) stock 库存有货 out of stock 无货;缺货,Language Points,There is no more stock on hand. 手头已无存货。,We can supply you from stock. 我们可以现货供应。,The type you required is out of stock, but the similar type is in stock. 你方询购的型号无货。类似的型号有货。,

4、Chinese version of the letter,执事先生: 关于圣诞节装饰物 作为英格兰主要的经销商之一,我们想了解标题项下货物的详细情况。 请寄有关不同颜色的灯泡、铃、小动物以及其他用于装饰圣诞树的铝制饰物的价格表。我们所需的货物要耐用,颜色鲜艳、具有吸引力。因为我们所需货物的质量应该是高质量的,所以如果质量可行的话,我们愿意出高价。 报价时,请提供能现货供应的样品。 至于我方的资信状况,您方可向我方银行,伦敦巴克莱银行查询。 期待您方的早日答复。 谨上,,Letter 2 The first inquiry 初次询价,Language Points,2. Cotton Blea

5、ched Poplin 全棉漂白府绸,3. owing to 因为;由于,Owing to heavy demand, we cannot entertain your counteroffer. 由于需求量很大,我们不能考虑接受你方的还盘。,1. wholesaler n. 批发商 retailers n 零售商,Language Points,4. keen competition竞争激烈,5. business chance 商机,销售旺季 类似的表达法: the season the busy season the brisk demand 需求活跃,1)We should be mu

6、ch obliged if you inform us of their credit standing. 如蒙告知他们的资信状况,我们将不胜感激。 2)we will appreciate it if you inform us of their credit standing. 3)It will be appreciated if you inform us of their credit standing. 4) Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. 如蒙早日答复,将不胜感激。,6. be obliged 感谢(感激) apprec

7、iate vt. 感谢,感激,理解 to be thankful or grateful,执事先生: 我们同好运公司交往多年,承蒙他们向我们推荐了贵公司。 我们是美国主要的纺织品批发商。现有意进口10,000码货号为2040全棉漂白府绸。 由于竞争激烈,因此你方报价须在本月底前到达我处以免错过销售机遇。 如能告知所给折扣将不胜感激。 谨上,,Chinese version of the letter,Letter 3 general inquiry 一般询价,Language Points,1. Trade Directory : 贸易指南(杂志),贸易名录,2. by return 立即,收

8、信后立即,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生: 从第二期“贸易指南”上看到贵公司的广告。 我们对贵公司的纯棉衬衫很感兴趣,若能尽快寄给我方这些货物的价格表和带有图片的目录册,将不胜感激。 我们的往来银行是新加坡银行。 盼早日答复。 谨上,,Letter 4 Specific inquiry 具体询价,Language Points,我们高兴地得知贵方已接受我们的订单。,learn vi 获悉;得知,to learn from (书面表达) to note that(书面表达) to understand that (书面表达) to know (更口语化),W

9、e are glad to learn from your letter of June 18 that you have booked our order.,happen强调事情的偶然性 occur比较正式,尤其指经过预防而仍然发生的事情,你的报盘碰巧和我们昨天收到的韩国报盘吻合。,happen 发生,碰巧,Your offer happens to be exactly the same as what we have received from Korea yesterday.,Crepe Georgette 乔其纱,Tips,Language Points,effect deliver

10、y 交货 make delivery 交货 take delivery 提货,To ensure fastest delivery, you are required to forward the above order by air freight. 为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空运货。,delivery n 交货 deliver v.,2)Will you be able to deliver within 5 weeks of receipt of order? 你方能否在收到订单后五周内交货?,C.I.F.C3% 价格术语: 成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三,commission

11、 n 佣金,两笔(或几笔)佣金 two items of commission / several items of commission 一切佣金all commissions,A commission of 3%, 3% commission 百分之三的佣金,the latest catalogue 最新目录 illustrated catalogue 附有说明书(插图)的目录 list 货单 display cards 展览卡 Brochure, pamphlet , booklet 小册子 leaflet 单页的商品说明书 sample book 样本 sample cuttings

12、剪样,catalogue n 商品目录册,place an order with sb for sth 向某人订购某物,place a large order with sb for sth 向某人大量订购某物 place a substantial order with sb for sth 向某人大批量订购某物,If your price is reasonable, we may place a large order with you. 若你方价格合理,我们可能向你大量订购。,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生: 从你方3月20日来信中欣悉贵公司作为中

13、国绸缎出口商,有意与我公司建立直接的贸易关系,这恰好与我们的愿望相一致。 目前我们对乔其纱感兴趣,请给我们最新的成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三的拉各斯报价,以及你方的支付条件并说明你方能否在收到订单后一个月内完成交货。 为使我方对你们的产品和工艺情况有所了解,如能寄给我们有关乔其纱的目录册、样本和一切必要资料,将不胜感激。 倘若你方价格具有竞争性且交货期可接受的话,我们有意向你方大批量订购。 如蒙早日答复将不胜感激。 谨上,,Inquiry letter-writing,state the reasons of your letter point out your contents of you

14、r inquiry (name,price of the goods or other terms) give the hints (the important terms such as prices,date of delivery or payment terms),Letter 5 Tabulated inquiry,Language Points,1. Stainless steel table-ware 不锈钢餐具,2. terms and conditions:条款与条件,条款与条件:这两个词常常连用,条款指大的方面,如价格、支付、交货期等。条件指具体方面,如一旦确定用信用证支付

15、后,由什么银行开证、什么时候开证等等细节问题。实际上,在商业书信中要求的并不严谨,两词连用或任用其中一个均可,区别不大,但正规合同还是使用 terms and conditions,Tips:,请就上述货物向我方报CIF西雅图最优惠价,含佣金5% 。,Please quote us your most favorable price CIF Seattle for the above goods, including our commission 5%.,Inquiry Note = Inquiry Sheet 询价单 Quote v. 报价,3. quotation sheet 报价单,La

16、nguage Points,执事先生: 事由:不锈钢餐具 我们渴望按下列条款得到你方上述产品的最低报价,要求你方对此事能予以迅速办理: 商品名称:不锈钢餐具 数量要求:1000套 价格:CFR神户含适于出口包装费用 支付条件:凭保兑的、不可撤销的信用证 装运期:2001年6 / 7月 相信你方会立即回复。 谨上,,Chinese version of the letter,Skill Training,Your company is very interested in selling the sweaters manufactured by AAC Garment Factory. You write a letter to the Sales Department of the factory, including:,I. expressing your interest in the products; asking for the catalogue and pricelist of the goods; promising to place large orders if the goods proves to your entire satisfaction.,



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