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1、,Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing Lesson 1May I Go to Beijing?,Enjoy the picture and answer the question.,1. Is Beijing far from your hometown? 2. Where do you want to go in Beijing? Why? 3. What does Li Ming want to do in Beijing?,Read the new words,trip n. 旅行 busy adj. 忙的,繁忙的 can v. & aux. 能 only adv. 仅仅,

2、 只 kilometre n. 千米 hard adv. 努力地 will v. & aux. 将要 great adj. 好极了 square n. 广场;正方形 ask v. 问;询问 question n. 问题 so adv. 非常,那么,很,Listen and answer,What does Li Ming want to do?2. Does Li Mings mother go to Beijing with him?3. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?,He wants to go on a trip to Beiji

3、ng.,Yes, she does.,Its two hundred seventy-eight kilometres.,Read the dialogue,L: Mom, may I go on a trip to Beijing? M: To Beijing? I dont know, Li Ming. L: But its the capital city of our country! M: Youre too young to go, Li Ming. And you are too busy at school. L: No, Im not. You can go, too. Pl

4、ease, Mom? M: But Beijing is far from our city. L: Mom! Its only two hundred seventy-eight kilometres from Shijiazhuang to Beijing! M: Okay, Li Ming! You are a good boy, and you work hard in school. You may go. I will go, too.,,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,L: Great! AndMum? May I go to Tiananmen Square? M: Yes,

5、Li Ming, you may. L: May I go shopping? M: Yes, Li Ming, you may. L: May I eat in restaurants? M: Yes, you may. L: May I go to a hotel? M: Yes you may. You ask too many questions, Li Ming. L: sorry, mom. May I live in Beijing? Beijing is so great! M: No, Li Ming, you may not!,Take notes,1.May I go o

6、n a trip to Beijing ? may 在这里是情态动词,意思是 “可以”,表示请求对方允许,后面接动词原形,如:-May I come in ? -Yes , you may.-May I smoke here ? No, you may not . 句中 trip 是名词,意为 “旅行”。a trip to Shanghai 上海之行,go on a trip to 到的旅行。如:I wish you a good trip.,2.You are too young to go ,Li Ming .tooto 意为 “太而不能”too的后面跟形容词或副词的原形,而to的后面应接

7、动词原形。注意:这个句子是否定的。如:He is too old to do the work .,3.Beijing is far from our city .be far from “离远”如:Canada is far from China.,4. May I go shopping ? go shopping 去买东西/购物 ,类似的短语还有:go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划船 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去滑冰go skiing 去滑雪 go climbing a hill 去爬山,TV watch ,Hamburger buy ,

8、Tea drink ,Computer Play ,Model : A: May I watch TV ?B: Yes, you may. Please make up the others in pairs.,Work in groups,A: May I/we ? B: Yes, you may./Yes, please./Yes, of course. /Sure./No, you may not. /No, you cant./No, please dont./No, you mustnt. /No, youd better not.,A polite way of asking fo

9、r something:,,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,A task:Use “May I ” to ask for something politely. Practice using this phrase with a partner.,read a book walk to school talk on the phone with my friend watch TV do my homework listen to the radio speak English have breakfast go to the restaurant to eat fly kites

10、go home by bike play computer games open the window write with pencils have a birthday party tonight play basketball,Brainstorm possible(可能的) phrases,课堂达标,( )1. Its about three hundred kilometres _Tianjin _Beijing . A. from, to B. to , from C. too, to D. to , too ( )2. How far is it ? - Its about _k

11、ilometres away.A. two hundreds B. two hundred C. two hundred of ( )3. Do you know wheres _Tiananmen Square?A. a B. / C. the D. an ( )4. What do you want _? I want _.A. to do ,sing B. do ,sing C. to do , to sing D. do , to,A,B,C,C,汉译英:1) 我想去加拿大旅行。2) 他太小不能上学。3) 她家离学校很远吗?4) 我们应该在学校努力学习。,I want to go on a trip to Canada.,He is too young to go to school.,Is her home far from school?,We should work hard in/at school.,Thank you!,,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,



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