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1、Lets have a test first,Q1: Do you find yourself unable to go more than 15 minutes without reaching into your pocket, pulling out your smart phone and checking your e-mail or micro blog? Q2: Have you ever thought that your phone were ringing but only to find it was not true and it was just your imagi

2、nation? Q3: Are you afraid of phones power off themselves? Q4: Do you surf the Internet on your phones before you sleep every night? Q5: Do you sleep with your phones on every night?,If your answers of more than three questions above are “yes”, then I have to say that you are a “phone freak”.,Are yo

3、u a phone freak? 你是“手机控”吗?,0114528 国会3 钟昕颖,Background Definition of “phone freak” What kind of phone freaks are you? Some main causes of this phenomenon The harm of “phone freak” Solutions,Background,With the rapid development of global economy, phones play an important role. Nowadays, in large shop

4、ping malls, phones, especially new smart phones, are popular with people. There is no doubt that it is more convenient to surf the Internet, but we have to pay attention to the problem of “Internet addiction” . People rely on phones more and more, and the number of phone freaks are increasing day by

5、 day. A search about Chinese cities telecom behaviors in 2011 tells that 62% of users of smart phones use their phones before they sleep. And this use does not mean to call somebody, but to surf the Internet, chat in some applications like QQ and so on, which is kind of play. The research also finds

6、 75% users “play” their phones on the way home or to the workplaces.,The situation,Most of phone freaks are students, especially college students Almost all college students have their own phones, playing phones becomes a kind of their daily activities. Actually, the social phenomenon being a phone

7、freak has many bad influences. So we should be aware of this point. Next, Lets talk more about it.,What is “phone freak”?,A phone freak is a person who loves phones very much and loves using it for amusement more than voice communication. Without phones, the phone freak will become upset and worried

8、. And he usually reaches into his pocket for the phone, even without any awareness. Sometimes he will take others phone tunes for his. And when the phone cannot connect the network or the signal is poor, the phone freak can be very frustrated and bad-tempered.,What kind of phone freak are you?,Two y

9、ears ago, Yoyo got a phone from her company, and she loved it very much. Everyday, the first thing she did was to reach for her phone; At the end of a day, the last thing she did was to power off the phone.两年前,单位发了一部新手机,筱筱爱不释手。每天睁开眼的第一件事是摸手机,睡觉前的最后一件事是放下手机。,1.With the phone in hand all the time,Psyc

10、hological characteristic(心理特征): excessive dependence on anything is an addiction. From the perspective of medicine model, it is a kind of obsession(强迫症).,2.All the people keep silent at table,Yi Hua and her friends were eating at table at a restaurant. But the most strange thing was that everyone wa

11、s chatting with other friends through QQ on the phone instead of talking with mouths. It seemed that the feeling of missing friends only rose up while playing with the mobile. Psychological characteristic(心理特征): The case shows the barriers of the real social contact. Maybe the communication among th

12、em at normal times is not enough, or they used phones as a method of avoiding the embarrassment of talking to each others face to face.,3.You are always online,Mr. Liu, who works in a media organization, has never turn off his phone and his QQ was always online in case of missing any business work.

13、Gradually, it became a habit and a part of his life. Now, he is a manager and there is no need to make arrangements with customers but he is still always online.,Psychological characteristic(心理特征): Ones thought has its inertia(惯性). Once the thought or behaviors develop into a habit, the person will

14、think or behave without any awareness. Mr. Liu is an example of this. He is gradually dependent on mobile more and more, and finally becomes addicted to it.,Some main causes of this phenomenon,Self-awareness is growing 自我意识成熟 Pursuing new trends 追求新鲜潮流 Social contact is limited 社交圈子狭窄 Character is t

15、oo ego 性格过于自我,The harm of “phone freak”,Psychological harmPhysical harmOther harm,Psychological harm,The regular lifestyle will be disordered. 智能手机的功能异常丰富,原本应该是睡觉的时间,但很多人可能玩兴正浓,还在不停地刷微博、聊天,打乱了正常的生活规律,导致第二天精神萎靡。有研究显示在床上使用1个多小时手机等会发光的电子产品,会阻碍人体生成褪黑素,生理周期将受到影响,并使睡眠处于浅状态。人体生物钟长期被打乱,则会影响新陈代谢、情绪、免疫力,导致疾病多

16、发。 Eyestrain, muscle fatigue, cervical vertebrae and back diseases.人们在玩手机的过程中往往忽略了身体的疲劳感,事实上,长时间盯着手机屏幕会造成眼疲劳;长时间低头使用手机会造成颈部、手臂肌肉疲劳;而长时间过度使用触屏手机,会导致手部关节、肌腱损伤性症状群,包括手指、手腕关节疼痛无力,动作不灵活等,形成所谓的“触屏手”。超时工作的不良后果,除更易导致颈椎和背部疾病外,还在无形中增加了工作压力,由此导致更多的生理和心理隐患。,Physical harm,Psychological problems like Attention De

17、ficit Disorder据介绍,手机会让人陷入一种持续的“多任务”状态,长此以往甚至会让人们患上类似“注意力障碍”的心理问题。在这种情况下,人的注意力受到了严重的影响,思维不断被打断,这大大削减了思考的能力,让思维变得更难以深入。此外,过度关注手机还会让人处于应激状态。外间的一切变化,随时可以接收得到,让人难以安定。“即使是在休假的时间里,也与手机形影相伴,让自己的行踪时刻掌握在每一个想与你联络的人手里。其实这样做并不能得到真正的休息。”潘集阳表示。 Sequelas(后遗症): depression(抑郁症)、obsession(强迫症)、 anxiety(焦虑症)、Personality split(性格分裂症),



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