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1、中国企业管理模式再造与创新,郭 咸 纲 博士 G管理模式(GMS)创立人 G管理模式组织(GMSO)主席、首席专家 澳大利亚国立大学访问研究员 北京前沿创新企业管理研究所所长 10多所国内外著名大学客座教授 20多家企业首席管理顾问专家,Introduction to GMS,Xiangang GUO Founder of G-Management System Chairman & Chief Expert of GMSO Visiting Fellow of Australian National University President of Beijing G-Management I

2、nstitute Professor in 10s Domestic & Overseas Universities Chief Management Consultant of 20s Companies,G管理模式以多维博弈人性假设、资源贡献假设、有限目标假设这三大假设为理论基础,以权力、经济力、知识力、文化力四种内在场力分析为线索,沿着“人制度创新”基本思想路线,通过构造G当量管理等级评价体系,使企业达到管理最优境界的前沿管理理论体系和标准化管理实战操作系统。,G管理模式定义,Advanced Management Theory and Standardized Operation fo

3、r Organizations Management Optimum Based on Three Hypothesis: Game Man Hypothesis, Resource Re-engineering Hypothesis, Limited Targets Hypothesis , Through Four kinds of Field Power Analyses (Power, Economy,Knowledge,Culture) and Calculating the Value of G Dong Liang of the Organization.,GMS: Defini

4、tion,G管理模式理论体系,管理最优境界理论 多维博弈人性假设,G当量 (GEquivalent),理论篇: 四种力量演化生成的七种典型管理模式,思想篇: 人制度创新,运作篇: IOS-X操作系统,G管理模式实战操作系统,G管理模式12个子模式,X管理模式,Theoretical Background of GMSO,Management Optimum Theory Game Man Hypothesis,G Dong Liang (GEquivalent),Theoretical System: 7 Management Models,Major Idea: ManSystemCreat

5、ivity,Operation IOS-X Operation System,GMSO Practical Systems,GMSO: 12 sub-models,X Management System,学术背景(Background) 1999.9出版西方管理思想史 2000.1出版G管理模式人制度创新 2001.8出版企业标准化管理体系GMS2001制度范本 2001.12出版百事通系列丛书(10册) 2002.1出版西方管理思想史(第二版) 2002.5出版G管理模式思想篇:人制度创新 2002.5出版G管理模式制度篇:决定企业成功的先进管理制度(15册) 2002.5出版G管理模式运作

6、篇:标准型场变管理模式,The History of Western Management Thought, September 1999 G-Management System Man+ System+Innovation(1st edtion), publicized in January 2000 Enterprises Standardized Management System, publicized in August 2001 Hundred Questions and Answers (10 volumes), publicized in December 2001 The H

7、istory of Western Management Thought(2nd edition), publicized in January 2002 G-Management System Man+ System+Innovation, publicized in May 2002 G-Management System on Policy: the Advanced Policies Enable the Success of a Business (5 series in total), publicized in May 2002 G-Management System on Op

8、eration: Standardized Field Transformation Management System , publicized in May 2002.5,Theoretical Background,学术背景(Background) 2002.8出版 G管理模式人制度创新(第二版) 2002.9出版G管理模式实战操作全书(上、下两卷) 2002.9出版企业标准化管理体系GMS2002表单范本 2002.11出版宗申典章 2003.3出版G管理模式理论篇:决定企业成功的七种管 理模式研究 2003.3出版多维博弈人性假设理论管理学前沿课题研究 2003.3出版企业标准化管理

9、体系GMS2003流程范本, GMS-Man+ System+Innovation(2nd Edition), publicized in August 2002 G-Management System in Practices (Part I and II) , publicized in September 2002 Standard Business Management System GMS2002 Handbook , publicized in September 2002 Zhongshen Institutions, publicized in November 2002 GM

10、S Theoretical EditionSeven Types of Management Systems Enable the Success of a Business , publicized in March 2003.3 Game Man Hypothesis: Newly Research on Theoretical Management , publicized in March 2003 Standard Business Management System GMS2003 Handbook , publicized in March 2003,Theoretical Ba

11、ckground,学术背景(Background) 2003.8出版西方管理学说史 2004.4出版G管理模式(学术版) 2004.4出版G管理模式(企业版) 2004.4出版G当量关于管理最优境界理论的研究和探索 2004.4出版多维博弈人性假设理论管理学前沿课题研究(第二版) 2004.4出版G管理模式打造管理平台的理论基石,The History of Western Management Theory , publicized in august 2003 G-Management System (Academic Edition) , publicized in April 2004

12、 G-Management System (Enterprise Edition) , publicized in April 2004 G Dang Liang (GDL) - a study and explore on the optimum bourn of management , publicized in April 2004 Latest Headway of Humanistic Hypothesis-Game Man Theory (2nd edition), publicized in April 2004 G-Management SystemTheoretical F

13、oundation Stone for Forging Management System, publicized in April 2004.4,Theoretical Background,学术背景(Background) 2004.4出版G管理模式IOS-X操作系统给骆驼插上翅膀 2004.5出版G当量配套工具(15册) 2004.5出版企业创新驱动模式 2004.5出版股权资源优化模式 2004.5出版贡献利益分享模式 2004.5出版互为客户式网络组织结构模式 2004.5出版企业柔性战略模式,G-Management System IOS-X Operation System-Ca

14、mel with Wings, publicized in April 2004.4 Compounded G Dang Liang (GDL)Practical Application Equipments (5 Volumes) , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System-Enterprises Innovation-Motivated Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System-Equity Resources Optimization Model, publicized in May

15、 2004 G-Management System-Contributions & Benefits-Sharing Model, publicized in May 2004 G-Management System-Mutual-Clients Network Organization Structure Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System-Enterprise Flexible Strategy Model , publicized in May 2004,Theoretical Background,学术背景(Backgr

16、ound) 2004.5出版资源导向型理性决策模式 2004.5出版信息情报快速反应模式 2004.5出版超常规作业模式 2004.5出版全程核心能力营销模式 2004.5出版人力资源动力模式 2004.5出版企业文化扩张模式 2004.5出版企业全面再造模式 2004.5出版G管理模式实战操作系统(9册),G-Management System-Resources-Guiding Rational Decision-Making Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System -Information Quick Reactive Mod

17、el , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System - Super Operation Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System - Marketing Model of Full Process by Core Capability , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System -Human Resource Motive Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System -Corporate Culture Expand Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System -Comprehensive Re-engineering Model , publicized in May 2004 G-Management System in Practices (9 volumes) , publicized in May 2004,


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