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1、牙折,tooth fracture,病因,外力直接撞击,咀嚼咬到沙石、碎骨等硬物。 be impacted by force,biting hard food.,Etiology,临床表现,Clinic characteristics,按部位分:,冠折,Crown fracture,根折,Root fracture,冠根联合折,Crown-root fracture,按损伤和牙髓关系分:,露髓,不露髓,冠折 crown fracture,前牙 : 横折、斜折,Anterior tooth: horizontal or inclined,后牙 : 斜折、纵折,Posterior teeth:in

2、clined or vertical,根折 root fracture,颈 1/3、根中 1/3、根尖 1/3,cervix-thirds,middle-thirds,apical-thirds,根折可有牙齿松动、叩痛、龈沟出血、粘膜触痛等。,有的早期无明显症状,数日后出现。,无根折外伤恒牙牙髓坏死率为 3859,根折牙牙髓坏死率为2024,断端间隙利于炎症引流。,X片是诊断根折的重要依据,Diagnosis can be carried out by radiographic examination,冠根折 crown-root fracture,以斜行多见,牙髓常暴露。,The fract

3、ure will often be inclined with pulp exposure,治疗 Treatment,缺损少牙本质未暴露,磨光锐边。,冠折 crown fracture,Without dentin exposure,selective grinding of the incisal edge is sufficient.,牙本质暴露敏感者,盖髓树脂修复。,Cover with Ca(OH)2 and composite resin restoration if dentin is expose and sensitive,牙髓暴露,牙根发育完成者行活髓摘除术,牙根发育未完成者

4、行活髓切断术。,In case of a pulp exposure,pulpectomy is indicated if the root apical is developed,pulpotomy is sufficient if the root apical is developing.,根折 root fracture,根中1/3折,根尖1/3折 middle-thirds,apical-thirds,用夹板固定三个月,如牙冠端有错位,在固定前应复位。,Reposition the coronal fragment and use splinting for 3 months,在治疗

5、后1、3、6、12个月定期复查牙髓的活力状况,一旦发现牙髓有炎症或坏死趋势,则应作根管治疗术。,Check for pulpal complications after 1 month,3 months,6 months and 12 months.If pulp necrosis occurs,root canal therapy should be done.,颈1/3折断:均先行根管治疗,断端在龈上,根管治疗后桩核冠修复,Cervix-thirds fracture:root canal therapy should be done,If fracture surface above g

6、ingival level,a post-retained full crown is fabricated after RCT.,断端在龈下牙槽骨上,龈切暴露断面桩核冠修复。,Fracture surface between gingival and alveolar:a post-retained crown is fabricated after gingivectomy expose the fracture surface.,断端在牙槽骨下4mm,牙根较长,可手术或正畸方法牵引后,桩核冠修复。,If fracture surface is 4mm below the alveolar

7、 and the root length is enough ,surgical or orthodontic extrusion of the root ,to move the fracture surface to amore optimal location for final restoration,树脂夹板固定,Composite resin splint,根折的转归,钙化性愈合,结缔组织性愈合,骨、结缔组织联合愈合,断端被慢性炎症组织分开,Connective tissue healing,The fragment is separated by chronic inflamma

8、tion tissue,Calcified healing,Hard-connective tissue union healing,Healing of root fracture,冠根联合折crown-root fracture:,可作根管治疗,具备桩核冠修复的冠根联合折,应保留。,The tooth with crown-root fracture which can be restored by a post retained full crown should be saved to receive RCT,牙根纵裂,vertical root fracture,发生在牙根的纵裂,未

9、波及牙冠者。,Vertical root fracture, not involving the crown.,病因,慢性持续性的创伤合力,牙根发育缺陷,无髓牙,Etiology,Chronic durative traumatic occlusal force,Defect of root development,Pulpless tooth,无髓牙,Pulpless tooth,内因:牙本质脱水,失去弹性,牙变 脆,致使牙抗折力降低。,外因:,侧方加压充填根管,桩或桩核修复,其他,临床表现,X线检查对诊断牙根纵裂有重要意义,Diagnosis can be carried out by r

10、adiographic examination,Clinic characteristics,治疗,Treatment,松动明显,牙周破坏严重或单根牙的牙根纵裂,均应拔除。,The tooth should be extracted if it is very loose or of severe periodontal lesion or vertical root fracture in single rooted tooth.,牙周病损局限且牙稳固的磨牙,可在根管治疗后行牙半切术或截根术。,Tooth hemiresection or root resection is performe

11、d after RCT if the molar is steady and of limited periodontal lesion.,牙半切术 tooth hemiresection,截根术 root resection,慢性损伤,磨损,楔状缺损,磨牙症,牙隐裂,酸蚀症,第七章 牙体慢性损伤,楔状缺损,wedge-shaped defect,楔状缺损是牙齿唇、颊颈部硬组织缓慢磨耗所致,因该缺损常呈楔状而得名。,Wedge-shaped defect is caused by tardy abrasion of buccal cervix hard tissues.,刷牙不当,病因,牙颈部

12、结构,Structure of tooth cervix,Improper teeth brushing,Etiology,酸作用,牙体组织疲劳,Acid erosion,Weariness of hard tissues,临床表现,由23个平面组成,坚硬光滑,为牙本色。,Usually have 2 or 3 surfaces,hard and smooth,tooth-like color。,Clinic characteristics,根据缺损程度分浅型、深型和穿髓3型,前磨牙好发,常左右对称,有牙龈退缩,随年龄增长,楔状缺损有增加趋势,Be classified with shallo

13、w,deep and pulp exposure according to the depth of the lesion,Most commonly occur on the buccal surface of bicuspids symmetrically and accompany with gingival recession,The sizes of abrasions increase with age,治疗和预防,改正刷牙方法,牙体缺损少无牙本质过敏,不需处理。,Correct tooth brushing,Treatment and prevention,Careful obs

14、ervation if there is no tooth sensitivity and the lesions are small,有牙本质过敏,可用药物、激光等脱敏。,牙体缺损多,可充填修复。,Fillings if the lesions are extension,Desensitization with medicine or laser if there is dentin hypersensitive,牙髓感染或根尖病变时,作髓病或根管治疗。,缺损导致牙齿横折时,根据情况作根管治疗或拔除。,Root canal therapy is performed if there is

15、pulpitis or periapical periodontitis.,Root canal therapy or extraction are performed if tooth fracture is occurred.,牙隐裂,cracked tooth,又称不全牙裂或牙微裂,指牙冠表面非生理性细小裂纹。,Fine non-physiological crack on the surface of the crown,病因,牙齿结构薄弱环节,牙尖斜度大,创伤合力,Weak tache of tooth structure,Big cuspid pitch,Traumatic occ

16、lusal force,Etiology,临床表现,隐裂牙发生于上颌磨牙最多,其次是下颌磨牙,第一磨牙多于第二磨牙。,Clinic characteristics,Most commonly occur on maxillary molar, and secondly on mandibular molar.The crack occurs on first molar is more than that on second molar.,隐裂线,上颌,下颌,mandibular,maxillar,Cracked line,表浅者无症状,较深时,遇冷热刺激敏感或咬合不适。,深隐裂有牙髓炎症状和定点咀嚼痛。,隐裂线,碘酊等可渗入隐裂处,探针撬动隐裂处有疼痛感,棉签置可疑牙尖上咬合,有撕裂样疼痛。,治疗,调合,113,均衡合力,处理隐裂牙,Treatment,



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