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1、,杨若绮definition ,competence 龙会蔺background: globalism 朱 丹who, how, where 孙 菲examples 汪华婕The Wedding Banquet,整合制作PPT 叶丹如why, suggestion,Intercultural Understanding and Intercultural Competence,Important to understand definition,善舞红袖传飞鸿,莫言深闺空寂寞,Inter (Latin)=Between, Intercultural between cultures,转彩流光纳

2、美景,描形绘影画缤纷,Understanding =knowledge, knowing,Competence =skill,黑白纵横三千里,经天纬地一点通, We state the topic means having a good knowledge of cultures other than our own and the skills to operate with those cultures.,与君弹做天籁曲,行遍天涯谁知音,Components of intercultural competency,Communication (non-verbal, different s

3、tyles) Linguistic skills Being open Problem solving capabilities Knowledge of the other Social-political awareness. Empathy individuals ability to “put himself in anothers shoes” Flexibility Tolerance for ambiguity describes an individuals ability to “react to new and ambiguous situations with littl

4、e visible discomfort” Motivation (values? Political? Profit? Task orientation?) Self-awareness, including awareness of won culture & values How others perceive you,山河日月总成对,一句悠然尘世间,globalism,The background of intercultural communication,博览群书是为智,学若烟海化入囊,the world is whole,the world is connection,点滴皆为天

5、作物,千杯品来都是香,we are ensemble,Rebuilding in wenchuan China,试问天下谁英雄,七尺清锋仰天笑,Whats your own understanding of globalization?,善舞红袖传飞鸿,莫言深闺空寂寞,For instance, international tourism shows how people can travel conveniently from one country to another. American culture is seen everywhere around the globe, thank

6、s to Hollywood movies.,转彩流光纳美景,描形绘影画缤纷,In our daily life, most goods and services that we consumed are not produced by local companies, for our clothes is produced in Vietnam, cars manufactured in Thailand, and an ipod that perhaps come from America.,山河日月总成对,一句悠然尘世间,These are all indicator of how th

7、e world is connected.,Countries are also interdependent on one another, as we see how the meltdown of Thailand economy triggers a regional economic crisis in 1997.,黑白纵横三千里,经天纬地一点通,Globalization,The definition of globalize provided by Harvard professor Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye is that globalize

8、is a state(状况) of the world involving networks of interdependence at multi-continental distance.,Globalize is all about connection,与君弹做天籁曲,行遍天涯谁知音,These networks can be linked through flows(流通) and influences of capital, information and idea, people and force, as well as environmentally and biologic

9、ally relevant substances , hence, globalization or de-globalization are indicators(指示) of the extent(广大的土地) of such state and the intensity of such network.,点滴皆为天作物,千杯品来都是香,As for globalization it is a process through which more and more connections are being established, resulting in a more complic

10、ated networks that linked up more places and people across the globe, hence giving rise to a more interconnected world.,博览群书是为智,学若烟海化入囊,We are family, we are whole ,we need each other.,But as you know every body is so different, we have so much trouble when we are communication. We seldom understand

11、 other fully. The ways we speaking and we understanding make people misunderstanding.,We need learn about other peoples culture in order to make a good life.,试问天下谁英雄,七尺清锋仰天笑,who,As we all know, the ability of the international communication is indispensible. so we will wonder that whether all the pe

12、rsons should have the skill? The answer is yes.,1. A lot of foreigners come to china. 2. internationality is a widespread word 3.learn a lot ,benefit yourself,How,Confused question-solve 1.Information -book, movie, festival, 2.Gesture behavior-common all over the world 3.Communicate with persons who

13、 are from all over the world-efficient and hard way(find the opportunity ),善舞红袖传飞鸿,莫言深闺空寂寞,where,In a class Foreign country -travelling, communication(school, company) Novel, movie-culture, custom(speaking, writing, eating and so on),点滴皆为天作物,千杯品来都是香,Examples,(1)closed-door policy in Qing dynasty,Pro

14、sperity to Decline,Impede its economic development, completely lost the initiative of foreign tradea serious impact on the progress of Chinese culture The western modern science and technology cannot be introduced into china, china fully behind the world.,Intercultural Communication!,博览群书是为智,学若烟海化入囊

15、,(2)Chinas accession to the WTO,Benifits,First, China can greatly enhance the economic relationship with the countries within the WTO. Second, WTO puts our national enterprises onto the stage of the global competition . Last but not least, Chinese people are facing unprecedented chance of showing ou

16、r talents to the world.,转彩流光纳美景,描形绘影画缤纷,The Wedding Banquet,the content of the film,WeiTong WeiWei SimonWeiTongs gay boyfriend WeiTongs father WeiTongs Mother,黑白纵横三千里,经天纬地一点通,Sino-American culture characteristics,Individualism and collectivism,Long-term and short-term oriented,Power distance,Unsmiling and emotional exposed,与君弹做天籁曲,行遍天涯谁知音,Why,Communicate,CET4 or CET6,Obligation,Others,山河日月总成对,


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