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1、Unit 1 Cultural Relics,1)贵重的;有价值的 2)朝代 3)挑选;选择 4)设计,构思 5)奇特的,想象 6)风格,类型 7)装饰;装修 8)财宝,财富 9)花瓶,1. valuable 2. dynasty 3. select 4. design 5. fancy 6. style 7. decorate 8. treasure 9. vase,1. Words,10)怀疑,不信 11)审讯,试验 12)镜子 13)除之外(还有) 14)保持,仍是 15)少女,女仆 16)稀少的 17)移动,搬开 18)考虑,认为,10. doubt 11. trial 12. mir

2、ror 13. besides 14. remain 15. maid 16. rare 17. remove 18. consider,19)家具 20)意见 21)证明 22)假装,装扮 23)城堡 24)海员,水手 25)爆炸,19. furniture 20. opinion 21. prove 22. pretend 23. castle 24. sailor 25. explode,1)survive (n.) (n.) 2)evidence (adj.) 3)state (n.) 4)gift (adj.) 5)secret (adv.)(n.) 6)consider (adj.

3、) (adj.) (n.),1) survivalsurvivor 2) evident(明显的,明白的) 3) statement(陈述,声明) 4) gifted 5) secretlysecretary(秘书) 6) considerate(考虑周全的)considerable(值得考虑的)consideration(体谅, 考虑),2. Word formation,7) jewel (n.总称) 8) reception (v.) 9) wonder (adj.) 10) wood (adj.) 11) doubt (adj.),7) jewelry/jewllery 8) rece

4、ive 9) wonderful 10) wooden 11) doubtful,3. Useful phrases,1) 同意某人的观点 2) 同意做某事 3) 由制成 4) 被制成 5) 给予高度评价 6) 搜寻,寻找 7) 作为回报 8) 少于,1) agree with sb. 2) agree to do 3) be made of/from 4) be made into 5) think highly of 6) in search of 7) in return 8) less than,9) 处于交战状态 10) 属于 11) 拆开 12) 担任,充当 13) 胜于,而不是

5、14) 尊重 15) 仍然是个谜 16) 调查 17) 说实话,9) at war 10) belong to 11) take apart 12) serve as 13) rather than 14) think highly of 15) remain a mystery 16) look into 17) tell the truth,1. survive vi. 继续生存或存在 这种风俗习惯还保存着。 The custom still survives. vt. 经历某遭遇后幸存 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 The house survived the storm. vt

6、. 比.活得长 他比妻子多活好多年。 He survived his wife for many years.,Language points,1)在那次可怕的车祸中,只有一个婴儿还生。 Only one baby survived the terrible traffic accident. 2)有许多古怪的习俗源远流长。 Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. 3)那老太太的子女都先她而去世了。 The old lady has survived all her children.,2. remain 1) 他能否通过考

7、试仍不得而知。 It remains to be seen whether he will pass the examination. 2) 他用剩下的40元买了一本新书。 He bought a new book with the _ 40 yuan . = He bought a new book with the 40 yuan _.,remaining,left,remain vi. 剩下;逗留 vi. (系) 仍然是,保持+n. adj. pp. to be done remain to be seen, done, said 留待以後去看、 去做、 去说 remain standi

8、ng/seated/silent/a problem 一直站著、 坐著、保持沉默、仍是问题 remaining adj. 剩下的(作前置定语) 他把余下的各点留待下次会议再提。 He left the remaining points for their next meeting.,3. select vt. 选择, 挑选adj. 精选的, 挑选出来的 1) 她让儿子自己选择圣诞礼物。 She lets her son select his own Christmas present. 2) 他们是从许多报名者当中选出来的。 They _ many applicants. 3) 船长需要一批精

9、选的水手来作此危险的航行。 The captain needs _ for this dangerous voyage.,were selected from,a select crew,4. search 1) 你一定要寻找到那丢失的钱,直到找到 为止。 You must search for the lost money until you find it. 2) 警察搜查那栋房子寻找被偷的物品。 The policemen searched the house for the stolen articles. 3) 男孩们都去找吃的东西了。 The boys went _somethin

10、g to eat.,in search of,search 搜寻,调查 search for 搜寻,查找 searchfor 为寻找而搜查 in search of 寻找,5. 1) When _ (ask) why he was late, he went red. 2) Be careful when _ (cross) the street.,asked,crossing,6. fancy vt. 想象,幻想,嗜好 我不喜欢在雨中行走。 I dont fancy walking in the rain. n. 想象,幻想,嗜好 儿童们往往有丰富的想象力。 Children usually

11、 have a lively fancy.,7. wonder 难怪他很烦恼。 No wonder he was upset. wonder cn. 奇迹,奇观,奇事 un. 惊奇,惊异,惊叹v. 对感到惊奇疑惑; 想知道 the seven wonders of the world It is a wonder that 奇怪的是 (Its) no wonder that 难怪,1) _ (不知可否) you could post this letter for me. 2) I _ (对感到惊讶) her rudeness. 3) He looked at me _ (惊讶地).,I wo

12、nder if,wonder at,in wonder,8. at war 日本曾与俄国发生过战争。 Japan was once at war with Russia. be at war (with): (与)处于战争状态 at: “在之中” (表状态) be at school 在上学be at work 在工作be at table 在吃饭be at peace 处于和平状态,9. doubt 1) 他是不是担任那项工作的最适合人选,有点疑问。 _ he is the best man for the job. 2) 毫无疑问,他会通过考试。 _ he will pass the ex

13、amination. 提醒:肯定句中,其后接whether, if引导的从句;否定句或疑问句中,其后接that引导的从句。,There is some doubt whether,There is no doubt that,1) I never doubt _ he is an excellent teacher. 2) I doubt _ he will keep his promise. 3) We have no doubt _ his honesty.,that,whether/if,about/of,10. consider consider (doing) sth 考虑做某事 c

14、onsider sb/sth (to be)/as认为是 consider sb to have done sth 认为某人做了某事 consider it + adj/n + to do sth认为做某事是的 1) 他正在考虑出国留学。 He is considering studying abroad. 2) 他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。 He will be considered (to be) a weak leader.,3) All things _, Im sure we made the right decision. 4) _ his age, he is still y

15、oung. 5) Charles Babbage is generally considered _ (invent) the first computer. 6) Careful _ should be given to issues of health and safety. 7) She is so _ a girl that she always thinks for others. 8) When climbing mountains, we must take the weather into _ first.,consideration,considerate,to have invented,considered,Considering(prep),consideration,11. take apart 拆开 1) 工人把发电机拆开了. The worker took the engine apart. 2) 我很难区分那对双胞胎. Its hard for me to tell the twins apart. tell A and B apart = tell A from B 分辨A和B,



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