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1、Unit 1 1. I planned to be observant and silent so that nobody would notice that I was a freshman. 2. For three days, I ate a mixture of junk food by myself. I got the food from a machine placed outside my dorm as if to meet my needs. 3. It did nt matter whether you were widely liked or not; you did

2、not have to follow other people so as to be accepted by everybody else. 1. I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess. 2. My apparent confidence 3. Some food to appease my hunger 4. Going with the tide of the majority was no longer

3、crucial to your success in college 5. Foolish and glaring mistakes II.Distress; clutched; pose; sneaked; preoccupation; shackles; curse; deliberation III.Assure; discretion; relaxation; humiliate; strategy; embarrassment; maneuverable; maturity IV.Lived up to; headed for; seek out; has broken out; g

4、rope for; trying on; go out to; tipped off V.1.vague/indistinct; 2.carefully/meticulously; 3.self-restraint/self-control; 4.clever/intelligent/sensible; 5.manner/behaviour; 6.excited/agitated; 7.sneak; 8.mature/sophisticated VI.Became popular; respect; keep up; lead to; understand; found;use; startI

5、.Rewrite the following. 1.My decision to resign was wise. 2. Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world. 3. My determination to pass the test helped me. 4. Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents. 5. My willingness to cooperate was appreciate

6、d. 6. His refusal to help surprised me. 7.The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting. 8. Who can have told you that puzzles me. III DBCC; ABDB; IV. 1. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance befo

7、re each lecture. 2. He wore glassed and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him. 3. The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said. 4. She locked the door so that she would nt be disturbed. 5. John whispered so that others could nt hear him. 6. Please arrive early so

8、 that we can start the meeting on time. 7. John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel. 8. The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrated his point. V.1-5 although/though; yet; however/though; however/nevertheless/though; 5.although/though; still/nevertheless; 6.

9、despite/in spite of; 7. although/though; 8. however; 9. however; 10 despite/in spite of; 1. It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. 2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss. 3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventu

10、res and saw a strange assortment of people. 4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. 5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. 6. After the thunderous applause die down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech. 7. He is gifted with a sor

11、t of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowed. 8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals. III.我上大学的头几天颇为难忘。爸妈驾车离开,将我独自留在校园里,我手足无措。不管如何努力装成熟,我就是摆脱不了大一新生的感觉。我花了好几个小时,搞清了我选修课程所在地各个教室。第二天早上,我坐在教室的前排,打开美国文学选集,抖擞精神准备听课。但老师却说“欢迎选修生物课” ,我意

12、识到自己坐错了教室。我用铁一样的意志,摆出了一副生物专业学生的姿态,一直坚持到讲座结束。下课以后,我感到我的胃需要加点营养,于是匆匆赶往自助餐厅。但不幸的是,当我端着餐盘朝桌子走去时,脚底一滑,盘子翻倒,我失去了平衡,扑倒在地。好几天,我倍感羞辱。过后,我渐渐地意识到自己把这种微不足道的小事看得过重了。在大学里,重要的是做自然的“我” ,发现真正的“我” ,而不是试图把一切做得尽善尽美。 There are generally two educational methods: / the lecture method and the group learning method. / In a

13、lecture classroom, / the teacher dominates the class / by doing most of the talking. / Students listen and take notes. / This method is best at passing on content to students. / It prepares students for a society / that values discipline and self-control. / The problem is that students forget most o

14、f the facts / that they have mechanically memorized. / In contrast, / the teacher of a group learning classroom / appears to have no definite role at all, / wandering about from group to group. / Students do not memorise information, / but they actively generate their own ideas, / each contributing

15、insights for the success of the group. / This method prepares students for a society / that values creative ideas. / The disadvantage is that / students have not memorised enough basic facts. Comes; others; what; going; not; offer; relate; college; not; learnUnit 2 He had dedicated all his time to w

16、ork and had no hobby at all except that he played a golf game once a month which cant be taken as a hobby anyway. Their daughter said that when they were still small her father had become a company man and her mother had given up every attempt to keep him at home. . Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. died from self-motivated overwork; 2. most likely, the highest position in the company; 3. with no specific ski



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