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1、五年级英语绘本阅读五年级英语绘本阅读Mother !Dear Mother!1、单项选择题单项选择题( )1.Penguins live in very places.A.hot B.cold C.warm( )2. have a small head,a fat body and short legs.A.Giraffes B.Penguins C.Swans( )3. takes of the little penguin when(当)the little penguin is still in the egg.A. Mother penguin B.Father penguin C.P

2、enguin( )4.What animal has a long neck ,and she is so tall?A.elephant B.giraffe C.lion( )5.What animal has strong legs,and she can jump far?A.penguin B.kangaroo C.swan( )6.What animal looks stern,but she is kind to her baby?A.kangaroo B.lion C.dolphin( )7.She has two wings and looks very beautiful a

3、nd elegant.What animal is this?A.dolphin B.swan C.kangaroo( )8.She swims fast.And she is smart.What animal is this?A.caterpillar B.dolphin C.swan( )9.What animal does not look like his mother?A.dolphin B.tadpole C.fox ( )10.Who is tadpoles mother?A.tadpole B.frog C.toad ( )11.Whose mother is the but

4、terfly?A.roach B.caterpillar C.grasshopper( )12.What does “just like” mean(意思是)?A.喜欢 B.就好像,正如 C.仅仅,只是( )13.What does “of course” mean(意思是)?A.因为 B.当然 C.正如答案:答案:1-5 B/B/B/BB 6-10 B/B/B/B/B 11-13 B/B/B2、填空题填空题1. Mother elephant is like a (巨人).But she is (温和的,温 柔的)when playing with her baby.2. Mother ha

5、s a big and fluffy(柔软的)tail.And she looks fashionable.3. All animal mothers love their (baby).4. The caterpillar wants to be a (蝴蝶)too.5. Mother fox has a big and fluffy .6. Just like you and (I).7. Swan looks very (漂亮的) and (优美的).8. Penguin looks a little (有趣的)when she is walking.答案:答案:1.giant、gent

6、le 2.fox 3.babies 4.butterfly 5.tail 6.me 7.beautiful、elegant 8.funny五年级英语绘本阅读五年级英语绘本阅读We all love ice cream1、单项选择题单项选择题( )1.How many people are there at Freds table?A.three B.four C.five( )2.It is time.Freds family is at the table.A.dinner B.breakfast C.lunch( )3.Fred doesnt like .A.broccoli B.an i

7、ce cream C.carrots( )4.Fred looks down at his dish.(划线部分的中文意思)A.向下看 B.向上看 C.仰视( )5.”What a pity!”Mum says.(划线部分的中文意思)A.真遗憾 B.很惨 C.真好看( )6.Freds mum says to Fred “If you eat your broccoli,you can have an ice cream and you can for an hour.A.watch TV B.read stories C.play( )7.Freds mother doesnt like .

8、A.carrots B.broccoli C. ice cream( )8.We love ice cream.A.all B.both C.also( )9.Fred says to his mother”If you eat your carrots,Ill do the and the .A.laundry;dishes B.homework;dishes C.laundry;homework( )10.Freds father will make a big bowl of for Fred and Freds mother.A.ice cream B.cakes C.juice答案:

9、答案:1-5 A/A/A/A/A 5-6 A/A/A/A/A2、填空题填空题1. Freds is at the table.(家庭;家人)2. Freds mother say”If you eat your broccoli,you can have (一个冰淇淋), (看电视)for an hour and go to bed (晚的).3. (为什么)dont you eat your carrots?4.Freds mother doesnt like (胡萝卜).5.Fred doesnt like (西兰花).6.“If you eat your (自己的)carrots and broccoli,Ill make a big(碗)of ice cream for (两个都)of you . (怎么样)that?”asks Dad.答案:答案:1. family 2.an ice cream ,watch TV,late 3.Why 4.carrots 5. broccoli6.own ,bowl,both,How about/What about



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