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1、,Noun Clauses名词性从句,Warm-upFunction of a noun:,Lily, my sister, is a good girl, and she likes music.,S,A,P,O,Conclusion: A noun can be a subject, object, predictive and apposition of a sentence.,Definition 在复合句中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句。在句子中能担任主语、表语、宾语(动词宾语和介词宾语)和同位语。,分类:,主语从句(subject clause),表语从句(predicative c

2、lause),宾语从句(object clause),同位语从句(appositive clause),Definition所谓主语从句(subject clause)就是指在主句中充当主句主语的从句。,(1) Whether it is necessary to hold another meeting to discuss the topic hasnt been approved by the committee.,(2) That he didnt pass the driving test again made his parents very upset.,(3) What she

3、 couldnt understand was why fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.(00上海卷),(4) Where we can look up his address is still a problem.,(5) Why the sun in the morning looks bigger than the sun at noon is very interesting.,Translate the following sentence by using subject clause:,谁会在索契 (

4、Sochi) 冬奥会上获得首枚金牌成了我们热烈讨论的话题。,李坚柔在冬奥会上获得首枚金牌出乎我们的意料。,_ becomes a hot topic among us.,_ is beyond our expectation.,Who will win the first gold medal in the Sochi winter Olympic Games,That Li jianrou wins the first gold medal in the winter Olympic Games,最让我们惊讶的人是其他三名参赛选手在比赛中都滑倒了。,她是如何成功获得金牌的一点都不重要了。重要

5、的是她也曾为了比赛努力训练。,_ is of no importance at all. _ is that she once also trained hard for the competition.,Chance favors only the prepared mind,_ is that all the other three participants slipped down in the competition.,What surprised us most,How she managed to win the gold medal,What is important,Defin

6、ition所谓宾语从句 (object clause) 是指跟在及物动词后面、介词后面以及一些表示情感意义的或确信意义的形容词(afraid, glad, happy, pleased, sorry, anxious, worried, surprised, disappointed;certain, sure)后面的从句。,(1) He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning what his teammates had done.(06上海卷),(2) There is disagreement among eco

7、nomists about what money is and how money is measured.,(3) At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see if it got any better.(08北京),(4) We havent settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad.,(5) Mary wrote an article on why the team had fa

8、iled to win the game.(05全国卷I),(6) With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased that he was a man of action.(06湖南卷),你是否曾经思考过我们为什么应该要在学校里努力学习吗?,Have you ever thought about _,why we should study hard at school?,Many students have realized that_,很多学生已经意识到我们现在正在做的事情是

9、在为将来的职业生涯(career) 作准备。,what we are doing now is preparing ourselves for our future career.,我们是否具有坚持的品质决定了我们将来是否能够取得成就。,我们时刻把我们将来应该要取得怎样的成就记在头脑中来鼓励自己努力学习。,Whether we have the quality of perseverance determines _,whether we can get great achievements in the future,what achievements we should get in th

10、e future,We need to always keep in mind _ to encourage us work hard at school.,Definition所谓表语从句(predicative clause)是指跟在be动词或系动词后面充当主句表语的从句。,(1) See the flags on top of the building? That was what we did this morning.,(2) Actually, girls can be whatever they want to be just like boys, whether it is a

11、 pilot, an astronaut, or a manager.,(3) One advantage of playing the guitar is that it can give you a great deal of pleasure.,(4) The question is whether we can reduce the cost of the product.,(5) I am afraid hes more of a talker than a doer, which is why he never finishes anything.(11山东卷),(6) The m

12、ost urgent problem at present is who will take the place of the manager after he retires next month.,(7) The most urgent problem we need to solve at the moment is where we will put up for the night in this completely dark mountain area.,2013年我校的一个好消息是龚恬同学获得了高考第一名。(College Entrance Examination),She s

13、ays that being admitted to Tsinghua University is _(是她近年来为之而努力的事情). When asked _(为什么她能在考试中取得成功), she says that the secret to her success is _(你是否能坚持将你所有的努力都投入进你的学习)during the school years.,One good news in 2013 of our school _,is that Gongtian won the first place in the College Entrance Examination,

14、what she has been working hard for in recent years.,Why she can achieve success in the examination,whether you can insist on putting all your efforts into your study,is that you can review what youve learned in class timely,Do you like to do winter morning exercises? Why?One reason is that _,ConclusionDoing exercises is good for our health, but the question is how we can exercise properly during the day.,Another secret _(你能够及时复习课上所学的内容)and make full use of your notes.,



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