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1、Communication Problems,Understanding the Passage,1. Understanding the main idea of the passage(p45)1) different2) problems3) communication4) translator5) trust6) acceptance7) exaggerate8) superlatives9) metaphors10) generalizations11) unsupportive12) literally13) rethink14) translate,2. Understandin

2、g specific information1) F2) T3) F4) T5) T6) F7) T8) T9) T10) T,So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. (Line 14),此句中,assume 后跟了两个宾语从句,一句为 it was just one of th

3、ose expected misunderstandings, 另一句为 that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other。,译文:因此,当交流出现问题的时候,他们认为误解是必然的,这只是众多误解中的一个。同时,在些许帮助下,他们必定能够彼此理解。,It is not to be taken as if it were factual information. (Line 22),as if 所引导的从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气,表示所叙述的情况与事实相反。,译文:不要把它当作真实的意思来理解。,具体用法如

4、下:,谈论现在情形,动词用过去时。,a) Why is she looking at me as if she knew me?,她为什么那样看我?像是认识我似的。,b) He behaves as if he owned the house.,他表现出来的样子好像这个房子是属于他的。,谈论过去情形的动词形式有以下几种:,1) 过去时,表示过去的状态,如:,He stood there looking at me and laughing, as if to fool me was the best joke in the world.,他站在那里,望着我哈哈大笑,好像愚弄我是天底下最开心的事

5、儿似的。,Mr. Coleman always talked as if he knew everything.,科尔曼先生说话时总是一副无所不知的样子。,但是,如果状态动词带有持续时间状语, 则用过去完成时:,They talked as if they had been friends for years.,他们说话的样子仿佛是多年的朋友。,过去完成时,表示过去的动作先于主句动词而发生或完成,如:,a) It was as if he had lost his last friend.,他好像再没有朋友了。,“I remember,” she tells her children now,

6、 “how wild her white hair lookedas if it had been electrified.”,她现在给她的孩子们说:“我还记得她那白色的头发有多么凌乱好像过了电似的。”,必须注意的是,在指过去的动作时,即使主句是现在时,as if 从句中的动词也要用过去完成时。,a) She looks as if she had seen a ghost.,她好像是见了鬼似的。,He talks about Rome as if he had been there himself.,他讲起罗马的情况来就好像他去过那里似的。,如果as if 后面的从句所表示的情况是真实的或很

7、可能是真实的,则动词可以用陈述语气,在 feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste 之后尤其如此。,第一句表示“他已经醉了”,第二句则表示“他没有醉”。,A mans literal translation of “I dont feel heard” leads him to take the womans complaint lightly. (Line 47),take sth. lightly/seriously 把不当回事/认真对待,联合国敦促各金融机构更加认真对待水资源短缺问题。,UN urges financial institutions to

8、take water scarcity more seriously.,情景造句:Describe your process of pursuing success.,Encountering difficulties in the process of pursuing success is quite normal.,在追求成功的过程中遇到困难是很正常的事情。,That Muslim _ on his way to Mecca to make a pilgrimage.,在前往麦加朝圣的路上,那位穆斯林意外地遇到了一位来自中国的老友。,was encountered with an old

9、 friend from China,_ resulted in a serious injury in the American soldiers left arm.,与基地组织一分支遭遇致使那位美军士兵左臂受重伤。,An encounter with a branch of Al-Qaeda,我可以帮你什么忙吗?,Can I be of any assistance to you?,Chinese government is prepared to _ to that quake-stricken African country. (提供经济援助),give financial assis

10、tance,他乐意帮助那些单亲家庭的孩子重返校园。,He is willing to assist those children from the single-parent families to go back to school.,这是一场严重的争执,有可能导致武装冲突。,This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.,他的陈述明显与其他证据相抵触。,His statement was apparently in conflict with other evidence.,他们对于那起车祸原因的报告与我们的报告出入

11、很大。,Their account of the road accident conflicts with ours.,That disarming young man _ _ to show to the two strangers in the same carriage. (Adapted from Feng Xiaogangs 2005 new year movie A World Without Thieves),那个毫无戒心的年轻人从包里拿出自己所有的钱给同车厢的两个陌生人看。(编自冯小刚2005年贺岁片天下无贼),pulled out all,his money from his

12、 bag,情景造句:拔牙,Youd better have that bad tooth pulled out tomorrow.,情景造句:拔掉瓶子的盖子,Pulling out the lid of that bottle needs great strength.,太阳从云后出现。,The sun emerged from behind the clouds.,讨论中没有出现新的想法。,No new ideas emerged during the discussion.,appear与emerge,这两个词都是不及物动词。均可指人或事物的出现或显露,也可以指抽象概念,如思想观念的暴露,

13、事实或问题的揭露等等。,emerge 后常接介词from。有时表示经过调查、询问之后才使事实、思想或问题暴露出来;appear 在作系动词时,与seem用法相似,表示“看起来”、“显得”等意思,其后可接不定式、形容词或介词短语。,请选择 appear 或 emerge 的适当形式填空。,appears,emerged,appeared,emerged,American national basketball team is not as unconquerable as you assumed it to be.,美国国家篮球队并不像你想象的那样不可战胜。,我们先假定他的说法是可信的。,Let

14、 us first assume his statement to be believable.,Her father _ in that state-owned enterprise. (担任领导职务),You should _ of what you have done. (承担所有的责任),assumes a leading position,assume all the responsibilities,那场商业演出的意义被明显夸大了。,The significance of that commercial performance _.,The deadly earthquake an

15、d tsunami breaking out in Southeast Asia in December 2004 was so serious that the final death toll _ at first.,2004年12月发生在东南亚地区的地震和海啸非常严重,以致于死难者总人数乍听起来都略显夸张。,has been obviously exaggerated,sounded a bit exaggerating,情景造句:水资源短缺问题,People all over the world should not ignore severe water shortage problems.,情景造句:她不理睬我,I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely.,情景造句:驾驶员 闯红灯,A good driver never ignores a red light.,我将不得不把那个坏消息告诉他。,I will have to convey that bad news to him.,The leaders of the local government _ _ to the relatives of that sacrificial fireman.,



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