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1、教师对学生的心理干预方法 四川省社会科学院客座教授 朱利安 泰普林,Westernizing, industrializing brings benefits but also stress and hardship for children, youth, and families Three skills can help a large percentage but not allof these problems The skills are Thinking StudyingProtecting,1B.1 Origins of TSP,J. R. Taplin, PhD, ABPP,

2、 made his 3rd trip to China in 1998, after a UN consulting appointment. In more than 12 visits he has colleted the concerns of thousands of children youth and families on anonymous scraps of paper. Together with Prof ZhangXiangRong and colleagues, TSP is built to respond to those concerns TSP起源 朱利安

3、泰普林博士在他被联合国指派咨询任务时,他选择第三次到中国访问 在他12 次访问中国的咨询活动中他收集了大量孩子和家长的家庭教育案例 和张祥荣教授以及其他的同仁一道,建立了一套适用用于中国家庭教育的TSP体系,1C.1 Industry improves much, but children and families suffer,Widespread Western experience shows that industrializing improves living standards remarkably. At the same time, the social cost in te

4、rms of families weakened by divorce, mobility, violence, unconstrained sexuality, etc., is very high Unfortunately, we should anticipate increasing stresses upon our Chinese youth and families 虽然工业发展,但是孩子和家庭却有所缺失 迅速发达的西方工业化社会的进步与繁荣得益于工业化大规模生产 但是同时,家庭削弱、离婚率提高、暴力和动荡、无节制的性问题等等是对工业化付出的代价,1D.1 Many human

5、 problems are matters of SKILLS, e.g.,Academic skills Problem-solving skills Thinking skills Creativity skills Self control skills Teamwork skills Compliance skills Leadership skills, etc.In TSP we group them into Thinking skills, Teaching/learning skills and Protecting skills. For teachers we add L

6、aunching skills 很多的人的问题是缺乏技巧 学习的技巧 解决问题的技巧 思考的技巧 创造的技巧 自我控制的技巧 团队的技巧 服从的技巧 领导的技巧等等 我们把上诉技巧归结为TSP技巧,既开放性思维的技巧、教与学的技巧、有效保护的技巧。针对老师我们还专门提到育人的技巧,1D.2 Why do people change?,In a skills approach people change because they use new and improved skills Not because We have treated them medically We have heale

7、d them religiously We have given them sudden insight We have chased away a devil with our powers 我们什么人可以会改变? 从技巧的方面说,人变是因为他们采用了新的或者改进了技术 而不是因为: 我们对他们进行药物治疗 我们对他们进行了宗教方面的引导 我们给了他们“灵丹妙药” 我们用我们的力量赶走了邪恶,1D.3 Implication of a skills approach,Client must: Understand the skill Apply it regularly until it b

8、ecomes familiar Make the skill automatic Telling people about it will help some, but not many, people. Our job is to help them understand, apply and make automatic Change takes work Change is not fast. No sudden miraculous cures 技术的含义 受咨者必须: 理解技术 熟悉技术并有规律的运用它 让技术成为习惯 说教对人也有所帮助,但不会使很都人受益,而我们的任务是帮助我们的

9、受咨者理解,运用技术并成为自身习惯的一部分 学习新技术和改变是需要时间 改变不会是立竿见影的马上见效,1D.4 Tool overview: Thinking tools,7A How to think, the beginning 7B Turn brains on, make thinking start 7C Teach children to self-instruct for self discipline 7D Show them how to change negative emotion 7E Give a path to optimism and hope 7F Help w

10、ith the search for life direction and career 开拓思维概要 如何思考,如何开始思考 使大脑转起来 教孩子学会自我约束 展示如何控制自己的不良情绪 打开通向乐观和希望的路 帮助孩子寻找生活方向和职业方向,1D.5 Tool overview: Teaching/learning tools,8A Basic parenting skills 8B Model and demonstrate, incl. emotional skills 8C Make rewards work for you 8D Establish a successful tok

11、en economy 8E Help students to be expert learners 8F Teach students to be their own diagnosticians 8G Put school pressure in a different light 8H Personality, temperament and interpersonal skills 8I Give the huge advantage: leadership skills 教与学的工具概要 基本抚育技巧 身体力行的展示情绪控制技巧 行为鼓励法 建立积分制度法 帮助学生成为 学习专家 教会

12、学生学会自我诊断 从不同的角度看待压力 个性、脾气和人际交往技巧 特别重视:领导技术,1D.6 Tool overview: Protecting and preventing tools,9A Protecting in crisis and trauma 9B Educating for healthwhy its critical now 9C Educating for puberty, why its a big job now 9D Early love; reduce the problems, help them learn 9E Marital strife; minimiz

13、ing the harm 9F Equip youth to cope with materialism 9G Help them cross the chasm from school to life 9H Leaving home constructively 保护和预防工具概要 危机事件中的保护 健康教育为什么特别重要 青春期教育为什么件大事情? 早恋,降低风险,帮助孩子 学会过渡 家庭婚姻变化:把危害降到最低程度 帮助年轻人克服物资享乐思想 帮助孩子适应社会 离家独立,1E.1 TSP values,Respect for individuals Respect for the fam

14、ily unity Respect for science and accountability Competence Confidentiality Voluntary TSP 的价值 尊重个人价值 尊重家庭和睦 尊重科学和实证 有效 保密 自愿,1F.1 Aim of TSP,To respond to likely problems, TSP offers methods that help people help themselves, protect themselves, and protect their children. Solve problems, avoid probl

15、ems Give long term skills Are based on good research. TSP目标 对有关问题,TSP提供一下的方法 -帮助人自助,保护人们和他们的孩子 -解决问题,避免问题 -提供长期的有用工具 -研究实证的结果,1F.2 General aim of TSP counseling,Give people tools to Solve their own problems Build their own skills Be independent of usWe do not aim to have clients obey us, be dependen

16、t on us or praise us. TSP咨询的总目标 交给别人工具,是为了 -解决他们的问题 -构建他们自己的技术 -能够脱离我们,2A.1 Personal requirements,Personal maturity not: clingy rescuers power seekers, competitive judges. Genuinely respect, others Empathy able to understand how clients feel Warmth already have their own friends Objectivity anticipa

17、te that clients can be upset, overstimulated, depressed, angry, etc. Willing to learn and practice TSP Learn and adhere to with skill approaches and ideas Improve effectiveness “How can I do better?” 个性需求 个性成熟,不要:救世主、权利追逐者、竞争评判者。内心尊重 同情 能够理解受咨者的感情 热情 已经有他们自己的朋友 客观 预见受咨者不安,过激,压抑和愤怒等 愿意学习和实践TSP,学习和运用其方法和技术 追求有效性“我如何能做得更好?”,


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