江西省吉安县第三中学人教版高中英语必修三课件:m3u2language points

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1、Unit 2 Health eating Language points,2,What did we learn yesterday?,导,3,Words-spelling,1. Children are naturally_ (好奇的)about everything around them. 2. Would you like some sugar ?- no ,I am on a _(节食) 3. He lost his _ and fell off his bicycle. . The modern actress who has_(纤细的) waist often appears o

2、n TV. . Can you tell the _(优点)and _(缺点)of Chinese food? . People from the Western countries would like to eat _(fry) food .,思,curious,diet,balance,slim,strengths,weaknesses,fried,4,重点短语,1. 节食 _ 2.出于好奇 _ 3. 减肥_ 4. (做坏事)不受惩罚 _ 5.赢回_ 6. 对感到惊讶_ 7.在回家的路上_ 8.keep fit_,思,be/go on a diet,out of curiosity,lo

3、se weight,get away with,win back,be amazed about,on ones way home,保持身体健康,1.balance _ adj_ 【拓展归纳】out of balance _ keep/ _ ones balance 保持/失去平衡 balance A _ B在A 和B 中权衡 【学以致用】(1)Many people have already realized that they should go on a _ diet. A.balance B. balancing C. balanced D. to balance (2)you sho

4、uld _before doing it在做这件事之前要权衡得失,议 展 评,n.平衡 vt.权衡,balance/weigh gains and losses,C,不平衡,against,balanced,lose,议 展 评,2.lie v_ n_ 【拓展归纳】lie_sb=_=_对某人撒谎,【学以致用】(1)The girl _ on the ground _ to me that she had _ the purse on the desk. A. lying, lay, laid B. lying, lied, laid C. lie, lied, lay D. lay, lied

5、, lain (2)At the foot of the mountain_. A. a village lie B. lies a village C . does a village lie D. lying a village,说谎,谎言;谎话,to,tell sb a lie,tell a lie/lies to sb,lied,lied,lying,lay,lain,lying,放置,产卵,laid,laid,laying,B,B,3.Curiosity_ adj_ adv_ 【拓展归纳】out of curiosity _ be curious about对好奇 be curiou

6、s to do急于/渴望做某事 【学以致用】(1)People have always been _ about exactly how life on earth began. A curious B. excited C. anxious D. careful (2)Children _ _ _ the world outside.孩子们对外面的世界充满好奇。 (3) The girl opened the box_. 那个小女孩好奇地打开那个盒子。,议 展 评,n.好奇心,curious,出于好奇,curiously,A,are,curious,about,curiously/with

7、curiosity,议 展 评,4.get 的短语(用get along with,get down to, get over,get through,get away with填空) (1)He each other and he is very popular in the class .他和同学相处融洽 (2)He _ doing his homework .他着手做作业 (3)we should_ all the difficulties we meet in our work.我们要克服一切困难。 (4)I called you but didnt 我打你电话没打通。 (5)Youl

8、l never (cheat)in the exam. 你别想考试作弊还不受惩罚,gets,along,well,with,gets,down,to,get,over,get,through,get,away,with,cheating,5.“Nothing could be better.” he thought. 【拓展归纳】用否定词+比较级形式表示_的意义 常见的几种结构: (1)never /no /hardly 等否定词+比较级 (2)比较级+than +all the other/the other/any of the other+名词复数 (3)比较级+than +any ot

9、her +单数名词 (4)比较级+than +anything/anyone else 【学以致用】 译(1)_我没有看过比这部更好的电影 (2)他比班上其他同学跑得都快._ (3) _.他比班上其他学生都高.,议 展 评,最高级,I have never seen a better film,He runs faster than the other,clasmates/any other classmat/any of the other classmates.,He is taller than anyone else in our class,6.He could not have Y

10、ong Hui getting away with telling people lies. 【拓展归纳】have sb doing sth用于否定句中,表示_ (1)She couldnt have anyone_(come)into her room without permission. 他不容许任何人在未经许可的情况下进入她的房间。 【易混辨析】have sb do have sb/sth doing have sb/sth done(1)I had Mary_(clean) my bedroom yesterday. (2)He had the watch_(repair) just

11、 now. (3)Dont have the baby_(cry)!,议 展 评,不允许/不容忍某人做某事,coming,clean,repaired,crying,议 展 评,【学以致用】用所给词的适当形式填空。 -I had the driver_(wait)for us. Hurry up! Dont have the car_(wait) at the gate! -Ill be ready after I have my son _(dress).,wait,waiting,dressed,检,用本节课学过的单词和短语完成句子 ()Her ankle was caught by a root,and she almost _ _ _ .她的脚踝被树根绊了一下,差点摔倒。 ()Japan _ _the east of China.日本位于中国的东面。 ()He_ _ _ the world I was in.他想了解我以前生活的世界。 ()She struggled to_ _ _ her family.她挣扎着想摆脱她的家庭。 ()I _ _ _ _ _ _. 我想不出更好的办法了。,lost,her,balance,lies,to,was,curious,about,get,away,from,cant,think,of,a,better,idea,



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