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1、中科院博士入学考试 英语阅读技巧,1句子中的标点符号的作用,句号:用来分割句子。 逗号:两个逗号之间或一个逗号之后,是一个补充说明成分,可以先不看。,句子中的标点符号的作用,冒号:冒号前后是从抽象到具体的过程,后面进一步具体说明前面的内容。She came to hate the endless chores that swallowed her time: washing dishes, making beds, scrubbing floors. 冒号可以表示各种逻辑上的关系,如: I went to bed early: the long journey had tired me. (表

2、示因果) Columbus discovered a string of islands: he did not discover the American Continent.(表示反意),句子中的标点符号的作用,分号:分号前后是并列关系。包括结构上并列和语义上并列两种。 Sixty years ago Melville was almost forgotten; today he is regarded as one of Americans great authors. Professor Ye will have to cope with a very heavy workload;

3、she has been invited to lecture at quite a number of universities in the U.S. One moment he was friendly, even warm; the next he was coldly indifferent.,句子中的标点符号的作用,破折号:两个破折号之间或一个破折号之后,是补充说明成分,可以先不看。 Mary comes every weekon Tuesdaysto help with the laundry. (作用与括号相似) They gave him a new camera for C

4、hristmasand a film to go with it. (表示附加补充) He bought a house just outside the towna magnificent building. (解释前文) In future prose, two fields are certainly sure to find cultivationthe field of the essay and the field of the sketch. (相当于冒号的作用),句子中的标点符号的作用,引号:一种是引用别人观点,其作用要么是作为支持的观点,要么作为批判的对象;另一种是说反话,表

5、示反语。,句子中的标点符号的作用,括号:括号内的内容起补充说明或解释词义的作用。 The day before one of my midterm history exams I still hadnt found time to read the first book on the reading list. (That, of course, is a very common disease at Harvard.)(附加,补充),2长难句解析方法,1). 长难句包括简单句和复合句,复合句的每一个句子的核心部分是主语和谓语,而每一个复合句的核心是主句。认识复合句首先要把握好从句间的关系,而

6、表现这些关系要依靠连接词that, although, so that, before等具有语法功能的词。常见的长难句种的基本语法结构: 形式主语或宾语 强调结构 非限定性定语从句 同位语从句 倒装结构 虚拟语气If you were/had come here yesterday, you would have seen that famous professor.作者用虚拟语气一般表示建议、态度和观点。 省略,2长难句解析方法,2). 具体分为如下4步: 第一步、确定句子有几个洋葱(一个完整的句子为一个洋葱,有时一个句号却有好几个完整的句子)。 第二步、给句子剥皮。每构成一个独立的语法就构

7、成一成皮。 第三步、把每层皮翻译成中文 第四步、把很多简单的中文句子组合成中文长句(三四步为翻译步骤),长难句解析方法,She, who is her mothers daughter, is a girl of beauty which is envied by Lily whose ugliness is so famous in New York where there are so many poors whohave a lot of children forbidden to go to school in which they can study how to live in t

8、he tedious world, which we all know.,3.常见关键词,以下是部分具有导向作用的关键词,请予与特别关注: 指示重点:The principal advantage/disadvantage/objection The problem/task/hypothesis/point The results indicate/show/prove The crucial facts/effects/difficulties/outcomes Note that Dont overlook Of importance is,常见关键词,表示作者态度: my opinio

9、n is, I believe/think/suggest/support/agree/disagree/arguer fortunately, unfortunately, wisely, happily 表示概括、总结: let me summarize, to sum up, to conclude, on the whole, in short, in conclusion,4. 九大题型解题思路详解,1细节事实题: 标志: 题干中明确提到的时间、地点、人物等细节信息 针对文章中的一句或几句发问 题干和选项之间是因果关系 做题的关键在于:返回原文 根据题干中的时间、地点、人物返回原文

10、根据出题顺序返回原文(60的准度) 根据题干中的重点词或其同义词返回原文(如名词、动词、形容词,70的准度) 找原文中的难句定位,一般来说,难句都是出题点。,细节事实题, 迷惑人的手段: 单词替换 颠倒因果 扩大范围 常识判断 (4)常见试题:Which of the following is true about? What occurred as told at the beginning of the passage? What can we learn about? According to the passage, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson,细

11、节事实题,Relaxing isnt easy. I knowI have tried it. I can see, therefore, why Japans government should want corporations to have full-time “leisure advisers.” It seems an idea worth copying. A start should, perhaps, be made at the very top. Captain of industry often find it hardest of all to relax. Some

12、 buy a luxurious yacht, a beach house, or even an island, but seldom make use of these expensive leisure facilities. “I dont have time for a holiday, “ they insist. What they usually mean is that they could find the time, if pressed, but that they dont want to. More often than not the plain truth is

13、 that they dont know how to ease up. No one has ever told them how to do it.(1999. 3),细节事实题,Top executives often find it difficult to take time off because_. A. it would cause them financial problems B. they need to protect their jobs C. they have never really learnt how to relax D. they simply dont

14、 have the time,细节事实题,2. So what can a “leisure adviser” do for himor, increasingly, her? The basic task is to change attitudes, and gradually to introduce him to various leisure activities. A good start is to persuade him that holidays are a “psychological investment”, and that it is perfectly feasi

15、ble to combine business with pleasure.(1999.3),细节事实题,The main role of a leisure adviser is to_. A. teach an executive a new leisure activity B. give an executive a full medical check-up C. help an executive alter his approach to life D. organize a holiday for an executive,细节事实题,3. The new 100-page a

16、nalysis reviews and synthesizes the findings of a host of published studies and field trials on rice production and associated pesticide-related health effects. IRRIs report indicates that both farmers and the rice-research community exaggerate the threat that rice pests pose-while largely ignoring

17、the costs, both to health and the pocketbook, of pesticide application.,细节事实题,Rice farmers in the philippines_ A. select which pesticide to use based on the type of insect they find B. collect natural predators of rice eating insects C. overestimate the importance of pest-resistant cultivars D. seem to be totally dependent on using pesticides without knowing whatever the cost.,


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