【来源:学优高考网】2012高二英语课件:unit3 periodⅳ writing (新人教版必修5)

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1、Period ,Writing,原句 1 Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.(教材 P18)由于 太累了,我爬上床很快就睡着了。 点评 这个句子是由两个简单句合并而成: I was exhausted. I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 合并:由于句和句之间有“因为所以”的逻 辑关系,可以用“exhausted”过去分词作原因状语放句首。,仿写,由于对即将从事的工作感到兴奋,李强坐立不安,一晚,都没睡着。,(提示:坐立不安的 unsettled),_ _ 工作一天之后,李强感到很累。他爬上床

2、很快就睡着了。,_ _,Excited about the job to take up, Li Qiang was unsettled, so he couldnt fall asleep all night.,Exhausted after a days work, Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep.,原句 2,However, my friend and guide, Wang Ping, was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a,lot.

3、(教材 P18)然而,我的朋友兼向导王平非常理解我,他给了 我一些绿色的药片,对我很有帮助。,点评,这个句子是由三个简单句合并而成: Wang Ping was my friend and guide., Wang Ping was very understanding and gave me some,green tablets.,The green tablets helped a lot.,合并之第一步:由于句用来解释说明句中 Wang Ping 的身份,所以可以用 Wang Ping 作同位语,将句合并; 合并之第二步:由于句和句之间有一个共同词,“tablets”,可以用定语从句将这

4、两句合并。,仿写,我三岁大的表妹丽丽很聪明,并且会背很多的诗歌,这,给很多人留下了深刻的印象。,_ _ 我的导游玛丽很乐观,并且对这里的环境很熟悉,这让,我们在遇到危险时做出了迅速的调整。,_ _ _,My threeyearold cousin, Lily, is very clever and can recite many poems, which leaves a deep impression on many people.,My guide, Mary, was very optimistic and familiar with the surroundings here, whi

5、ch let us make instant adjustment when facing danger.,原句 3,Having said this, he spread some food on the table, and,produced a bed from the floor.(教材 P18)说完这些,他在桌上摆放 了一些食物又从地板中弄出一张床来。 点评,这个句子是由两个简单句合并而成: He said this.,He spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from,the floor.,合并:由于句中的主语 he

6、又是句的主语,可以用非谓 语动词将这两句合并。he 为动词 say 的逻辑主语,非谓语动词 与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,且与 spread 和 produce 有动作发 生先后关系,因此非谓语为 having said。,仿写,收起了所有的书本后,约翰从书桌下取出棋盘开始和爸,爸下棋。,_ _,完成作业后,我按下按钮开始看电视。,_ _,Having put away all his books, John took out a chessboard below his desk and began to play chess with his father.,Having finished h

7、omework, I pressed the button and watched TV.,描述未来的生活,本单元出现的相关词汇:,aspect (n.方面;层面), leave/make/give a deep impression on sb.( 给某人留下深刻的印象), jet lag ( 飞行时差反应), previous (adj.在前的;早先的), capsule (n.太空舱;胶囊), surroundings (n. 周围的事物;环境), surrounding (adj.周围的), make adjustment to (对做出调整), adjust.to. (调整), pr

8、ess (v.按;压;逼迫,n按;压;印刷;新闻), lose sight of. (看不见), switch (n.,开关;转换,vt.转换), slide into (移动;溜进), be optimistic,about (对乐观), speed up (加速), the instant (一就), dispose of (清除), eco-logy (n.生态;生态学), material (n.原料; 材料), citizen (n.公民;居民;市民), recycle (vt.回收利用;再利 用 ), settlement (n. 定 居 ; 解 决 ), be described

9、 as ( 被 描 述 为 ), consider.as/to be (认为是), environmentally friendly (环保型 的),本单元出现的相关句式:,1sth.seemedadj., as though. 看起来似乎 2What would you do if you.?如果你将怎样做呢? 3Inside was.里面是,4.but it seems (that). 但是似乎,本单元为想象文写作,可以是预测发生在未来的好的和坏 的变化,也可以是描述未来的生活,想象未来出现的新发明, 其写作目的是用生动、形象的语言传达信息,引发读者思考。 它是一种创造型写作,属于开放式作

10、文的一种。此类写作一般 会给学生一定的素材或主题,让学生在此基础上自由发挥、自 由创作。它不但考查学生的语言能力,而且对学生的想象能力、 发散思维、思辨能力等也有更高的要求。叙述时可用对将来情 况的虚拟语气,也可用一般将来时。,Vehicles in the Future,Vehicles in the future will bring human beings not only,convenience but also comfort.It seems that they can be used on,the land, on the water or in the air because

11、 they can adjust their,own shapes and sizes to the surroundings.For example, they may,change into boats, cars, planes, or even spaceships.Besides, their,speeds will possibly be amazing which can speed up thousands of,kilometers per second.,Maybe they will be highly intelligentized and have many spec

12、ial functions.Operating themselves completely automatically, vehicles will travel without traffic accidents.In addition, they can,form,a,developed,public,transportation,system.Therefore,passengers will no longer need to get off them for a transfer.To our joy, they will probably use solar energy inst

13、ead of petrol as fuel, which is environmentally friendly.,What surprises us most is that,they will perhaps link,transportation to entertainment.Not only will they offer cafeterias,but also,they will provide passengers with separate rooms for,Karaoke to have fun.So taking vehicles in the future wont

14、be boring. 亮点点评: 很好地使用了分词短语、定语从句、主语从句、表语从句、 倒装句和相关短语等,使得句式相对复杂,句子脉络清楚。,结构分析: 全文共三段,分别介绍了未来交通工具的使用范围、运行 速度、特殊功能和其他方面的优势。,想象文写作是基础写作中比较常见的,它需要能够详细地 介绍清楚对象和主题。在平时练习中,学生首先要熟记一些相 关话题的单词或短语,再要学会用一些复杂句式,诸如定语从 句、分词短语、名词性从句等来给文章润色。,必背词汇,for convenience ( 为 了 便 利 ), convenient (adj. 方 便 的 ), be made of ( 由 做

15、成 ), lead to ( 导 致 ), creative (adj. 创 新 的 ), innovation (n.创新), make use of ( 利用), with the development of scientific technology ( 随 着科 技的 发展 ), improve peoples daily life (提高人们的生活水平), change the way of life (改变生活方 式), spaceship (n. 宇宙飞船), planet (n. 星球), enable sb.to do sth. (使得某人能够做某事), electronic (adj.电子的), digital (adj.数码 的), not only.but also (不仅而且), develop (v.开发), artificial satellite (人造卫星), protect (v.保护),



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