医学图像处理 ppt课件

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《医学图像处理 ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《医学图像处理 ppt课件(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Introduction,Ke Li Department of Biomedical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology,2,研究机构: 生物医学与电磁工程研究所 办公地址: 电气楼426/303室 联系电话: 15002493369 电子信箱: 研究方向:生物阻抗成像医学影像处理及辅助诊断,教师信息,3,Introduction,Course information Course contents Why learn it? What to learn? How to learn?,Outline,4,Introduction,Co

2、urse Name: Medical Image Processing Specialty: biomedical engineering Teaching period: 48 hours- teaching hours: 44 hours- experimental hours : 4+4 hours,Course information,5,Introduction,数字图像处理(英文版 第二版).美Rafael C. Gonzalez. 电子工业出版社,2002. 医学图像处理与分析. 罗述谦. 科学出版社,2003.,Course information,Course Scoring

3、 Final examination: 90% experiment: 10%,6,Introduction,One image is worth more than ten thousands words an important media Image is never perfect (quality, size, etc) Blur Noise Distortion (radiometric, geometric) Color decay, contrast ,Why learn it?,7,Introduction,The amount of image generated ever

4、yday Military (NASA, Air Force, Army, etc) Medical (From film to digital hospital, telemedicine) Law enforcement (finger print, face recognition, video surveillance) Civilian (industry inspection) Automatic processing of images Image retrieval Automatic segmentation Automatic detection Automatic rec

5、ognition (OCR, ATR),Why learn it? (cont.),8,Introduction,Image improvement low level IP Improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation (Improving the visual appearance of images to a human viewer ) Image analysis high level IP Processing of scene data for autonomous machine perception

6、 (Preparing images for measurement of the features and structures present , with application to image data storage, transmission, and representation),Goals of image processing,9,Introduction,Image processing & Computer graphics Image processing & Computer vision Image processing & Pattern recognitio

7、n,Some clarification,10,Introduction,A distinction definition of IP The input and output of the process is an image. Hyper Dictionary () Image processing -IP: Computer manipulation of images Computer graphics -CG: The pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer Computer vision -C

8、V: A branch of artificial intelligence and image processing concerned with computer processing of images from the real world. Pattern recognition-PR: aims to classify data (patterns) based on either a priori knowledge or on statistical information extracted from the patterns.,Some clarification,11,I

9、ntroduction,What to learn?,12,Introduction,Image enhancement,13,Introduction,Denoising Geometric correction Radiometric correction,Image restoration,14,Introduction,Color models Color image processing methods,Color image processing,15,Introduction,Image segmentation,16,Introduction,Usually follow th

10、e output of a segmentation stage Convert the data for a form suitable for subsequent computer processing,Image representation and description,17,Introduction,Reading Programming MATLAB or C+ Windows,How to learn?,Medical Image Fundamentals,19,Medical Image Fundamentals,Medical Applications Medical I

11、mage Development Conception of Medical Image Processing,20,Medical Applications,21,Medical Applications,22,Medical Applications,23,Medical Applications,24,Medical Applications,25,Medical Applications,26,Infrared Image,27,Medical Image,28,Medical Image,29,Nov. 1895 Announces X-ray discovery Jan. 13,

12、1896 Images needle in patients hand X-ray used presurgically 1901 Receives first Nobel Prize in Physics Given for discovery and use of X-rays.,Wilhelm Rntgen, Wurtzburg,Radiograph of the hand of Rntgens wife, 1895.,Development of Medical Image,30,Hounsfield和Cormack因发明CT获得1979年诺贝尔医学和生理学奖。,31,Bloch和Pu

13、rcell因发现NMR现象获得1952年诺贝尔物理学奖。,32,发明MRI中Fourier重建方法的Ernst获得1991年诺贝尔化学奖。,33,Lauterbur和Mansfield因发明MRI方法获得2003年诺贝尔医学和生理学奖。,34,35,Mammography,Benign lesion - Fibroadenoma,36,3D Image,37,Colonoscopy with spiral CT,CT (by Picker),CT,38,PET-CT,39,PET,40,Manifold Imaging Mode,41,Conception of Medical Image P

14、rocessing,人体医学图像研究的结构框图,Application on other Domain,43,Image Processing First Used in Exploring Space,44,Exploring Space,45,Exploring Space,46,Earth Resource Reconnoitring,47,Remote Sensing Image,48,49,Weather Nephogram Weather Forecast,50,Military Affairs Application Target Tracking,51,Military Aff

15、airs ApplicationConcealed Plane, Orientation Bomb,52,Military Affairs Application,53,Military Affairs Application,54,Computer Composed Image,55,Computer Composed Image,56,Advertisement Design,57,Terms,CT: computed tomography MRI: magnetic resonance imaging PET: positron emission tomography SPECT: single photon emission tomography DSA: digital subtraction angiography PACS: picture archiving and communication system,


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