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1、English Weekly Unit 1 Writing,基础写作(第一期第四版) 给李华的一封回信 写作内容 最近你收到高三年级学生李华的来信。他在信中反映升入高三后,感到压力很大,在学习方面无所适从。请你用英语给他写一封回信,内容包括: 1. 你的安慰; 2. 你对减轻压力的建议。 写作内容 只能用5个句子表达全部内容 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。,1、人称:2、时态:3、划分5个句子,第二人称,一般现在时为主,根据各 句意思会有现在进行时和 一般将来时,基础写作要注意,重组五个句子: 1、因为你正面临你人生中最重要的考试,你感到很大压力是很自然的; 2、但是你应该勇

2、敢地面对它,并且找到有效的方法去减压; 3、首先,对自己有信心并且制定学习计划,以便你能充分利用你的时间; 4、第二,你可以花些时间做一些体育运动和听些轻音乐来减压; 5、更重要的是,如果你用心并努力学习,你将会取得很大进步,这样将能帮助你通过高考。,1、因为你正面临你人生中最重要的考试,你感到很大压力是很自然的;,2、但是你应该勇敢地面对它,并且找到有效的方法去减压;,it is natural that +句子 “是自然的”,现在进行时 + 一般现在时,一般现在时,effective “有效的”,way “的方法”,to do sth.,of doing sth.,3、首先,对自己有信心并

3、且制定学习计划,以便你能充分利用你的时间;,4、第二,你可以花些时间做一些体育运动和听 些轻音乐来减压;,make a schedule for “制定的计划”,sb. spend +时间+ (in) doing sth.on sth. 某人花时间做某事,relieve (vt.) 解除,减轻,一般现在时,make full use of “充分利用”,一般现在时,5、更重要的是,如果你用心并努力学习,你将会 取得很大进步,这样将能帮助你通过高考。,put sbs heart into 用心做,一般现在时 + 一般将来时,make progress 取得进步,college entrance

4、examination 高考,whats more 更重要的是,Dear Li Hua,Im sorry to know you are at a loss. Im writing to offer you some advice. Since you are facing the most important exam of your life, it is natural that you feel great pressure. But you should face it bravely and find effective ways to relieve it. Firstly, h

5、ave confidence in yourself and make a schedule for your studies so that you can make full use of your time. Secondly, you can spend some time doing some physical exercise and listening to light music to relieve stress. More importantly, if you put your heart into your studies and work hard, you will

6、 make greater progress, which will help you pass the college entrance examination.I hope my advice will be of help to you.yours sincerely, Wang Fang,写作内容 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 分析:概括关键信息: 起因:父母侵害孩子的隐私 目的:protect their privacy 结果:(总结两个事例)write diaries in English; use mobile phone,任务型写作,2.以约120个词就“家长能看孩子的日记

7、吗?”这一主题发表你的看法,内容包括: (1) 有人认为家长看孩子的日记无可厚非? (2) 有人认为家长不应该看孩子的日记; (3) 谈谈你的看法。 论述两个对立的观点:some people think; however, some people think 给出自己的看法:I think 3写作要求: 归纳完整,表述清晰。 观点鲜明,说服力强。,注意分段写:30字概括为第一段;以下内容按写作的要点分段,一般有几个要点就分几段,每段以写作的要求作为每段的主题句开头;各段的内容一般平均分配字数,有时有例外。,写作模版: 第一段:30字概括; 第二段:主题句(家长是否可以看孩子的日记?)some

8、 people think 第三段:However (While), some peoplethink 第四段:个人观点(I think),This passage states that many parents read their childrens diaries so these teenagers try to protect their privacy by keeping diaries in English or keeping in touch with their friends by mobile phone. Should parents read their chi

9、ldrens diaries? Some say yes because they think parents can know whether their children have a problem or not and give them a hand which can help them out completely.,However, some people insist that parents should not read their childrens diaries. Children should be allowed an amount of privacy as

10、adults do. If parents have a question about whats going on with their children, its their responsibility to open the channels of communication in different ways rather than to invade their privacy.I feel that it is unwise to read childrens diaries. Many teenagers keep diaries for some reasons. If parents feel their children are in trouble, dont invade their privacy for it will only make things worse. Instead, talk with them.,


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