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1、中华英语学习网 ,Lecture 2. 语音学,语音学:语音性质、语音现象、语音规律 Phonetics 语音学 studies physical property of speech sounds in general How they are produced (articulatory phonetics) and perceived(acoustic phonetics) Phonology 音位学studies the specific sounds as employed in different language(systematical use of sounds in lan

2、guage with linguistic functions). How these sounds are arranged to form meaning units and what function each sound performs in the sound system of the language.,中华英语学习网 ,Contrastive Phonetics: something in common for CS1) to pronounce involve the same physical and physiological property; 2) to make

3、economy in communication, 弱化,同化,连缀,省音 : books, dogs, looked, obliged英语的读音规则性不强 英语字母不是一个字母只表一个音素音,多数字母在不同的语言环境中读不同的音。有些字母要读几个音,有的不发音: a: map, father, all, about, date, many o: hot, action, go g: go, gene c: cook, cease w: who, would, wrong ei: sleigh, sleight k: knife, kitten t: bristle ,brittle I: s

4、ign, signature, minute, minute,中华英语学习网 ,ou: though, thought, thorough, through, cough, bough, brought s: island, Islam, isinglass, About 1500, the Great Vowel Shift 长元音短原因变化,/e:/-/i:/-/ai/,/a:/-/ei/,/o:/-/u:/ 打破元音在词中不变的情况,引发vowel alternations divine, divinity madmade, strip-stripe, wiswise, lov-love

5、 William, printing technology, 1476 oneley, onely, onley, only Samul John English Dictionary, 1755 meet-meat/meet, see-sea/see downhil-downhill,中华英语学习网 ,希腊语 拉丁语 本族文 偌曼底 one unus an ein dyo dua twa zwen t/d/z treis tres thrie dri t/th/d tettares quattuor feower fior f/q pente quinque fif funf hex sex

6、 siex sehs h/s hepta septem seofon sibun h/s okto octo eahta ahto ennea novem nigon niun deka decem tien zehan c/t/d/z,中华英语学习网 ,publikpublic, skold-scold heehe, onone, greefgrief, thease-these, swoord-sword, noorse-nurse, cap=seize captive, deceptive sed=sit sediment, president spec=look, see specta

7、cle, conspicuousTwo questions: Whats the significance of the technology of printing and computers?Why is the archives more emphasized in China than museums which are highly developed in the West ?,中华英语学习网 ,A phone(音素) is a phonetic unit. All these sounds /i:/,/t/,/t/,/s/。语音片段。 pu tong hua 8个因素,是构成音节

8、的基本单位。 A phoneme(音位) is a phonological unit that is of distinctive value. But it is an abstract unit. It is meaningful, or functional. /p/b/ in bad, pad, pao抛/bao包, tao套/dao到 ,kao考/gao搞 A minimal pair(最小对立体)/ki:p/kip/ think/sink, man/men Phone and phoneme the phoneme /p/ in /pi:k/(voiceless stop),/s

9、pi:k/(voiced stop)./t/ top,stop, cotton,中华英语学习网 ,Allophones(音位变体): the phones representing a phoneme, but dont make a new word, or create a new meaning. pao/bao送气。但英语中speak dark /l/ or clear/l/ in the context leap,loaf/peel,tell,quilt, aspirated/p/or unaspirated/p/ in the context after /s/ and befor

10、e vowels are allophones of the phonemes/l/,/p/,中华英语学习网 ,Function loads relative importance of a speech sound in a language), 清/浊the phonemes voice(voice/voiceless)in pb,td, kg, fv, sz, tsdz pig/big, class/glass, ferry/very.送气/不送气the phoneme Aspiration(aspirated and unaspirated)in stop /speak. key/sk

11、i in Chinese the phonemes送气/不送气,such as pb,td,kg,qj, zc, zh-ch can be functional: ke/ge 科哥; pa-ba怕吧; ti-di替敌,kong-gong空工, qi-ji起鸡, chi-zhi吃指,ti-di提堤 buzi-puzi步子/铺子, tongshi-dongshi同事/董事, tuzi-duzi兔子/肚子, ketou-getou磕头/格斗,peitao-beitao配套/被套 ,tushu-dushu图书/读书, qipi-jipi漆皮/鸡皮, daitou-taidou泰斗/带头, chizhu

12、-zhizhu吃住/支柱,中华英语学习网 ,Segmental phonemes ( vowel and consonants) English has about 47 phonemes音位, with 20 vowels and 27 consonants. Chinese has 10 vowels and 22 consonants. Together 32 phonemes. 按声母(音节开头部分,21个)p,t, h, m,c, zh, ch, sh, r, f, h, x, sh, s, 韵母(音节声母后部分,39个) 单元音:a, o, e, e, i,u,u, 复元音:ai,

13、 ei, ao, ou, ai, ie, ua, uo, ue, iao, iou, uai, an, en, in, ain, uan, uen, ang, eng, ing, ong, iang, uang, ueng, iong, 声韵母组合:jiao huai xue sheng bing bu rong yi,中华英语学习网 ,Tone & intonation. Tone language字/声调 vs. intonation language语调. tone languageyi衣移椅义 jia家夹假价 ma妈麻马骂 mai 买卖埋, jiao 交胶郊娇 tan zhi 毯子瘫子

14、坛子探子 shi ye 失业实业始业事业,中华英语学习网 ,It can not only distinguish meaning, but part of speech. ban扳/板, kong空/控 ding钉,shu数,liang量, zhong种,dan担 But English only has intonation, The difference is tone to words, and intonation to sentences, the former is compulsory and can be functional, but the latter is optional and affect no meaning , only the emotion or attitude. Good afternoon Certainly How do you do Thank you Beautiful weather,


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