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1、Liang jia rui NO.31,tomb sweeping Festival,is one of the 24 solar terms. Click “when the 100-year-old asked,“ saying: “All things grow this time, are clean and bright and clean. So that the Ching Ming Festival.“ Clear and bright one that temperatures, rainfall increased, it is an excellent spring sp

2、ring planting season. And therefore, “afforestation, source is clear and bright“ in Nong Yan. However, as the Tomb Sweeping festival, with the pure solar terms is radically different Ching Ming Festival, also known as section hikers, which is the Gregorian calendar each year of the April 4 to 6 duri

3、ng the day, it was a lovely spring season, that people have spring tour (ancient called hikers) is a good time, so there is clear and bright outing of the ancients practices.,Introduction About Tomb Sweeping festival,tomb sweeping festival,Ching Ming Festival legend - About Cold Food Since the days

4、of the Ching Ming and the Cold Food close to the fire ban Cold Food grave folk days, gradually Cold Food and Qingming on the combined, while the Cold Food will serve both as a lucid another name, has become a practice for the Ching Ming Festival. Since then, Cold Food, Qingming has become a grand fe

5、stival for people nationwide. Every Cold Food, people that do not light a fire for cooking, eating cold foods. In the north, the people eat well in advance of the cold, such as jujube cake, wheat cake, etc.; in the south, is more for the Youth League and glutinous rice sugar lotus root. Each Qingmin

6、g, people wearing wicker compiled circle on his head, the willow branches inserted in around their houses, to show memory 。,Custom,Custom,清明 (唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 苏堤清明即事 ( 宋)吴惟信 梨花风起正清明,游子寻春半出城。 日暮笙歌收拾去,万株杨柳属流莺。,Poems,闾门即事 (唐)张继 耕夫召募爱楼船,春草青青万项田; 试上吴门窥郡郭,清明几处有新烟。 清明 (宋)王禹俏 无花无酒过清明,兴味萧然似野僧。 昨日邻家乞新火,晓窗分与读书灯。,couplets,燕子来时春社; 梨花落后清明。,春风重拂地; 佳节倍思亲。,三月光阴槐火换; 二分消息杏花知。,相逢马上纷桃雨; 喜见树前闹杏花。,thats all Thank you,


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