新7A Unit 7:Revision

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《新7A Unit 7:Revision》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新7A Unit 7:Revision(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 7 RevisionShopping,Learning aims:,In this lesson, you should be able to:,1 Know and use the words and phrases correctly.,2.Understand and use the key points correctly.,3. Understand Grammar and English sounds in this unit and use them correctly.,2.理解并正确运用本单元语言点。,1.掌握并运用本单元的单词、词组。,3.理解本单元语法、音标并

2、正确运用。,Read the books,Read the phrases on the paper,Key points,1 需要某人去做某事 为某人买某物圣诞节就要到了。对(做)感兴趣 花费 大部分的 贫困地区的孩子们,Key points,8 走很长一段路去学校 9 用去做某事 10 感谢你的帮助 11 试穿 12 一个会见朋友的好地方 13 有足够的钱去做某事 14 讨厌做某事 15 来自不同地区的食物 16 一双,Exercises,I need him _(搬运)these bags.2. She wants _ a gift _ her mother.(为买)3.The Spri

3、ng Festival _(就要到来).4.Tom is _ in music and _stories. (interest)5. She is interested in _(read) books.,to carry,to buy,for,is coming,interested,interesting,reading,6.This pair of jeans _(花费)me 100 yuan. 7.It _(花费) her an hour _ (finish) her work. 8.She _ (花费) 99 yuan on her shoes. 9.I _ (花费)10 yuan

4、_ (buy) a pen. 10._ _ _ _ ( 大部分孩子)are from Xuzhou._ _ are from Xuzhou.(同义句),Exercises,costs,takes,to finish,spends,spend,buying,Most,of,the,children,Most,children,Exercises,11.The children _ _ _ (贫困地区的)need some help. 12.I hate_ (eat) meat. 13. I _ _ _ _ _ school every day.(走很长一段路) 14.Millie _ her p

5、ocket money _ _ a teddy bear for Kate.(用买) 15.I like this pair of trainers. Can I _ _ _ (试穿)?,in,poor,areas,eating,walk,a,way,long,to,uses,to,buy,try,them,on,Exercises,16 Its a good place _ _ _.(娱乐)17 I dont have enough money _ _ (买) a computer for him.18 感谢你的帮助。Thanks for your _.Thanks for _ me. 19

6、 My jeans _(be) new. They look nice on me.,to,have,fun,to,buy,help,helping,are,Grammar,1 some any 肯定句用_ 否定句用_ some 用于疑问句表示_ any用于肯定句表示_ 2 there be _ 原则have has,some,any,任何一个,就近,主动提供或请求许可,1 There _(be) a pen and two books on the desk. 2 There _(be) two books and a pen on the desk. 3 There _(be) some

7、pocket money in the bag. 4 I _(有) an interesting book. 5 We dont have _(some) water in the bottle. 6 There isnt _(some) tea now. Would you like _(some) juice? 7 May I have _(some) water? 8 The question is very easy._ (some) student knows it.,Exercises,is,are,is,have,any,any,some,some,Any,p b k g t d

8、 f v m n l r w,English sounds,Exercises: 一 根据音标写单词,1 shopping 2 more 3 down 4 well 5 hate 6 wallet 7 money 8 bookshop 9 carry 10 CD 11 gift 12 maybe 13 sure 14 collect 15stamp 16 cost 17 cheap 18shopkeeper 19 last 20 pink 21 match 22 pretty 23 enough 24 change,25 item 26 paper 27 T-shirt 28 most 29

9、area 30 poor 31 pocket 32 size 33 pair/pear 34 another 35 price 36 expensive 37 fit 38 note 39 large 40 top 41 restaurant 42 no/know,二 选择,( ) 1 The coat _ my black trousers well. It _ me very well.A. matches ; matches B fits; fits C matches ; fits D fits; matches ( ) 2 I like the white shoes. Can I

10、_ ?A try it on B try on it C try them on D try on them ( )3 -Im hungry, mum. Could you let me have _ bread?- Yes. Help yourself.(请自便)A little B some C any D other ( ) 4 There isnt _ tea now. Would you like _ juice?A any; some B some ; any C any; any D some ;some ( ) 5 Mo Yan, a writer, _ to our scho

11、ol next week.A is come B come C comes D is coming,C,C,B,A,D,( )6 -_ there a pair of shoes under the bed? -Yes,_ the shoes yours, John?A Is ; are B Is ; is C Are; are D Are; is ( ) 7 _ of this years cards _ two yuan.A Every; cost B Every; costs C Each; cost D Each ; costs ( ) 8 -Could I have _ comic

12、books?- Sorry. I dont have _.A any; some B any; any C some ; some D some; any ( ) 9 There _ a story-book on Millies desk. I also _ one.A is ; have B has ; has C have; have D are; have ( ) 10 I want an iPad. But my parents say its price is too _.A much B cheap C high D expensive,A,D,D,A,C,( )11- Is S

13、uzhou a beautiful place?- Yes, its a good place _.A visit B to visit C visiting D visits ( )12 The film is _ and all of us are _ in it.A interest; interesting B interesting ; interest C interested; interesting D interesting; interested ( ) 13 Tony likes listening to music, but he hates _the violin.A play B is playing C playing D played ( ) 14 Jack is only 3 years old. He is not _to go to school.A young enough B old enough C enough old D enough young ( ) 15 -Could I have _ comic books?-Sorry. I dont have _.A any; some B any; any C some; some D some; any,



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